Highly enantio- and diastereoselective generation of two quaternary centers in spirocyclopropanation of oxindole derivaties

Sucman, Natalia S.
Kabeshov, Mikhail A.
Macaev, Fliur Z.
statement of authorship
Artur Noole, Natalia S. Sucman, Mikhail A. Kabeshov, Tõnis Kanger, Fliur Z. Macaev and Andrei V. Malkov
journal volume number month
Vol. 18, No. 47
year of publication
p. 14929–14933 : ill
Bibliogr.: 30 ref
Noole, A., Sucman, N.S., Kabeshov, M.A., Kanger, T., Macaev, F.Z., Malkov, A.V. Highly enantio- and diastereoselective generation of two quaternary centers in spirocyclopropanation of oxindole derivaties // Chemistry : a European journal (2012) Vol. 18, No. 47, p. 14929–14933 : ill. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23112107/