Author correction: First crystal structure of an endo-levanase – the BT1760 from a human gut commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (8443), 10.1038/s41598-019-44785-0)Ernits, Karin; Eek, Priit; Lukk, Tiit; Visnapuu, Triinu; Alamäe, TiinaScientific reports2019 / art. 17512, 1 p. Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Co-metabolism of amino acids and polyfructans by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in defined mediaAdamberg, Signe; Tomson, Katrin; Vija, Heiki; Visnapuu, Triinu; Adamberg, Kaarel2014 ENGIHR Conference : The Gut Microbiota Throughout Life : Max Rubner-Institut, Karlsruhe (Germany), 24th-26th September2014 / [3] p. : ill Degradation of fructans and production of propionic acid by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron are enhanced by the shortage of amino acidsAdamberg, Signe; Tomson, Katrin; Vija, Heiki; Puurand, Marju; Kabanova, Natalja; Visnapuu, Triinu; Jõgi, Eerik; Alamäe, Tiina; Adamberg, KaarelFrontiers in nutrition2014 / p. 1-9 : ill Enzymatic synthesis and ways of further treatment of fructooligosaccharides and polymeric levan for prebiotic efficiency studiesMardo, Karin; Visnapuu, Triinu; Aasamets, Anneli; Viigand, Katrin; Bondarenko, Olesja; Vija, Heiki; Adamberg, Kaarel; Adamberg, Signe; Alamäe, TiinaNew biotechnology2016 / p. S122-S123 First crystal structure of a bacterial endo-levanaseErnits, Karin; Eek, Priit; Lukk, Tiit; Visnapuu, Triinu; Alamäe, TiinaFEBS3+ conference of Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian Biochemical Societies : abstract book : Riga, Latvia, 17-19 June 20192019 / p. 22 Levan enhances associated growth of Bacteroides, Escherichia, Streptococcus and Faecalibacterium in fecal microbiotaAdamberg, Kaarel; Tomson, Katrin; Talve, Tiina; Pudova, Ksenia; Puurand, Marju; Visnapuu, Triinu; Alamäe, Tiina; Adamberg, SignePLoS ONE2015 / p. 1-18 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Levansucrase Lsc3 as a feasible catalyst for the synthesis of novel prebioticsVisnapuu, Triinu; Aasamets, Anneli; Jõgi, Eerik; Metsla, Kati; Vija, Heiki; Adamberg, Signe; Alamäe, TiinaThe fourth Beneficial Microbes Conference : Beneficial impact of Pre- and Probiotics on Human and Animal Health : 16-18 March 2015, NH Atlantic, the Hague, the Netherlands2015 / [2] p Synthesis of raffinose-derived potential prebiotics by bacterial levansucrase and their effects on composition and metabolism of fecal microbiota of normal - and overweight childrenVisnapuu, Triinu; Ernits, Karin; Adamberg, Signe; Jaagura, Madis; Larionova, Anneli; Voor, Tiia; Adamberg, Kaarel; Alamäe, TiinaActa biochimica Polonica 4th Congress of Baltic Microbiologists : 10–12th September 2018, Gdańsk, Poland : book of abstracts2018 / p. 7-11 The study of fructan metabolism by fecal culture in isothermal microcalorimeterAdamberg, Kaarel; Tomson, Katrin; Visnapuu, Triinu; Adamberg, Signe2014 ENGIHR Conference : The Gut Microbiota Throughout Life : Max Rubner-Institut, Karlsruhe (Germany), 24th-26th September2014 / [3] p. : ill