Antiepileptikumide kapillaarelektroforeetiline määramine inimese veresKuldvee, Ruth; Thormann, W.XXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 26th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2000 / lk. 70-71 Capillary electrophoresis of methyl-substituded phenols in acetonitrilePorras, Simo P.; Kuldvee, Ruth; Palonen, Sami; Riekkola, Marja-LiisaJournal of chromatography A2003 / p. 35-44 : ill Capillary electrophoresis of phenol and its methylsubstituted derivatives in acetonitrilePorras, Simo P.; Kuldvee, Ruth; Palonen, Sami; Riekkola, Marja-LiisaThe 13th International Symposium on Capillary Electroseparation Techniques, September 1-4, 2002, Helsinki : abstracts2002 / p. 91 Capillary zone electrophoresis of phenol and methylphenols at high pH in metanolPorras, Simo P.; Kuldvee, Ruth; Jussila, Matti; Palonen, Sami; Riekkola, Marja-LiisaJournal of separation science2003 / p. 857-862 : ill Computerized sampling in ion chromatography and in capillary electrophoresisKuldvee, Ruth1999*est Correlation and digital signal processing techniques for the reduction of detection limits of bromate and bromide in model water samples by ion chromatography with direct ultraviolet detectionKuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Smit, Henri C.Journal of chromatography A1997 / p. 247-257: ill Flow sampling in capillary electrophoresisKaljurand, Mihkel; Kuldvee, Ruth; Vunder, KadriJournal of capillary electrophoresis and microchip technology1999 / Issues 1AMP2, p. 7-11 : ill Flow sampling in CEKuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, Mihkel23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques HPLC'99 : May 30-June 4, 1999, Granada, Spain : book of abstracts. Volume I1999 / p. PA7/35 Head column field amplified sample stacking (HC-FASS) from the stream in CE using a computerized pneumatic sampling device. An alternative for decreasing the detection limits in CEKuldvee, Ruth; Kuban, Petr; Vunder, Kadri; Kaljurand, MihkelBalaton Symposium'99 on High-Performance Separation Methods : September 1-3, 1999, Siofok, Hungary : book of abstracts1999 / p. P-149 Head column field-amplified stacking from the flow : stabilization of the sample plug position by using backpressureKuldvee, Ruth; Kuban, Petr; Vunder, Kadri; Kaljurand, MihkelElectrophoresis2000 / 14, p. 2879-2885 : ill Heteroconjugation-based capillary electrophoretic separation of phenolic compounds in acetonitrile and propylene carbonateKuldvee, Ruth; Vaher, Merike; Koel, Mihkel; Kaljurand, MihkelElectrophoresis2003 / p. 1627-1634 : ill Improvement of signal-to noise ratio of electropherograms and analysis reproducibility with digital signal processing and multiple injectionsKuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Smit, H.C.HRC : Journal of high resolution chromatography1998 / p. 169-174: ill;2-B InstrumentaalanalüüsKaljurand, Mihkel; Kuldvee, Ruth1997*est Membraansüsteemiga kombineeritud kapillaarelektroforeesi seadme kasutamine biotehnoloogiliste protsesside monitooringuksEhala, Sille; Kuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, MihkelXXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 26th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2000 / lk. 27 Monitoring degradation processes of L-ascorbic acid in orange fruits and juices by capillary zone electrophoresis with a computerized pneumatic sampling deviceKuldvee, Ruth; Vunder, Kadri; Kaljurand, MihkelProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1999 / 3, p. 119-128 Monitoring of L-ascorbic acid's degradation processes in orange fruits and juices by capillary zone electrophoresis using a computerized pneumatic sampling deviceVunder, Kadri; Kuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, MihkelBalaton Symposium'99 on High-Performance Separation Methods : September 1-3, 1999, Siofok, Hungary : book of abstracts1999 / p. P-195 Non-aqueous capillary electrophoretic separation of polyphenolic compounds in wine using coated capillaries at high pH in methanolDemjanova, Z.; Siren, H.; Kuldvee, Ruth; Riekkola, Marja-LiisaElectrophoresis2003 / p. 4261-4271 Nonconventional samplers in capillary electrophoresisKuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, MihkelCritical reviews in analytical chemistry1999 / 1, p. 29-68: ill On-line coupling of a miniaturized bioreactor with capillary electrophoresis, via membrane interface, for monitoring the production of organic acids by microorganismsEhala, Sille; Vassiljeva, Irina; Kuldvee, Ruth; Vilu, Raivo; Kaljurand, MihkelFresenius journal of analytical chemistry2001 / 2, p. 168-173 Proovi voo sisestus kapillaarelektroforeesisKuldvee, RuthXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 62 Simultaneous preconcentration and separation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) using CE with AAS detectionKuldvee, Ruth; Viitak, Anu; Kaljurand, Mihkel15th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis HPCE, April 13-18, 2002, Stockholm : abstracts2002 / p. 266 Speciation of chromium using wide-bore capillary electrophoresis with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry detectionKuldvee, Ruth; Zaidentsal, Aleksei; Viitak, Anu; Treumann, Maili; Kaljurand, MihkelProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2004 / 2, p. 65-74 : ill Stacking from the sample stream in capillary electrophoresisKuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, MihkelChimia1998 / 7/8, p. 373 Stacking from the sample stream in CZE using a pneumatically driven computerized samplerKuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, MihkelAnalytical chemistry1998 / 17, September 1, p. 3695-3698: ill A study of the "injection" peak in ion chromatographyKuldvee, Ruth; Kaljurand, MihkelEuroanalysis IX : European Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Bologna (Italy), September 1-7, 1996 : [book of abstracts]1996 / p. Fr P 30 Süsteemipiik ioonkromatograafiasKuldvee, RuthXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 57-59 System peak in ion chromatographyKuldvee, RuthProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1995 / 2/3, p. 140-148