An assessment of riverine loads of nutrients to the Lake Peipsi

statement of authorship
P.Stalnacke, Ü.Sults, A.Vassiljev, B.Skakalsky, A.Botina, G.Roll, K.Pachel, T.Maltsman
Archiv für Hydrobiologie
journal volume number month
Suppl. E. 141
year of publication
p. 437-457
subject term
subject of location
Stalnacke, P., Sults, Ü., Vassiljev, A., Skakalsky, B., Botina, A., Roll, G., Pachel, K., Maltsman, T. An assessment of riverine loads of nutrients to the Lake Peipsi // Archiv für Hydrobiologie (2002) Suppl. E. 141, p. 437-457.