Adapting to climate change in Sami reindeer herding : the nation-state as problem and solutionReinert, Erik S.; Aslaksen, Iulie; Eira, Inger; Mathiesen, Svein; Reinert, Hugo; Turi, EllenAdapting to climate change : thresholds, values, governance2009 / p. 417-432 Bagaimana negara kaya menjadi kaya ... dan mengapa negara miskin kekal miskin = How rich countries got rich ... and why poor countries stay poorReinert, Erik S.2016 A brief introduction to Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff (1626-1692)Reinert, Erik S.European journal of law and economics2005 / 3, p. 221-230 Cameralism and the German tradition of development economicsReinert, Erik S.; Rössner, Philipp R.Handbook of alternative theories of economic development2016 / p. 63-86 Carlota Perez - her biography and the origins of her ideasReinert, Erik S.; Sagalovsky, BenjaminTechno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez2009 / p. 395-406 Classical development economists of the mid-twentieth centuryKattel, Rainer; Kregel, Jan Allan; Reinert, Erik S.Handbook of alternative theories of economic development2016 / p. 336-351 : ill Como os países ricos ficaram ricos... e por que os países pobres continuam pobresReinert, Erik S.2016*est Creative destruction in economicsReinert, Erik S.; Reinert, HugoNew Nietzsche studies2015 / p. 1-23 Creative destruction in economics : Nietzsche, Sombart, SchumpeterReinert, Erik S.; Reinert, HugoFriedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) : economy and society2006 / p. 55-85 Creative destruction management in Central and Eastern Europe: meeting the challanges of the techno-economic paradigm shiftDrechsler, Wolfgang; Backhaus, Jürgen G.; Burlamaqui, Leonardo; Chang, Ha-Joon; Kalvet, Tarmo; Kattel, Rainer; Kregel, Jan Allan; Reinert, Erik S.Creative destruction management : meeting the challenges of the techno-economic paradigm shift2006 / p. 15-30 Daniel Raymond (1820) : a US economist who inspired Friedrich List, with notes on other forerunners of List from the English-speaking peripheryReinert, Erik S.Taking up the challenge! : festschrift for Jürgen Backhaus2015 / p. 517-536 Debates on capitalism and industrial policyReinert, Erik S.Fagbladet : the journal of Norwegian Union of municipal and general employees2005 / ? p Development and social goals : balancing aid and development to prevent 'Welfare Colonialism' in post autistic economics reviewReinert, Erik S.DESA working paper2006 / p. 45-67 Economics and the public sphere : the rise of esoteric knowledge, refeudalization, crisis and renewalReinert, Erik S.Transformation and renewal, social science2012 Economics and the public sphere [Electronic resource]Reinert, Erik S.2012 80 economic bestsellers before 1850 : a fresh look at the history of economic thought [Online resource]Reinert, Erik S.; Carpenter, Kenneth; Reinert, Fernanda A.; Reinert, Sophus A.2017 En styrket industryReinert, Erik S.Utfordringer og muligheter 2005-2009 : notat fra Norge 2015 - tenkeloft for en ny kurs2005 / ? p Epilogue : the future of economic development between utopias and dystopiasReinert, Erik S.; Endresen, Sylvi; Ianos, Ioan; Saltelli, AndreaHandbook of alternative theories of economic development2016 / p. 738-786 : ill Erik Reinert: eurole üleminek oli viga : [intervjuu TTÜ professoriga]Tigasson, Külli-Riin; Reinert, Erik S.Eesti Päevaleht2013 / lk. 10*est Euroopa Liidu perifeeria primitiveerumine. Tähtsate teadmiste kaotsiminekReinert, Erik S.Vikerkaar2013 / lk. 78-91 : tab European eastern enlargement as Europe's attempted economic suicide?Kattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.2007 European Union 2005 : what went wrong? European integration, innovations and uneven economic growthReinert, Erik S.The future of the information society in Europe : contributions to the debate2006 / p. 127-152 Evolusjonaer teori, naeringspolitikk og okonomisk vekstReinert, Erik S.ROST : okonomisk teory og praksis2005 / p. 43-53 Failed and asymmetrical integration : the Baltics and the non-financial origins of the European crisisKattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.The contradictions of austerity : the socio-economic costs of the neoliberal Baltic model2014 / p. 64-86 : ill Financial crisis and countermovements : comparing the times and attidudes of Marriner Eccles (1930s) and Mario Draghi (2010s)Reinert, Erik S.Contributions to economic theory, policy, development and finance : essays in honor of Jan A. Kregel2014 / p. 319-344 : ill Finantsmaailm mängib turgudel nagu varemgi : [20. mail esilinastus kinos Sõprus viimase üleilmse finants- ja majanduskriisi põhjusi lahkav dokumentaalfilm "Kui mullid lõhkevad", millele järgnes Rainer Katteli juhitud diskussioon : teiste seas osales ka Erik Reinert TTÜst]Sepp, Andreas; Kattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.Sirp2013 / lk. 3-5 : fot Five ways to ensure that models serve society: a manifestoSaltelli, Andrea; Bammer, Gabriele; Bruno, Isabelle; Reinert, Erik S.Nature2020 / p. 482−484 Geography, uneven development and population density : attempting a non-ethnocentric approach to developmentReinert, Erik S.; Chafik, Salah; Zhao, XuanA modern guide to uneven economic development2023 / p. 46–70 German economics as development economics : from the thirty years war to World War IIReinert, Erik S.; Jomo, K.S.Origins of economic development2005 / ? p Giovanni Botero (1588) and Antonio Serra (1613) : Italy and the birth of development economicsReinert, Erik S.Handbook of alternative theories of economic development2016 / p. 3-41 : ill Globaalne majandus : kuidas rikkad rikkaks said ja miks vaesed üha vaesemaks jäävadReinert, Erik S.2013 Global Okonomi : hvordan de rike ble rike og hvorfor fattige blir fattigereReinert, Erik S.2005 Global okonomy : hvordan de rike ble rike og hvorfor fattige blir fattigere : [Serbian translation]Reinert, Erik S.2006 Handbook of alternative theories of economic development2016 How rich countries got rich ... and why poor countries stay poorReinert, Erik S.2007*est How rich countries got rich ... and why poor countries stay poorReinert, Erik S.2008*est How rich nations got rich : essays in the history of economic policyReinert, Erik S.2004 Impact assessment culture in the European Union. Time for something new?Saltelli, Andrea; Kuc-Czarnecka, Marta; Piano, Samuele Lo; Lőrincz, Máté János; Olczyk, Magdalena; Puy, Arnald; Reinert, Erik S.; Smith, Stefán Thor; van der Sluijs, Jeroen P.Environmental Science and Policy2023 / p. 99 - 111 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Industrial restructuring and innovation policy in Central and Eastern Europe since 1990Kattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.; Suurna, MargitLearning, knowledge and innovation policy : policy challenges for the 21st century2012 Industrial restructuring and innovation policy in Central and Eastern Europe since 1990 [Electronic resource]Kattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.; Suurna, Margit2009 Institutionalism ancient, old, and new : a historical perspective on institutions and uneven developmentReinert, Erik S.Institutional change and economic development2007 / p. 53-74 IntroductionReinert, Erik S.; Viano, Francesca LidiaThorstein Veblen : economist for an age of crisis2012 / p. 1-15 IntroductionReinert, Erik S.; Ghosh, Jayati; Kattel, RainerHandbook of alternative theories of economic development2016 / p. xiii-xxxvi : ill Introduction : Carlota Perez and evolutionary economisKattel, Rainer; Drechsler, Wolfgang; Reinert, Erik S.Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez2009 / p. 1-18 IT-Fornebu - Naeringspolitikk og skiftende virkelighetsforstaelseReinert, Erik S.Plan : Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, bylan g reginal utvikling2005 / p. 34-39 Kriis alles algab : [20. mail esitles TTÜ Ragnar Nurkse innovatsiooni ja valitsemise instituudi külalisprofessor Erik Reinert oma raamatu "Globaalne majandus: kuidas rikkad rikkaks said ja miks vaesed üha vaesemks jäävad" eestikeelset tõlget : intervjuu]Reinert, Erik S.; Kattel, RainerSirp2013 / lk. 4-5 : fot*est Mechanisms of financial crises in growth and collapse : Hammurabi, Schumpeter, Perez, and Minsky [Electronic resource]Reinert, Erik S.2012 Mercantilism and economic development : schumpeterian dynamics, institution building and international benchmarkingReinert, Erik S.; Jomo, K.S.Origins of economic development2005 / ? p Mercantilism and economic development Schumpetrian dynamicsReinert, Erik S.; Reinert, S.Institution building and international benchmarking2006 / p. 1-23 A modern guide to uneven economic development2023 Neo-classical economics : a trail of economic destruction since the 1970sReinert, Erik S.Real-world economics review2012 / p. 2-17 : ill Primitivization of the EU periphery : the loss of relevant knowledgeReinert, Erik S.Informationen zur Raumentwicklung2013 Production-based economic theory and the stages of economic development : from tacitus to Carlota PerezReinert, Erik S.Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez2009 / p. 333-371 Ragnar Nurkse : trade and developmentKattel, Rainer; Kregel, Jan Allan; Reinert, Erik S.2009*est Ragnar Nurkse (1907-2007) : classical development economics and its relevance for todayKattel, Rainer; Kregel, Jan Allan; Reinert, Erik S.2009*est Renewables, manufacturing and green growth : energy strategies based on capturing increasing returnsMathews, John A.; Reinert, Erik S.Futures2014 / p. 13-22 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Riigi roll majanduskasvusReinert, Erik S.Teadmistepõhine riik ja majandus : artiklikogumik2004 / lk. 37-83 : ill Saami reindeer pastoralism under climatic change : applying a generalised framework for vulnerability studies to a sub-arctic social-ecological systemTyler, N.J.C.; Turi, J.M.; Reinert, Erik S.Global environmental change2007 / 2, p. 191-206 State failure, poverty and productive structureReinert, Erik S.; Kattel, Rainer; Amaizo, Yves EkoueStrategies against poverty : designs from the North and alternatives from the South. 1 ed2011 / p. 325-347 Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota PerezDrechsler, Wolfgang; Kattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.2009*est Teoretisk utvikling : om okonomifaget, frihandel og fattigdomReinert, Erik S.Okonomisk apartheid - nyliberalismens verdensorden2006 / p. 43-56 The developmental state entry in McCuskerReinert, Erik S.History of world trade since 14502005 / ? p The economics of failed, failing and fragile states : productive structure as the missing link [Electronic resource]Kattel, Rainer; Amaizo, Yves Ekoue; Reinert, Erik S.2009 The economics of failed, failing, and fragile states : productive structure as the missing linkReinert, Erik S.; Amaizo, Yves Ekoue; Kattel, RainerTowards new developmentalism : market as means rather than master2010 / p. 59-68 The origins of development economics. How schools of economic thought have adressed developmentJomo, K.S.; Reinert, Erik S.2005 The other canon and uneven growth : the activity-specific elements of economic developmentReinert, Erik S.Reimagining growth2005 / ? p The other canon of economics : a selection of essays on evolutionary development economicsReinert, Erik S.; Genliang, J.2006 The qualitative shift in European integration : towards permanent wage pressures and a "Latin-Americanization" of Europe? [Online resource]Reinert, Erik S.; Kattel, Rainer2004 The relevance of Ragnar Nurkse and classical development economicsKattel, Rainer; Kregel, Jan Allan; Reinert, Erik S.Ragnar Nurkse (1907-2007) : classical development economics and its relevance for today2009 / p. 1-28 The relevance of Ragnar Nurkse and classical development economics [Electronic resource]Kattel, Rainer; Kregel, Jan Allan; Reinert, Erik S.2009 The role of the state in Economic growthReinert, Erik S.; Geoffrey, M.Modern reader in institutional and evolutionary economics : key concepts2005 / p. 220-290 The technique is never neutral. How methodological choices condition the generation of narratives for sustainabilitySaltelli, Andrea; Benini, Lorenzo; Funtowicz, Silvio; Giampietro, Mario; Kaiser, Matthias; Reinert, Erik S.; van der Sluijs, Jeroen P.Environmental science & policy2020 / p. 87-98 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS 33 economic bestsellers published before 1750Reinert, Erik S.; Reinert, Fernanda A.European journal of the history of economic thought2018 / p. 1206–1263 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Thorstein Veblen : economist for an age of crisis2012 Towards a better understanding of convergence and divergence : or, how the present EU strategy - at the expense of the economic periphery - neglects the theories that once made Europe successful [Online resource]Reinert, Erik S.2017 Towards an Austro-German theory of uneven economic development? A plea for theorising by inclusionReinert, Erik S.Review of Austrian economics2007 / 2/3, p. 155-170 Veblen's contexts : Valdres, Norway and Europe; filiations of economics; and economics for an age of crisisReinert, Erik S.Thorstein Veblen : economist for an age of crisis2012 / p. 17-50 : ill Как богатые страны стали богатыми, и почему бедные страны остаются бедными = How rich countries got rich ... and why poor countries stay poorReinert, Erik S.2015*est