Economic and legal aspects of the patent litigation in the European Union: developments and perspectives [Electronic resource]
statement of authorship
Ants Kukrus, Raul Kartus
location of publication
Berlin : Berliner Wissenchafts-Verlag GmbH ; Tallinn : Mattimar
year of publication
p. 69-91 : ill. [CD-ROM]
Bibliogr.: 40 ref
Tiitellehel rööppealkiri saksa ja inglise k.
Kokkuvõte: Patendivaidluste lahendamise majandus-õiguslikke küsimusi Euroopa Liidus: arengud ja perspektiivid, lk. 261-266
subject term
subject of location
European Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA)
Unified Patent Litigation System (UPLS)
European and European Union Patents Court (EEUPC)
Agreement on the European and Community Patents Court
European Union patent (EU patent)
European Court of Justice (ECJ)
Competitiveness Council
exclusive jurisdiction
court actions
Kukrus, A., Kartus, R. Economic and legal aspects of the patent litigation in the European Union: developments and perspectives [Electronic resource] // Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : majanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika. 1. Berlin : Berliner Wissenchafts-Verlag GmbH ; Tallinn : Mattimar, 2011. p. 69-91 : ill. [CD-ROM].*est