Alkoholiturunduse eneseregulatsioon Eestis : raport [Võrguväljaanne]Kõlvart, Merit; Rull, Addi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, Sandra2014 eContractual choreography-language properties towards cross-organizational business collaborationNorta, Alexander; Ma, Lixin; Duan, Yucong; Rull, Addi; Kõlvart, Merit; Taveter, KuldarJournal of Internet services and applications2015 / p. 1-23 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Smart contractsKõlvart, Merit; Poola, Margus; Rull, AddiThe future of law and eTechnologies2016 / p. 133-147