Specific statistical properties of the strength of links and nodes of the Estonian network of payments

statement of authorship
Stephanie Rendón de la Torrea, Jaan Kalda, and Robert Kitt
journal volume number month
vol. 68, 3
year of publication
p. 235–243 : ill
Kokkuvõte: Eesti maksete võrgustiku sidemete ja sõlmpunktide statistilised eriomadused
Bibliogr.: 38 ref
Open Access
Open Access
scientific publication
category (general)
Rendón de la Torrea, S., Kalda, J., Kitt, R. Specific statistical properties of the strength of links and nodes of the Estonian network of payments // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 3, p. 235–243 : ill. https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2019.3.02