High-resolution stratigraphic correlation and biodiversity dynamics of Middle and Late Ordovician marine fossils from Baltoscandia and Poland

Sheets, H. David
Podhalanska, Teresa
statement of authorship
Goldman, Daniel, Sheets, H. David, Bergström, Stig M., Nõlvak, Jaak, Podhalańska, Teresa
GeoTirol 2016 : Annual Meeting DGGV, 25-28 September 2016, Innsbruck, Austria : abstract volume
location of publication
University of Innsbruck, Institute of Geology
year of publication
p. 87
conference name, date
Annual Meeting of DGGV and PANGEO GeoTirol 2016, 25-28 September, 2016
conference location
Innsbruck, Austria
TTÜ department
Goldman, D., Sheets, H.D., Bergström, S.M., Nõlvak, J., Podhalanska, T. High-resolution stratigraphic correlation and biodiversity dynamics of Middle and Late Ordovician marine fossils from Baltoscandia and Poland // GeoTirol 2016 : Annual Meeting DGGV, 25-28 September 2016, Innsbruck, Austria : abstract volume. Innsbruck : University of Innsbruck, Institute of Geology, 2016. p. 87. https://www.uibk.ac.at/geologie/geotirol2016-pangeo/images/abstractvolume.pdf