Geodetic SAR for height system unification and sea level research - observation concept and results in the Baltic Sea
Argen, Jonas
Nilfouroushan, Faramarz
statement of authorship
Thomas Gruber, Jonas Ågren, Detlef Angermann, Artu Ellmann, ChristophGisinger, Jolanta Nastula, Markku Poutanen, Marius Schlaak, FaramarzNilfouroushan, Sander Varbla, Ryszard Zdunek, Simo Marila, AndreasEngfeldt, Timo Saari, Anna Świątek, Xanthi Oikonomidou
year of publication
p. 78
conference name, date
Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy 2021, IAG 2021, June 28-July 2, 2021
conference location
Beijing, China
Open Access
open access
scientific publication
TalTech department
subject term
subject of location
Gruber, T., Ågren, J., Angermann, D., Ellmann, A., Gisinger, C., Nastula, J., Poutanen, M., Schlaak, M., Nilfouroushan, F., Varbla, S. et al. Geodetic SAR for height system unification and sea level research - observation concept and results in the Baltic Sea // Geodesy for a Sustainable Earth, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy : abstract book., 2021. p. 78, S1-067.