Old age civic exclusion and the symbolic discourses that underlie it

Torres, Sandra
Lowenstein, Ariela
Naim, Sigal
Villar, Feliciano
Larragy, Joe
Preoteasa, Anita
Rivits-Arkonsuo, Iivi
Topo, Päivi
statement of authorship
Prepared by: Sandra Torres, Ariela Lowenstein, Sigal Naim, Feliciano Villar, Joe Larragy, Anita Preoteasa, Iivi Rivits-Arkonsuo, Anu Leppiman and Päivi Topo on behalf of the ROSEnet Civic Exclusion Working Group
ROSEnet COST Action
year of publication
19 p
Knowledge Synthesis Series ; 4
ROSEnet Civic Exclusion Working Group, Knowledge Synthesis Series : No. 4. CA 15122 Reducing Old-Age Exclusion : Collaborations in Research and Policy
Bibliogr.: p. 14-18
TalTech department
Torres, S., Lowenstein, A., Naim, S., Villar, F., Larragy, J., Preoteasa, A., Riivits-Arkonsuo, I. Leppiman, A., Topo, P. Old age civic exclusion and the symbolic discourses that underlie it., : ROSEnet COST Action, 2017. 19 p. (Knowledge Synthesis Series ; 4). http://rosenetcost.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/civic-exclusion-synthesis-paper-final.pdf