Anisotropic and strain-dependent model of magnetostriction in electrical steel sheetsBelahcen, Anouar; Singh, Deepak; Rasilo, Paavo; Martin, Floran; Ghalamestani, Setareh Gorji; Vandevelde, LievenIEEE transactions on magnetics2015 / p. 200-204 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Contribution of Maxwell stress in air on the deformations of induction machinesFonteyn, Katarzyna Anna; Belahcen, Anouar; Rasilo, Paavo; Kouhia, Reijo; Arkkio, AnteroJournal of electrical engineering and technology2012 / p. 336-341 : ill Coupled magneto-mechanical analysis of iron sheets under biaxial stressAydin, U.; Rasilo, Paavo; Singh, Deepak; Lehikoinen, Antti; Belahcen, Anouar; Arkkio, AnteroIEEE transactions on magnetics2016 / art. 2000804, [4] p. : ill Coupled wave-equation and eddy-current model for modelling and measuring propagating stress-wavesPeussa, Tommi; Belahcen, AnouarArchives of electrical engineering2015 / p. 215-226 : ill Effect of Magnetic Forces and Magnetostriction on the Stator Vibrations of a Bearingless Synchronous Reluctance MotorMukherjee, Victor; Rasilo, Paavo; Martin, Floran; Belahcen, AnouarIEEE transactions on magnetics2019 / 4 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Effect of mechanical stress on magnetization and magnetostriction strain behavior of non-oriented Si-Fe steels at different directions and under pseudo-DC conditionsLahyaoui, Otmane; Lanfranchi, Vincent; Buiron, Nicolas; Martin, Floran; Aydin, Ugur; Belahcen, AnouarInternational journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics2019 / p. 299-312 Flexible identification procedure for thermodynamic constitutive models for magnetostrictive materialsRasilo, Paavo; Singh, Deepak; Jeronen, Juha; Aydin, Ugur; Martin, Floran; Belahcen, Anouar; Daniel, Laurent; Kouhia, ReijoProceedings of the Royal Society. A, Mathematical, physical & engineering sciences2019 / 21 p Influence of magnetic forces and magnetostriction on the vibration behavior of an induction motorSathyan, Sabin; Aydin, Ugur; Lehikoinen, Antti; Belahcen, Anouar; Vaimann, Toomas; Kataja, JuhaniInternational journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics2019 / p. 825-834 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Magneto-mechanical modeling of electrical steel sheetsAydin, Ugur; Rasilo, Paavo; Martin, Floran; Singh, Deepak; Daniel, Laurent; Belahcen, Anouar; Rekik, Mahmoud; Hubert, Olivier; Kouhia, Reijo; Arkkio, AnteroJournal of magnetism and magnetic materials2017 / p. 82-90 : ill Model for stress-dependent hysteresis in electrical steel sheets including orthotropic anisotropyRasilo, Paavo; Steentjes, S.; Belahcen, Anouar; Kouhia, Reijo; Hameyer, KayIEEE transactions on magnetics2017 / art. 2001004, 4 p. : ill Modeling of hysteresis losses in ferromagnetic laminations under mechanical stressRasilo, Paavo; Singh, Deepak; Aydin, U.; Martin, Floran; Kouhia, Reijo; Belahcen, Anouar; Arkkio, AnteroIEEE transactions on magnetics2016 / art. 7300204, [4] p. : ill