Mechanical properties and microstructure of reactive sintered WC-TiC-Co cemented carbides

statement of authorship
M. Tarraste, K. Juhani, J. Pirso, M. Viljus, S. Letunovitš
Proceedings of the 2012 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition
location of publication
year of publication
conference name, date
Powder Metallurgy World Congress PM2012, 14-18 October 2012
conference location
Yokohama, Japan
subject term
Tarraste, M., Juhani, K., Pirso, J., Viljus, M., Letunovitš, S. Mechanical properties and microstructure of reactive sintered WC-TiC-Co cemented carbides // Proceedings of the 2012 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition. [Yokohama], 2012.