Currents of the Gulf of Finland: instrumental measurements and numerical hydrodynamic modelingSukhachev, V.; Zakharchuk, E.; Lips, Urmas; Tikhonova, N.; Suhhova, IrinaFrom small scales to large scales - The Gulf of Finland Science Days 2017, 9th-10th October 2017, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn : Oral presentations2017 / p. 62 A descriptive analysis of the linkage between the vertical stratification and current oscillations in the Gulf of FinlandSuhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, UrmasBoreal environment research2018 / p. 83-103 : ill*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A descriptive analysis of the linkage between the vertical stratification and current oscillations in the Gulf of Finland [Online resource]Suhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, Urmas2nd Baltic Earth Conference The Baltic Sea in Transition : Helsingør, Denmark, 11 to 15 June 2018 : conference proceedings2018 / p. 168-169 : ill Estuarine circulation reversals and related rapid changes in winter near-Bottom oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaLiblik, Taavi; Laanemets, Jaan; Raudsepp, Urmas; Elken, Jüri; Suhhova, IrinaOcean Science2013 / p. 917 - 930 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Linkage between the vertical stratification and current oscillations in the Gulf of FinlandSuhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, UrmasThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 244 Linking the development of stratification with the variability of velocity profiles in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Liblik, Taavi; Suhhova, Irina; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Laanemets, JaanAbstracts : [BSSC 2019]2019 / p. 154!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf A multiplexed FBG based sensor platform for flow and temperature measurements in the Baltic SeaDzipalski, A.; Morton, J. A. S.; Papachristou, N.; Maier, R. R. J.; MacPherson, W. N.; Ristolainen, Asko; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Reilent, E.; Suhhova, Irina; Lips, UrmasProceedings of SPIE2023 / art. 1264307-1 : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus A multiplexed reconfigurable modular FBG-based sensor platform for flow and temperature measurements in the North SeaDzipalski, Adrian; Morton, Jonathan A. S.; Papchristou, Nikolitsa; Maier, Robert R. J.; MacPherson, William N.; Ristolainen, Asko; Reilent, Enar; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Wolf, Ben J.; Pirih, Primoz; Van Netten, Sietse M.; Suhhova, Irina; Lips, Urmas; McFarlane, Nathan; MacLeod, Robert; Hendry, Mark; Sheehy, Jack; Almoghayer, Mohammed; Rojas, Natalia; Davies, GarethProceedings of SPIE2024 / 6 p Observed flow variability along the thalweg, and on the coastal slopes of the Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaLilover, Madis-Jaak; Elken, Jüri; Suhhova, Irina; Liblik, TaaviEstuarine, coastal and shelf science2017 / p. 23-33 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS On the turbidity dynamics in the near-bottom layer of the Gulf of FinlandBuschmann, Fred; Suhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 16 Seasonal near-shore nutrients load in Tallinn Bay coming from storm water outletsErm, Ants; Buschmann, Fred; Maljutenko, Ilja; Meerits, Aet; Suhhova, Irina10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 230 Statistics of deep estuarine circulation vs reverse estuarine circulation in the Gulf of FinlandLilover, Madis-Jaak; Elken, Jüri; Suhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi1st Baltic Earth Conference Multiple Drivers for Earth System Changes in the Baltic Sea Region : Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania, 13-17 June 2016 : conference proceedings2016 / p. 21-22 : ill Structure and variability of currents in the stratified Gulf of Finland = Hoovuste muutlikkus ja struktuur stratifitseeritud Soome lahesSuhhova, Irina2018*est Variability of stratification and currents at the submesoscale detected from CTD and current profiles in the central Gulf of FinlandLilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, Taavi; Suhhova, Irina; Väli, GermoBoreal Environment Research2025 Wind-driven residual circulation and related oxygen and nutrient dynamics in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) in winterLips, Urmas; Laanemets, Jaan; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Suhhova, Irina; Suursaar, ÜloEstuarine, coastal and shelf science2017 / p. 4-15 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Wintertime reversals of estuarine circulation and related changes in oxygen and nutrient conditions in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Laanemets, Jaan; Elken, Jüri; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Raudsepp, Urmas; Suhhova, Irina; Buschmann, Fred; Suursaar, Ülo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 94