Numerical simulation of unidirectional irregular nonlinear waves in the basin of intermediate depthSlunyaev, Alexey; Sergeeva, Anna; Didenkulova, IrinaGeophysical research abstracts2016 / p. EGU2016-3303 Rogue events in spatiotemporal numerical simulations of unidirectional waves in basins of different depthSlunyaev, Alexey; Sergeeva, Anna; Didenkulova, IrinaNatural hazards2016 / p. S549-S565 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Runup of long irregular waves on plane beachDidenkulova, Irina; Pelinovsky, Efim; Sergeeva, AnnaExtreme ocean waves. 2nd ed2016 / p. 141-153 : ill Tsunami evolution and run-up in a large scale experimental facilitySriram, Venkatachalam; Didenkulova, Irina; Sergeeva, Anna; Schimmels, StefanCoastal engineering2016 / p. 1-12 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Экспериментальное исследование воздействия волн на прибрежные сооружения при экстремальных наводненияхRodin, Artem; Didenkulov, Oleg; Sergeeva, Anna; Didenkulova, IrinaXXII Международная научно-техническая конференция "Информационные системы и технологии" ИСТ-2016 : посвященная 80-летию РТФ-ФРК-ФИСТ-ИРИТ2016 / с. 421