Operating center workers' skin diseases caused by disinfectants and antiseptics - disbeliefs and preventive measuresKalle, Sigrid; Pille, ViiveOEESC 2013 : 6th International conference on Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin to Chemicals, June 2-4, Amsterdam, The Netherlands : programme and abstract book2013 / [1] p Operating center workers' skin diseases caused by disinfectants and antiseptics - misbeliefs and preventive measures = Кожные заболевания у персонала процедурных центров, вызываемые антисептиками и дезинфекционными средствами: заблуждения и профилактикаKalle, Sigrid; Pille, ViiveBarents newsletter on occupational health and safety2012 / p. 10-13 : ill