Adding waste paper to clay plaster to raise its ability to buffer moistureNutt, Nele; Kubjas, Ardo; Nei, LembitProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2020 / p. 179–185 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Air quality microbiological studies in straw bale and reed houses : poster abstractRaamets, Jane; Ruus, Aime; Ivask, Mari; Nei, LembitBiotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment2021 / S120 Artificial rope - wick roots improve the germination and establishment of tree speciesJärvis, Jüri; Ivask, Mari; Nei, LembitSeed science and technology2012 / p. 433-436 : ill Avati Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Tartu Kolledž : [10. septembril 2008 : direktor Lembit Nei kommentaariga]Nei, LembitMente et Manu2007 / 12. sept., lk. 1 : fot*est Avati TTÜ Tartu kolledž : [10. sept. 2007 : kolledži juhi Lembit Nei, TTÜ rektori Peep Sürje ja TTÜ arendusprorektori Andres Keevalliku kommentaaridega]Vähi, Kersti; Nei, Lembit; Sürje, Peep; Keevallik, AndresÕpetajate Leht2007 / 7. sept., lk. 12 Chemistry in college-level environmental science curriculaAlegria, Henry A.; Nei, LembitEuropean Scientific Journal2014 / p. 89-94 Composting studies in EstoniaHaiba, Egge; Nei, Lembit7th SETAC World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting : Orlando, Florida, 6-10 November 2016 : abstract book2016 / p. 29 Degradation of carbamazepine and triclosan in sewage sludge mixtures used for fertilizing agricultural soilsNei, Lembit; Haiba, Egge; Raamets, Jane; Herodes, KoitSoil science annual2024 / art. 189545 Degradation of diclofenac and triclosan residues in sewage sludge compostHaiba, Egge; Nei, Lembit; Kutti, Sander; Lillenberg, Merike; Herodes, Koit; Ivask, Mari; Kipper, Karin; Aro, Rein; Laaniste, A.Agronomy research2017 / p. 395-405 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Degradation of pharmaceutical and personal care products using sewage sludge compostingHaiba, Egge; Nei, LembitLINNAEUS ECO-TECH 2018 : International conference on natural sciences and technologies for waste and wastewater treatment remediation emissions related to climate environmental and economic effects : The Eleventh International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region, and the World : book of abstracts2018 / p. 125 Degradation studies of some pharmaceuticals present in Sewage SludgeNei, Lembit; Haiba, EggeSETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting : "Science-Based Solutions in Times of Crisis : Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges" : book of abstracts2024 / abs.: 3.20.P-Th357 Determination of antibiotic residues in sewage sludge by pressurized liquid extraction and LC-ESI-MSKipper, Karin; Lillenberg, Merike; Yurchenko, Sergei; Herodes, Koit; Pihl, Viljar; Sepp, Kalev; Lõhmus, Rünno; Nei, LembitNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 102 Domestic organic waste treatment through vermitechnologyIvask, Mari; Olle, Lilian; Nei, LembitWaste management & research2013 / p. 878 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Effect of green waste compost application on afforestation successJärvis, Jüri; Ivask, Mari; Nei, Lembit; Kuu, Annely; Luud, AarneBaltic forestry2016 / p. 90-97 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The impact and future of artificial intelligence in medical genetics and molecular medicine : an ongoing revolutionOzcelik, Firat; Dundar, Mehmet Sait; Yildirim, A. Baki; Henehan, Gary; Vicente, Oscar; Sanchez-Alcazar, Jose; Gokce, Nuriye; Yildirim, Duygu T.; Bingol, Nurdeniz Nalbant; Nei, LembitFunctional & integrative genomics2024 / art. 138 Indoor air microbiological quality in reed-bale and straw-bale houses in Estonia = Siseõhu mikrobioloogiline kvaliteet Eesti roo- ja põhupakist elamutesRaamets, Jane2020*est Innovatsioon keskkonnamõõtmises ühendab droonid ja vihmaussidIvask, Mari; Rüütli, Rinaldo; Lepasaar, Tiit; Nei, Lembit; Raamets, Jane; Kuu, AnnelyJälg2019 / lk. 52-58*est Keskkonda kuhjuvatest ravimijääkidest võib pakkuda väljapääsu kompostimineTraks, Kristinanovaator.err.ee2023 Keskkonda kuhjuvatest ravimijääkidest võib pakkuda väljapääsu kompostimine Lühiülevaade: Ravimijäägid reoveesettes ja nende lagunemine kompostimisel – viimase aastakümne uuringud EestisNei, Lembit; Haiba, Egge; Lillenberg, MerikeAgraarteadus = Journal of agricultural science2020 / p. 47-52 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Mould resistance of paper plaster made from cellulose-containing wasteRaamets, Jane; Nutt, Nele; Rudisaar, R; Nei, Lembit; Olle, MargitLatvian journal of physics and technical sciences2025 / p. 32-38 Novel approach to making environmentally-friendly plaster - moisture buffer value of plaster made of wastepaper and different gluesNutt, Nele; Nei, LembitLatvian journal of physics and technical sciences2024 Novel approaches to bioindication of heavy metals in soils contaminated by oil shale wastesNei, Lembit; Kruusma, J.; Ivask, Mari; Kuu, AnnelyOil shale2009 / 3, p. 424-431*est Novel technology for utilization of solid organic waste in recultivation of abandoned mining areas = Tehnoloogia väljatöötamine tahkete orgaaniliste jäätmete kasutamiseks endiste kaevandusalade rekultiveerimiselJärvis, Jüri2018*est On the degradation of metformin and carbamazepine residues in sewage sludge compostHaiba, Egge; Nei, Lembit; Herodes, Koit; Ivask, Mari; Lillenberg, MerikeAgronomy research2018 / p. 696-707 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus On the degradation of metformin and carbamazepine residues in sewage sludge compost [Online resource]Haiba, Egge; Nei, Lembit; Herodes, Koit; Ivask, Mari; Lillenberg, Merike9th International Conference "Biosystems Engineering 2018": 9–11 May, 2018, Estonia, Tartu : book of abstracts2018 / p. 26 On the degradation of some widely used pharmaceuticals during sewage sludge composting : poster abstractNei, Lembit; Haiba, Egge; Nei, Sandra VictoriaBiotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment2021 / S124 Optimization of sewage sludge composting : problems and solutions = Reoveesette kompostimistehnoloogiate optimeerimine ravimijääkide kahjutustamise eesmärgilHaiba, Egge2017*est Pharmaceuticals and sewage sludge compostNei, Lembit; Haiba, Egge; Lillenberg, Merike3rd International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management : 18-20 July, 2016, Rome, Italy : abstracts book2016 / p. 186-187 Preliminary assessment of afforestation of cutover peatland with spot application of sewage sludge compostJärvis, Jüri; Ivask, Mari; Nei, Lembit; Kuu, Annely; Haiba, EggeBaltic forestry2017 / p. 644-657 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Raskmetalli-ioonide määramine vihmaussidest kui mulla keskkonnakeemilise seisundi bioindikaatoritestKruusma, J.; Ivask, Mari; Nei, LembitXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 60-61 Ravimijäägid looduskeskkonnasLillenberg, Merike; Haiba, Egge; Nei, LembitEesti Loodus2012 / lk. 71-75 : ill*est Reoveesette sobivusest põlluväetiseksLillenberg, Merike; Haiba, Egge; Nei, LembitKeskkonnatehnika2011 / 8, lk. 16-18 : ill Reoveesettest valmistatud komposti peab hoolega kontrollimaNei, Lembit; Lillenberg, MerikeKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 7, lk. 12-13 : ill*est Richard Compton: Thought leader, educator and Bon ViveurEklund, John; Nei, LembitJournal of electroanalytical chemistry2020 / art. 114279, p. 1−3 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Sewage sludge - a nutrient-rich fertilizer or hazardous waste?Nei, Lembit; Lillenberg, Merike; Haiba, EggeInnovaatilised lahendused ja säästvad tehnoloogiad : konverents 20102010 / p. 17-21 : ill Sewage sludge composting and fate of pharmaceutical residues - recent studies in EstoniaHaiba, Egge; Nei, Lembit; Ivask, Mari; Järvis, Jüri; Lillenberg, Merike; Kipper, Karin; Herodes, KoitAgronomy research2016 / p. 1583-1600 : ill*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Sewage sludge composting and pharmaceuticalsHaiba, Egge; Nei, LembitEuropean scientific journal2017 / p. 114-121 : ill Sewage sludge composting and pharmaceuticalsHaiba, Egge; Nei, Lembit7th International Scientific Forum, ISF 2017 : 7-9 February, Oxford, UK : proceedings2017 / p. 114-121 Sewage sludge, pharmaceuticals and compostingNei, Lembit; Haiba, EggeJournal of biotechnology2019 / p. S33 Simultaneous determination of fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides originating from sewage sludge compostKipper, Karin; Lillenberg, Merike; Herodes, Koit; Nei, Lembit; Haiba, EggeThe scientific world journal2017 / art. 9254072, 8 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Siseõhu kvaliteet põhu- ja pilliroopakkidest seintega elumajadesRaamets, Jane; Ruus, Aime; Ivask, Mari; Nei, Lembit; Muoni, KarinAgraarteadus = Journal of agricultural science2020 / lk. 84–95 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Sissejuhatus keskkonnakeemiasseNei, Lembit; Koorits, Aksel2005*est Soil invertebrates in semi-coke heaps of Estonian oil shale industryKalda, Kai; Ivask, Mari; Kutti, Sander; Kuu, Annely; Meriste, Mart; Nei, Lembit; Peda, Jane; Raukas, AntoOil shale2015 / p. 82-97 : ill*est Sulfoonamiidide ja fluorokinoloonide akumuleerumine mullast taimedesseLillenberg, Merike; Kipper, Karin; Herodes, Koit; Astover, Alar; Toomsoo, Avo; Anton, Dea; Nei, LembitAgraarteadus = Journal of agricultural science2023 / p. 9-17 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 5 aastat Tartus : [TTÜ Tartu Kolledži tegevusest]Nei, LembitMente et Manu2010 / lk. 2 : fot*est Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Tartus : Säästva Tehnoloogia Instituudist sai Tartu KolledžNei, LembitTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20072008 / lk. 160-161 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Tartus : [Tartus loodi 2005. a. 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Mida näitavad uuringud Eestis?Meitern, Annika Joy; Nei, Lembit; Veverson, Brigittaohtuleht.ee2024 Üha enam riike keelustab e-sigarette. Mida näitavad uuringud Eestis? Ülikooli asutused : [TTÜ Geoloogia Instituut ; TTÜ Küberneetika Instituut ; TTÜ Meresüsteemide Instituut ; TTÜ Kuressaare Kolledž ; TTÜ Tartu Kolledž ; TTÜ Tehnomeedikum ; TTÜ Sertifitseerimisasutus]Soesoo, Alvar; Penjam, Jaan; Elken, Jüri; Keerberg, Anne; Nei, Lembit; Meigas, Kalju; Laur, ToomasTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 314-327 Ülikooli asutused : [TTÜ Geoloogia Instituut ; TTÜ Küberneetika Instituut ; TTÜ Meresüsteemide Instituut ; TTÜ Kuressaare Kolledž ; TTÜ Tartu Kolledž ; TTÜ Tehnomeedikum ; TTÜ Sertifitseerimisasutus]Soesoo, Alvar; Penjam, Jaan; Elken, Jüri; Nei, Lembit; Keerberg, Anne; Meigas, Kalju; Laur, ToomasTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20072008 / lk. 297-310 Ülikooli asutused : [TTÜ Geoloogia Instituut ; TTÜ Küberneetika Instituut ; TTÜ Meresüsteemide Instituut ; TTÜ Säästva Tehnoloogia Instituut ; TTÜ Kuressaare Kolledž ; TTÜ Tehnomeedikum ; TTÜ Sertifitseerimisasutus]Soesoo, Alvar; Penjam, Jaan; Elken, Jüri; Nei, Lembit; Keerberg, Anne; Meigas, Kalju; Laur, ToomasTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20062007 / lk. 276-290*est