An academic unit and a journal : TalTech Law School and its publishing activityKerikmäe, TanelThe First Eurasian Forum of editors of scientific journals: "East - West: Authority And Potential", Baku at Khazar University, Kazakhstan, 16-17 March 20232023 / p. [?] An academic unit and a journal : TalTech Law School and its publishing activity Access to higher education in the EU : evolving case law of the CJEUKäsper, Kari; Kerikmäe, TanelEuropean journal of law reform2012 / p. 399-413 Adolescence of European lawyer : promoting legal education through Eastern partnershipKerikmäe, TanelInternational Jean Monnet Conference "EU Eastern Partnership - from Capacities to Excellence : Strengthening Research, Regional and Innovation Policies in the Context of Horizon 2020" : 11-13 June, 2014, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia2014 The adoption of regulation Brussels I recast : analysis of the introduced changesAlavi, Hamed; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Khamichonak, TatsianaEuropean studies : the review of European law, economics and politics2015 / p. 107-116 Akadeemiline eetika - ülikooli jätkusuutlikkuse ja autonoomia nurgakiviKerikmäe, TanelMente et Manu2021 / lk. 38-39 : portr Mente et Manu 1/2021*est Akadeemiline eetika - ülikooli jätkusuutlikuse ja autonoomia nurgakiviKerikmäe, Taneltaltech.ee2021 Alkoholiturunduse eneseregulatsioon Eestis : raport [Võrguväljaanne]Kõlvart, Merit; Rull, Addi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, Sandra2014 Am fost acasă la primul judecător-robot al lumii! În Estonia, cele mai simple procese civile sunt tranșate de inteligența artificială „Doar 10% din cazuri sunt contestate de om”Archip, AndreeaLibertatea2019 / phot La ampliación griega y el caso de GroenlandiaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 64-69 Applying reflexive-adaptive law for safeguarding the European Union’s Security of gas supply during the transition era = Refleksiivse-kohanduva õiguse rakendamine Euroopa Liidu gaasitarnekindluse tagamiseks üleminekuperioodilKeypour, Javad2024*est Article 30 [Prohibition of New Customs Duties or Charges Having Equivalent Effect]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 / p. 711-718 Article 31 [Common Customs Tariff]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 Article 32 [Principles for Commission Duties]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 Article 33 [Customs Cooperation]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, Sandra; Hamulak, OndrejTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 / p. 733-736 Article 139 TFEU on derogations for member states without euroRoots, Lehte; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 139-1-139-9 Article 140 TFEU procedure for the member states with derogation to join the euroRoots, Lehte; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 140-1-140-9 Article 141 TFEU on member states with a derogationJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 141-1-141-2 Article 142 TFEU on the exchange-rate policyJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 142-1-142-2 Article 143 TFEU on the balance of payments of member states with a derogationJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 143-1-143-9 Article 144 TFEU on protective measures in a sudden crisisRoots, Lehte; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 144-1-144-10 Artificial intelligence and the GDPR : Inevitable nemeses?Kesa, Aleksandr; Kerikmäe, TanelTalTech journal of European studies2020 / p. 68-90*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The Asian experience for Europe : new perspectivesVernygora, Vlad Alex; Holland, Martin; Chaban, Natalia; Kerikmäe, TanelBaltic journal of European studies2019 / p. 3-5*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Az e-polgárság mint a virtuális migráció eszköze ÉsztországbanKerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, Sandra; Kasper, AgnesInformációs társadalom2016 / o. 8-31 The August 2008 Russian-Georgian war : issues of international lawKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Põder, Mari-LiisBaltic yearbook of international law. Vol. 10 (2010)2011 / p. 1-27 Austria, Finlandia y Suecia se convierten en miembros de la Comunidad. El caso noruego y el caso suizoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 75-83 Automated decision-making in Estonian public sector : innovation, regulation, and challenges about non-dicriminationKerikmäe, Tanel; Joamets, Kristi; Metin, EbruEuropean digital regulation and its impact on member-states2025 Autonoomsed intelligentsed tehnoloogiad ja õigusruum : ettekanneKerikmäe, TanelEesti Krati tegevuskava koostamise lõpuseminar, TalTech, 28.05.20192019 / 18 l Autonoomsete intelligentsete tehnoloogiate kasutamisega seotud küsimuste reguleerimiseks vajalike õigusloome probleemide tuvastamine ja lahendusettepanekute tegemine : II etapi aruanneKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Tehver, Jaanus; Hoffmann, Thomas; Taveter, Kuldar; Liiv, Innar; Pärn-Lee, Evelin; Salumaa-Lepik, Kärt vt. ka Salumaa, Kärt; Antonov, Alexander; Rozeik, Helena2019 Autonoomsete intelligentsete tehnoloogiate kasutamisega seotud õiguslikud küsimusedKerikmäe, Tanel; Tehver, Jaanuskratid.ee2019 / 16 lk Baltic journal of European studies2019*est*est Baltic journal of European studies2018*est Baltic journal of European studies2019*est*est Baltic journal of European studies2019*est*est Baltic journal of European studies2019*est*est Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 5, No. 1(18)2015*est Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 5, No. 2(19)2015*est Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 6, No. 1(20)2016 Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 6, No. 2(21)2016*est Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 7, No. 1(22)2017*est Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 7, no. 2(23)2017*est Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 8, no. 2(25)2018*est Baltic Journal of European Studies The Baltic States in the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Atallah, MaxOxford research encyclopedia : politics2018 / p. 1–27 The Baltic States in the European UnionKerikmäe, TanelOxford research encyclopedia : politics2016 / [2] p Book reviews : The politics of encounter : urban theory and protest under planetary urbanization; Elections to the European Parliament as a challenge for democracy; and Transformations in Central Europe between 1989 and 2012 : geopolitical, cultural, and socioeconomic shiftsStramskas, Arnoldas; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Martinkus, AndriusBaltic journal of law & politics2013 / p. 149-166 Bram Delvaux, EU law and development of a sustainable, competitive and secure energy policy. Opportunities and shortcomings. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2013. 446 pages. ISBN: 978-1-78068-064-4. EUR 149 : book reviewKerikmäe, TanelCommon market law rewiew2014 / p. 1044-1045 Brexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 The British rebate and the single European act: Pplitical ramifications of an economic reformKeedus, Liisi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Ramiro Troitino, DavidBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 141-151 Building Europe in a Time of Deconstruction and DestructionTroitino, David Ramiro; Perez Sanchez, Guillermo A.; Martin de la Guardia, Ricardo; Kerikmäe, TanelInternational Society and Europeanism : The Countries of Eastern Europe2025 / p. 1-7 Catalonia, Spain and the European Union : a quest for legitimacyRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelTrames2021 / p. 3-18 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Challenges in the e-health regulatory policy [Online resource]Sogomonjan, Melita; Kerikmäe, Tanel5th International Conference of PhD Students and Young Researchers : How Deep is your Law? Brexit. Technologies. Modern Conflicts : conference papers : 27-28 April 2017, Vilnius University Faculty of Law, Vilnius, Lithuania2017 / p. 367-375 Changing theoretical paradigm of EU enlargementKerikmäe, Tanel; Roots, LehteEU enlargement : current challenges and strategic choices2013 / p. 59-74 Commentaries : article 136 TFEU on proper functioning of Economic and Monetary Union exportsKerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 Commentaries : article 137 of TFEU on arrangements for meetings between ministersKerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 Commentaries : article 138 TFEU on euro's place in the international monetary systemKerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 138-1-138-9 Competence of the honorary consul as an administrative body based on Estonian exampleVeski, Kerli; Kerikmäe, TanelEAFIT journal of international law2014 / p. 7-23 Concepts and problems associated with eDemocracyDutt, Pawan Kumar; Kerikmäe, TanelRegulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014 / p. 285-324 Conceptualization of emerging legal framework of e-regulation in the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Dutt, Pawan KumarRegulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014 / p. 7-32 Conceptualizing ethical challenges in development and usage of artificial intelligence systems : towards "Ethics by design"Kerikmäe, Tanel; Antonov, Alexander; Shumilo, OlgaМатеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Cтратегічні пріоритети розвитку Економіки, менеджменту, сфери Обслуговування та права в умовах Інтеграційних процесів"2022 / p. 335-339 Consensus facit legemKerikmäe, TanelOlemise õigus2010 / lk. 7-10 Constitutional dilemmas of Estonia and other EU member statesKerikmäe, TanelDemocracy and Development : Taiwan and the Baltic Countries in comparative perspective : proceedings and materials of the international conference on 27-28 April 2012, held in Riga, Latvia2012 / p. 88-101 The contemporary issues of post-mortem personal data protection in the EU after GDPR entering into forceHamulak, Ondrej; Kocharyan, Hovsep; Kerikmäe, TanelCzech yearbook of public and private international law ; 112020 / p. 225-238 Cooperation of post Soviets with the aim of not being "Post" and "Soviets"Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Gabelaia, Dali; Chochia, ArchilFrom Eastern Partnership to the Association : a legal and political analysis2014 / p. 148-162 Cooperation or integration? Churchill’s attitude towards organization of EuropeRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Hrebickova, AndreaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 33-56 Cost of non-inclusiveness : social stratification and failure of the EU competitive market [Electronic resource]Kerikmäe, TanelJean Monnet Conference/ECSA World Conference 2012 : Sustainable Growth in the European Union - the Role of Education and Training, 13-14 November 2012, Bruxelles2012 Critical legal insight into the EU’s Hydrogen StrategyKeypour, Javad; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilChanging the paradigm of energy geopolitics : security, resources and pathways in light of global challenges2023 / p. 107–116 Critical view to the implementation of public AI use casesKerikmäe, TanelNordic Conference on Law and Information Technology 20232023 / 1 p Critical views on the right to be forgotten after the entry into force of the GDPR : is it able to effectively ensure our privacy?Kocharyan, Hovsep; Vardanyan, Lusine; Hamulak, Ondrej; Kerikmäe, TanelInternational and Comparative Law Review2021 / p. 96-115 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Critics of the Catalan independence process and Catalan political nationalismRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, TanelEuropean Union : political, economic and social issues2017 / p. 77-98 Current problems related to energy policy and law in European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel21st International Annual Conference on Energy between Law and Economics, May 6-8 20132013 / p. 391-402 : ill Current problems related to energy policy and law in European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Dutt, Pawan KumarL'Europe unie = United Europe2013 / p. 112-120 : ill DAO-based society-in-the-loop model : redesigning society-in-the-loop framework to concrete social dialogue key measurement for platform workersKerikmäe, Tanel; Göksal, Saban Ibrahim; Chochia, ArchilProblems of legality2024 / p. 237-255 Data protection in EstoniaSalumaa-Lepik, Kärt; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nisu, NeleData Protection Around the World : Privacy Laws in Action2021 / 35 p De Gaulle and the British membership in the European CommunitiesRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 83-97 Deliberative supranationalism as a new guarantor for European rechtsstaatKerikmäe, TanelCentral and Eastern European Countries after and before the Accession. Vol. 22011 / p. 185-197 Developing autonomous robotic transport systems for hospitals and medical facilities : legal challengesKerikmäe, Tanel; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar Johannes; Hamulak, Ondrej; Mesarčik, Matuš; Andraško, Jozef; Liiv, InnarIcon2023 / p. 88-104 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Development of administrative law in Estonia - lessons for Cambodia?Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeThe development of Cambodian administrative law2014 / p. 283-300 : ill Developments in international treaties lawKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeSeminar on International Law on the occasion of the 93rd Anniversary of Tartu Peace Treaty : Tallinn, 01.02.132013 Developments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities2009*est Digital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023*est The digital future of the European UnionRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, OndrejDigital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023 / p. 3-6*est Digital single market as an element in EU-Georgian cooperationChochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, TanelBaltic journal of European studies2018 / p. 3-6 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Digital sovereignty in the EU : searching for legal mechanisms for marking the bordersVardanyan, Lusine; Kocharyan, Hovsep; Hamulak, Ondrej; Kerikmäe, TanelDigital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023 / p. 219-234*est The digital world market and the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, DavidDigital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023 / p. 119-128*est Digitalisation and automatisation as challenges for changing European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Pärn-Lee, EvelinThe European Union - What is Next? A Legal Analysis and Political Visions on the Future of the Union2018 / p. 296–313 Dimensions and implications of eastern partnership policy : introductionKerikmäe, TanelPolitical and legal perspectives of the EU eastern partnership policy2016 / p. 1-5*est E-City lights : Estonian solutions for decentralization and urban developmentKerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, Olga[International Conference "Specific Regulations For the Development of Ho Chi Minh City And International Experience", Ho Chi Minh, 14 December 2018]2018 / p. [3-8] ECSA EstoniaKerikmäe, TanelExchanging ideas on Europe : UACES news2009 / p. 17 EditorialKerikmäe, TanelL'Europe unie = United Europe2012 / p. 1 Eesti inimõiguste rahvusvahelise kaitsjanaKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeRahvuslik Kontakt2013 / lk. 10-15 Eesti teadlaste hinnang: tehisaru muudab meie elu palju, aga me ei tea veel, millalpostimees.ee2024 Eesti teadlaste hinnang: tehisaru muudab meie elu palju, aga me ei tea veel, millal Efficiency and bid rigging in simultaneous procurement auctions under oligopolyHazak, Aaro; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Pärn-Lee, EvelinInternational Journal of Procurement Management (IJPM)2020 / p. 199–213 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus E-governance and integration in the European unionRamiro Troitino, David; Mazur, Viktoria; Kerikmäe, TanelInternet of Things2024 / art. 101321 El Acta Única EuropeaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 34-38 El colapso del regimen comunista en EstoniaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Atallah, MaxEl colapso del comunismo (1989-1991) : visiones desde Europa y America2017 / p. 125-138 El concepto de soberanía compartidaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 181-189 El Consejo europeo y el Consejo de la Unión EuropeaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 119-124 El mercado de la Unión Europea, de analógico a digital. Retos para su interacción y disfrute en el marco LatinoamericanoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelBrazilian journal of international law Revista de Direito Internacional2023 / p. 40-49 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus El Pacto Europeo de julio de 2020. ¿Un paso más hacia el federalismo? [Võrguväljaanne]Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelUniversidad de La Plata2020 "El Pacto Europeo de julio de 2020" El Parlamento europeoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 112-118 El Tratado de Roma de la CEE y EURATOM 1957Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 29-33 Employment status of gigcompanies working force in EU/EEA member statesKerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, Ondrej; Antonov, Alexander; Pihl, Henri Mart2021 Enlargement to the UK, the referendum of 1975 and position of Margaret ThatcherChochia, Archil; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, OlgaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 115-139 E-residency : a cyberdream embodied in a digital identity card?Särav, Sandra; Kerikmäe, TanelThe future of law and eTechnologies2016 / p. 57-79*est EstoniaKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Roots, Lehte; Meiorg, Marianne; Popov, AleksandrThe Protection of Fundamental Rights Post-Lisbon : The Interaction between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights and National Constitutions : reports of the XXV FIDE Congress, Tallinn, 2012. Vol. 12012 / p. 389-422 Estonia and the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Mölder, Holger; Chochia, ArchilThe Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics2019 / 18 p httpd:// Estonia as an EU member state : lack of pro-active constitutional dialogueKerikmäe, TanelConstitutional evolution in Central and Eastern Europe : expansion and integration in the EU2011 / p. [11]-41*est Estonia como país líder en gobierno electrónico : enfoque legal para regular la inteligencia artificialKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Tehver, Jaanus; Hoffmann, Thomas; Taveter, Kuldar; Liiv, Innar; Pärn-Lee, Evelin; Salumaa-Lepik, Kärt; Shumilo, Olga; Ramiro Troitino, DavidInteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 Estonia in the European legal system : protection of the rule of law through constitutional dialogueKerikmäe, Tanel2009*est Estonia y la Sociedad de Naciones : Análisis histórico críticoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelDe la Sociedad de Naciones a la globalización : visiones desde América y Europa2020 / p. 290–301 Estonian agricultural property and international law: the case of migrantsKerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, David; Ramirez Barbosa, Paula AndreaRevista paradigma2021 / p. 2−32 Estonian AI legal strategy : Dilemmas related to State liability, awareness and privacyKerikmäe, TanelBalancing Cyber-Security and Privacy : workshop Comenius University in Bratislava, February 28, 2020, Comenius University in Bratislava2020 / 1 p Estonian experience : transition to democratic constitutionalismKerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraCambodian constitutional law2016 / p. 627-650 Estonian identity construction between nation branding and buildingPolese, Abel; Ambrosio, Thomas; Kerikmäe, TanelCzech journal of international relations2020 / p. 24-46 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Estonie : la diplomatie du marketing nationalPolese, Abel; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Seliverstova, OleksandraDe la communication en diplomatie2018 / p. 64-71 Estonsko jako členský stát Evropské unie v kontextu deliberativního supranacionalizmu: nedostatek aktivního ústavního dialoguKerikmäe, TanelActa Iuridica Olomucensia2011 / p. 99-114 Et olla või mitte olla riikKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeSirp2012 / lk. 3 : ill Ethical lawyer or moral computer - historical and contemporary discourse on incredulity between the human and a machineKerikmäe, Tanel; Müürsepp, Peeter; Särav, Sandra; Chochia, ArchilВісник Національноi академіi правових наук Украiни2017 / p. 27-42 The EU aviation regulation : ad melioraKerikmäe, Tanel; Pluksna, LeldeL'Europe unie = United Europe2012 / p. 130-139 EU charter : its nature, innovative character and horizontal effectKerikmäe, TanelПроблеми законності = Problems of legality = Проблемы законности2017 / c. 168-181 EU charter : its nature, innovative character, and horizontal effectKerikmäe, TanelProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 5-19 The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 EU in twenty-first century, does crisis mean opportunity?Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Martin de la Guardia, Ricardo; Perez Sanchez, Guillermo A.The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 3-9 EU standards and deliberative democracy : case of KyrgyzstanKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeL'Europe unie = United Europe2011 / p. 38-51 : ill Euroopa Zeitgeist ja Eesti valikud põhiseaduslikkuse mõtestamiselKerikmäe, TanelIganenud või igavene? : tekste kaasaegsest suveräänsusest2010 / lk. 157-185 Europa Central y del Este en la Unión Europea, 1989-2019 : De la reconciliación continental a la participación en el futuro de EuropaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelAyer2023 / p. 21-48 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Europe - after historical enlargement : the proceedings of the 5th Audentes Spring Conference 2006 and other papers on Europe's current political, legal, economic and social affairs2007*est Europe facing the digital challenge: obstacles and solutionsRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelRevista de Internet, Derecho y Politica2021 / p. 1-3 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The European approach to building AI policy and governance : a haven for bureaucrats or innovators?Shumilo, Olga; Kerikmäe, TanelIDP Revista de Internet Derecho y Política2021 / 14 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus European charter of fundamentals rights [Electronic resource]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Käsper, KariLexis nexis expert commentaries2007 / [internet publication] The European code of good administrative behavior - a good practice for Cambodia?Kerikmäe, TanelLaw Talk : Administrative Law and Practice – International and Cambodian Perspectives (I) : at Rock Royal Hotel & Resort, 21-23.02.2013 in Kep Province2013 European dilemmas of the biological versus social father : the case of EstoniaJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, TanelBaltic journal of law & politics2016 / p. 23-42 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus European higher education reforms in the light of the autonomy of universitiesKerikmäe, Tanel; Remmelg, AiviL'Europe unie = United Europe2013 / p. 143-154 European history and the future of legal freedomsKerikmäe, TanelBaltic journal of European studies2015 / p. 3-4 European standards for freedom to peaceful assembly in GeorgiaGabelaia, Dali; Kerikmäe, TanelL'Europe unie = United Europe2012 / p. 36-43 European Union and Great Britain: after Brexit, who wins the break-up?Laitinen, Essi; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 103-116 The European Union and sovereignty : the sum is more than its parts?Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeTemas de Integração - 1.º e 2.º Semestre de 2011. No. 31 e 322012 / p. 5-16 The Europeanization of law curricula in Eastern Partnership countries : best practices of EU member statesKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeFrom Eastern Partnership to the Association : a legal and political analysis2014 / p. 271-284 Excessive control over the university business by member states of the EU : killing the goose that lays the golden egg?Kerikmäe, Tanel; Roots, LehteEuropean integration and Baltic Sea region studies : university-business partnership through the Triple Helix Approach ; Vol. II2012 / p. 149-161 The first attempts to unify Europe for specific purposes and British flexibilityKerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Ramiro Troitino, David; Hrebickova, AndreaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 21-32 First European and Pan-European integration efforts and British reluctanceRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Hrebickova, AndreaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 3-20 The first European community and the British positionChochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, Olga; Lindstrom, NicoleBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 59-81 1st Report on Legal Framework and Analysis Related to Autonomous Intelligent TechnologiesKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Hoffmann, Thomas; Minn, Mari; Liiv, Innar; Taveter, Kuldar; Shumilo, Olga; Solarte Vasquez, Maria Claudia; Antonov, Alexander2019 Foreign affairs of the European Union: how to become an independent and dominant power in the international arenaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 209-230 Foreword by the book reviewerKerikmäe, TanelEuropean constitutional law : revealing the complex constitutional system of the European Union2013 / p. 3 From liberalism towards more control : short-sighted strategy of a state in higher education = Liberalismist rangema kontrollini : riigi lühinägelik strateegia kõrghariduse valdkonnasKerikmäe, TanelInternational conference on curriculum theory and practice = Rahvusvaheline õppekava teooria ja praktika konverents : Hilda Taba 110 : December 7th-8th, 20122012 / lk. 67-68 Frontiers in AI judiciary : a contribution to legal futurologyKerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, Ondrej; Gabris, TomasActa Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2023 / p. 55-75 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The future of law and eTechnologies2016*est GDPR : implementation of human rights standards in businesKerikmäe, TanelProgramme : II-nd Kharkiv International Legal Forum, 25–28 September, 20182018 / p. 44 Gender as an element of marriage capacity in the context of national and supranational law in the European Union = Sugu kui abieluvõime element liikmesriigi ja EL õigusesJoamets, Kristi2014*est General frameworksEvas, Tatjana; Hoffmann, Thomas; Joamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Loik, Ramon; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Popov, Aleksandr; Särav, SandraThe law of the Baltic States2017 / p. 3-40*est Georgia on its path to Europeanisation : academic cooperationChochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, TanelTalTech journal of European studies2020 / p. 3-6 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Gig economy workers in the European Union: towards changing their legal classificationKerikmäe, Tanel; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar JohannesRevista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals2022 / p. 117-139 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Global economic challenges for sustainable entrepreneursChochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Skvarciany, ViktorijaTalTech journal of European studies2023 / p. 3-7*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Globalisation and higher education from European perspectiveKerikmäe, TanelAfter fifty years : the coming challenges - Governance and Sustainable Development = 50anos passados : os desafios do futuro - governance e desenvolvimento sustentavel2008 / p. 39-49 A heuristic model of non-technical competences for engineersTeichmann, Mare; Parts, Velli; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Murdvee, Mart; Pevkur, AiveRecent advances in educational methods : [proceedings of the 10th EDUCATION'13 and 1st ECED'13 : Cambridge, UK, February 20-22, 2013]2013 / p. 40-49 : ill A historical study of contemporary human rights : deviation or extinction?Kerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, Ondrej; Chochia, ArchilActa Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2016 / p. 98-115 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Human dignity in EstoniaKerikmäe, Tanel; Joamets, KristiHandbook of human dignity in Europe2018 / p. 1-16 Human rights-based legal conditions for trustworthy AI = Inimõigustel põhinevad õiguslikud tingimused usaldusväärse tehisintellekti loomiselAntonov, Alexander2024*est Ideas sobre Europa y el desarrollo histórico del concepto de EuropaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 9-14 Identite nationale et constitutionnelle dans la judisprudence de la Cour de Justice de l'Union Europeenne = National and constitutional identity in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European UnionHamulak, Ondrej; Kopal, David; Kerikmäe, TanelBratislava law review2017 / p. 6-27 An idol or an ideal? A case study of Estonian e-Governance : public perceptions, myths and misbeliefsKerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, David; Shumilo, OlgaActa Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2019 / p. 71-80*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The incapacity of the Union to act as a reliable actor in the international arenaRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, TanelEuropean Union : political, economic and social issues2017 / p. 11-32 Incerta future of education in EuropeRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelEPFMA bulletin2020 / p. 28 Indirect effect of EU law under constitutional scrutiny - the overview of approach of Czech constitutional courtHamulak, Ondrej; Kerikmäe, TanelInternational and comparative law review2016 / p. 69-82 Informality and Ukrainian higher educational institutions: happy together?Polese, Abel; Stepurko, Tetiana; Oksamytna, Svetlana; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Levenets, OleanaPolicy futures in education2018 / p. 482-500 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Informality versus shadow economy : reflecting on the first results of a manager’s survey in KyrgyzstanPolese, Abel; Moisé, Gian Marco; Tokyzhanova, Talshyn; Aguzzi, Tommaso; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Sagynbaeva, Ainoura; Sauka, Arnis; Seliverstova, OleksandraCentral Asian Survey2023 / p. 149 - 170 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Inimõigused Eestis 2007 : Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majandusteaduskonna õppekeskuse IUA õigusteaduskonna inimõiguste keskuse aastaaruanneDusman, Aleksandr; Ferschel, Heli; Haruoja, Merle; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Käsper, Kari; Meiorg, Marianne2008 Inteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 Inteligencia artificial Inteligencia artificial Inteligencia artificial y derecho : ¿debería ser maniatado Deus ex machina?Kerikmäe, TanelRevista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals2022 / p. 211-213 Inteligencia artificial y protección de datos en Europa: ¿conflicto por defectoKesa, Aleksandr; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, DavidInteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 Internal security: terrorism and criminality fostering integration in the EUOliievska, Nataliia; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 85-100 International Society and Europeanism: The Countries of Eastern Europe2025 Interview: Tanel Kerikmäe = RöportajKerikmäe, TanelAlia : Art-Law-Technology2024 Introduccion al derecho comunitarioChochia, Archil; Popov, Aleksandr; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Evas, TatjanaPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 175-180 Introducción. Digitalización de la Unión Europea : repercusiones y expectativasKerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, DavidRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 7-17 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Introduction : e-regulation in the European Union - normative realities and trendsKerikmäe, TanelRegulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014 / p. 1-5 Introduction : EU charter as a dynamic instrumentKerikmäe, TanelProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the charter of fundamental rights2014 / p. 1-4 Introduction : the Russian Federation and new challenges of modern warfareMölder, Holger; Sazonov, Vladimir; Chochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, TanelThe Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood2021 / p. 1-9*est An introduction to European law : [book review] [Electronic resource]Kerikmäe, TanelReviews & critical commentary2013 "Is this really what I voted for?" - on the legitimacy of European integrationKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Papageorgiou, Ioannis F.Baltic journal of law & politics2013 / p. 45-62 Juristid jäävad krattide kasutamise reguleerimisega kimbatusse [Võrguväljaanne]Ojamets, Indreknovaator.err.ee2020 / fot Juristid jäävad krattide kasutamise reguleerimisega kimbatusse Jürgen, Kookmaa, Kerikmäe: kratiseadus pandi ootele [Võrguväljaanne]Jürgen, Liisi; Kookmaa, Tea; Kerikmäe, Tanelerr.ee2020 / fot Jürgen, Kookmaa, Kerikmäe: kratiseadus pandi ootele 27. lendKerikmäe, TanelTartu Karlova Kool 1402015 / lk. 63-65*est 12 uut positsiooniSalupere, Andrus; Sergejev, Fjodor; Kallaste, Kadri; Pihel, Hele-Riin; Tärnov, Külle; Anton, Maia-Liisa; Annus, Ivar; Kanger, Tõnis; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Illing, Sven; Uutar, AivarMente et Manu2020 / lk. 54-59 : portr*est Karlsruhe v. Lisbon : an overture to a constitutional dialoge from an Estonian perspectiveKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeEuropean journal of law reform2010 / 3-4, p. 373-387 Karlsruhe vs. Lissabon : kas põhiseadusliku dialoogi avamäng?Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeJuridica2009 / 9, lk. 575-583*est Kas Euroopa Liit on õigusriik? Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigi ja Euroopa Liidu õiguskordade suhestumise meetodid [Elektrooniline teavik]Kerikmäe, Tanel32. Eesti õigusteadlaste päevad "EV Põhiseadus 20"2012 / [4 p.] Kas, kuna ning milliseid muudatusi on oodata tehisintellektiga seotud seadusandlusesse? [Võrguteavik]Kerikmäe, TanelTehisintellekt ja seadusandlus 20192019 / 38 l. : ill Katrin Merike Nyman-Metcalf ja Tanel Kerikmäe : krattide õiguskuulekusest [Võrguväljaanne}Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Kerikmäe, Tanelerr.ee2019 / fot Katrin Merike Nyman-Metcalf ja Tanel Kerikmäe: krattide õiguskuulekusest Keskaasialane kui igavene homo soveticus? : pildikesi keskajast otse nõukogude aega ja seejärel tänapäeva kaosesse sattunud piirkonnastKerikmäe, TanelSirp2016 / lk. 9 Keynote : how can a state control digital services provided by the business?Kerikmäe, TanelLAITECH 2023: The Law, Ethics and Policies of AI and Future Technologies, Tallinn, February 28 – March 12023 KokkuvõteKerikmäe, TanelVaateid õiguspoliitikale : artiklite kogumik2008 / lk. 191-192 Kuidas elada koos krattidega? : [tehisintellekti õiguslikest probleemidest]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Minn, Mari; Pärgmäe, ReetÕiguskeel 2019 : [artiklikogumik]2019 / lk. 37-42*est*est Kuidas mõjutab digitaliseerimine kohtupidamist ja millal tulevad robotkohtunikudKerikmäe, Tanelpostimees.ee2023 Kuidas mõjutab digitaliseerimine kohtupidamist ja millal tulevad robotkohtunikud L’eccessivo controllo degli Stati Membri dell’UE sul mercato universitarioKerikmäe, Tanel; Roots, LehteIl Foro Italiano2012 / p. 271-276 La adhesión de España y Portugal a las Comunidades europeasRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 70-74 La caida del comunismo : el caso de EstoniaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelIV Congreso Internacional de Historia Hispano-Chileno : "El Colapso del Comunismo (1989-1991) : Visiones Desde Europa y America" : Valladolid, Del 8 al 10 de noviembre de 20162016 La Carta de derechos de la Unión Europea. Una garantía para la protección de los derechos humanos en la ComunidadRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 204-208 La Comisión europeaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 106-111 La Comunidad de Defensa y la Comunidad Política. Crisis en el procesoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 26-28 La Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del AceroRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 22-25 La Crisis Agraria Europea (1919-1931): De la Gestión Nansen de la Ayuda Humanitaria Internacional durante la Hambruna en La URSS sl Mercado Común Agrícola EuropeoPérez Sánchez, Guillermo; Martin de la Guardia, Ricardo; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelRevista de Estudios Europeos2023 / p. 66-88 La Inteligencia Artificial en el futuro digital de la Unión EuropeaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Ramirez Barbosa, Paula AndreaInteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 La Inteligencia Artificial, futuro, reto y necesidadKerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, David; Solarte Vasquez, Maria ClaudiaInteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 La Política Agraria ComúnRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 144-149 La Política Comercial ComúnRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 139-143 La Política RegionalRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 150-154 La posición británica hacia la integración europea : un enfoque diferenteRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 60-63 La regulación de las actividades electrónicas en el ámbito comunitarioRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 190-197 La seguridad energética comúnKerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Dutt, Pawan KumarPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 198-203 La Unión Europea se expande a Europa central y del Este. El caso de Croacia y la situación especial de IslandiaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 84-91 La Unión MonetariaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 155-162 Labour mobility and informality: Romanian migrants in Spain and Ethnic entrepreneurs in CroatiaPolese, Abel; Fradejas‐garcía, Ignacio; Banović, Ružica Šimić; Škokić, Vlatka; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Molina, José Luis; Alpeza, Mirela; Lubbers, Miranda J.; Camerani, AlbericaPolitics and Governance2022 / p. 279-292 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The labyrinth of priorities for legal education : EstoniaKerikmäe, TanelVaateid õiguspoliitikale : artiklite kogumik2008 / lk. 179-190 Las relaciones exteriores de la UE y la Política Exterior y de Seguridad ComúnRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 163-168 The law of the Baltic States2017*est The League of Nations : legal, political and social impact on EstoniaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, OndrejSlovak Journal of Political Sciences2019 / p. 75-93 Legal dilemmas of Estonian artificial intelligence strategy : in between of e-society and global raceKerikmäe, Tanel; Pärn-Lee, EvelinAI & Society2020 / 12 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Legal framework for digital therapeutics (DTx) in the European UnionJoala, Kätlin; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, Ondrej; Vardanyan, LusineEuropean Studies : The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics2023 / p. 98 - 123 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Legal Person- or Agenthood of Artificial Intelligence TechnologiesKerikmäe, Tanel; Müürsepp, Peeter; Pihl, Henri Mart; Hamulak, Ondrej; Kocharyan, HovsepActa Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2020 / p. 73-92 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Legal technology for law firms: determining roadmaps for innovationKerikmäe, Tanel; Hoffmann, Thomas; Chochia, ArchilCroatian international relations review2018 / p. 91-112 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus LegalTech and robot judges : a human rights perspectiveKerikmäe, TanelArtificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Rights, Brussels, 12-13 March, 2020 : [program]2020 Less is more or more is more? Revisiting universality of human rightsKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeInternational and comparative law review2012 / p. 35-51 El Libro Blanco sobre Inteligencia Artificial : Análisis y comentarios sobre mercado, valores y cooperación europea.Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, Olga; Ramirez Barbosa, Paula AndreaInteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 Los Tratados de Maastricht, Ámsterdam y NizaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 39-43 Ma olin BiškekisKerikmäe, TanelSirp2010 / lk. 4-5 Machines are taking over - are we ready? Law and Artificial IntelligenceNyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Kerikmäe, TanelSingapore Academy of Law journal2021 / p. 24-49 "Machines are taking over - are we ready? Law and Artificial Intelligence" Margaret Thatcher : ¿Precursora del Brexit o Europeista Ambigua?Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelHistoria y Política2019 / p. 331-356 Mida tähendab inimõiguste konventsioonist taganemine?Eesti Päevaleht2020 / Lk. 3 : portr*est Migrant workers in Europe : practical experience and regulationKerikmäe, Tanel7th Annual Cambodian Society of Comparative Law (CSCL) Conference "The Normative ASEAN Community from the Comparative Perspective" : February 28-March 1, 2015, Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia2015 Migration to Europe: a threat or an opportunity?Sansus, Lara; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 59-84 Millised eetika põhimõtted on enim ohustatud tänases teadusmaailmas?Kerikmäe, Tanel2018 Mitigating the risk of documentary discrepancy in process of Estonian export letters of credit transaction [Online resource]Alavi, Hamed; Kerikmäe, TanelMultidisciplinary aspects of production engineering2018 / p. 425-432 : tab Models of European integration : Georgia's economic and political transition = Euroopa lõimumise mudelid : Gruusia majanduslik ja poliitiline üleminekChochia, Archil2013*est Modern communication technology as a key to successful transitionNyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Kerikmäe, TanelSynergy magazine2012 / p. 33 A multidimensional understanding of EU's digital sovereigntyMartinez-Ramil, Pablo; Bolanos-Frasquet, Haridian; Hamulak, Ondrej; Kerikmäe, TanelDigital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023 / p. 235-247*est Multi-level analytical frameworks for supporting cyber security legal decision making : thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophyKasper, Agnes2015*est National identity for breakfast : food consumption and the everyday construction of national narratives in EstoniaPolese, Abel; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Cheskin, AmmonNationalities papers2020 / p. 1015-1035 : ill Negotiating spaces and the public-private boundary : language policies versus language use practices in OdessaPolese, Abel; Urinboyev, Rustamjon; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Murru, SarahSpace and culture2019 / 16 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The new developments in EU family lawJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, TanelKorea University law review2013 / p. 25-42 The new developments in EU family law - its applicability to Estonina lawJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, TanelKorea University law review2013 / p. 25-42 The new developments in family law - Green Paper "Less bureaucracy for citizens : promoting free movement of public documents and recognition of the effect of civil status records", its applicability in marriage on the example of EstoniaJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, TanelEuropean studies : the review of European law, economics and politics2014 / p. 70-92 New moral dilemmas of Estonian lawyers and judiciary in the context of multi-level legal systemKerikmäe, TanelInternational Scientific Conference : Good Morals of a Lawyer : Theorethical and Practical Issues2013 New perspectives and competences as needs for advancementMüürsepp, Peeter; Kerikmäe, TanelBaltic journal of European studies2015 / p. 2-4*est New perspectives for Europe-China relationsKerikmäe, Tanel; Zuokui, LiuBaltic journal of European studies2017 / p. 3-5*est*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus On sustainability and its perceptions: presenting the results of the first national survey on Sustainable Development Goals and its understanding by Vietnamese youthPolese, Abel; Phuong, Don Thuan; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, DavidRivista di studi sulla sostenibilita2018 / p. 49-69 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Otras instituciones comunitariasRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 131-135 Otse Postimehest : professor Kerikmäe analüüsib Tartu rahu tänast tähendustKerikmäe, Taneltv.postimees.ee2019 / 22:02 min. : video Padomju okupācijas laikā Baltijas valstīm nodarīto zaudējumu atlīdzināšanas prasība : juridiskās iespējasGerviene, Silvija; Kerikmäe, TanelJurista Vārds : Una lex - una iustitia omnibus2019 / portr Paradigms for automatization of logic and legal reasoningKerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraLaw and logic : contemporary issues2017 / p. 205-222*est El Parlamento Europeo y la necesidad de una legislación común en un marco europeo de la inteligencia artificialRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, Olga; Ramirez Barbosa, Paula AndreaInteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 Pasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 Phnom Penh - väärikas korralagedusKerikmäe, TanelSirp2014 / lk. 30-31 : fot Pitfalls of machine learning methods in smart grids : a legal perspectiveAntonov, Alexander; Häring, Tobias; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Biechl, Helmuth2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls :(ISCSIC 2021), 12-14 November 2021, Rome, Italy : proceedings2021 / p. 248-256 Poliitmängud ERJK ümber? Nii olulise teemaga kiirustamine ja otsituna näivad põhjendused tekitavad kahtlusiKerikmäe, TanelEesti Päevaleht2020 Political and legal perspectives of the EU eastern partnership policy2016*est Political vs everyday forms of governance in Uzbekistan : the illegal, immoral and illegitimate politics and legitimacy in post-soviet Eurasia [Online resource]Urinboyev, Rustamjon; Polese, Abel; Svensson, Mans; Adams, Laura; Kerikmäe, TanelStudies of transition states and societies2018 / p. 50-64 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Political vs. everyday forms of governance in Uzbekistan : the illegal, immoral, and illegitimatePolese, Abel; Urinboyev, Rustamjon; Svensson, Mans; Adams, Laura; Kerikmäe, TanelInformality, labour mobility and precariousness : supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable2022 / p. 223-247 Possibility of using deliberative supranationalism in new member statesKerikmäe, TanelCentral and Eastern European Countries after and before the Accession : Possible ways of Cooperation, Budapest, 28-29 April 20112011 PrefaceKerikmäe, TanelThe law of the Baltic States2017 / p. v-vi*est Prerequisites for European higher education in the context of globalized market [Electronic resource]Kerikmäe, TanelHigher education in the framework of the 2020 European Union’s strategy2012 / p. 25-29 [CD-ROM] Presenting the results of the shadow economy survey in Ukraine while reflecting on the future(s) of informality studiesPolese, Abel; Moise, Gian Marco; Lysa, Olha; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Sauka, Arnis; Seliverstova, OleksandraJournal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe2022 / p. 101-123 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Professor Kerikmäe: EL-i ühislaen ei vaja otseselt riigikogu heakskiituKerikmäe, Tanelerr.ee2020 Professor Tanel Kerikmäe: mis on keelatud päriselus, peaks olema keelatud ka virtuaalmaailmas [Võrguväljaanne]Kerikmäe, Taneldigi.geenius.ee2022 Professor Tanel Kerikmäe: mis on keelatud päriselus, peaks olema keelatud ka virtuaalmaailmas Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Masinõppe ja AI toega teenused“ lõpparuanneSolvak, Mihkel; Vilo, Jaak; Reisberg, Sulev; Tamm, Sirli; Oja, Marek; Ligi, Kadri; Unt, Taavi; Võrk, Andres; Leets, Peeter; Tammet, Tanel; Vaarandi, Risto; Nõmm, Sven; Lepik, Toomas; Lember, Veiko; Nõmmik, Steven; Noordt, Colin Pascal van; Kerikmäe, Tanel2022 Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Masinõppe ja AI toega teenused“ lõpparuanne Protecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014*est Public lawHerm, Marek; Joamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Künnapas, Kaido; Roots, Lehte; Teplõhh, DmitriThe law of the Baltic States2017 / p. 41-100 : ill*est Rahvusvahelise kõrghariduse võimekusest EestisKerikmäe, Tanel; Kalev, LeifHaridus2009 / 7/8, lk. 29-32 : ill Recent civil aviation case-law at European Court of JusticeKerikmäe, Tanel20th Annual International Conference on Civil Aviation Laws under the National Legislations and the International Conventions2012 / p. 123-136 Regulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014*est Renovare legis doctrinam: fiat lux! : õigusõppe kujundajad sõltuvad turu vajadustest, mitte ei mõjuta seda suunas, mis viiks õiglasema ühiskonnaniKerikmäe, TanelSirp2011 / lk. 3 : ill A report on the survey. Attitudes of Estonian healthcare professionals to internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapySogomonjan, Melita; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Ööpik, Pille; Ross, PeeterCogent psychology2019 / art. 1637623, 12 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Restrictions of Russian internet resources in Ukraine : national security, censorship or both?Shumilo, Olga; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilBaltic journal of European studies2019 / p. 82–95*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Reverse payment patent settlements in the pharmaceutical sector and competition law – do Lundbeck and Actavis help to bridge the views across the Atlantic regarding the delayed market entry of cheaper, generic medicines?Dutt, Pawan Kumar; Kerikmäe, TanelInternational and comparative law review2013 / p. 21-36 A review article on Internet-based psychological interventions in primary care. What is the global experience? How reliable are results from RCTs? Lessons learned from the European, US and Australian case studiesSogomonjan, Melita; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Ööpik, PilleBaltic journal of European studies2018 / p. 145-163 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS A review of different theoretical approaches towards sustainable development goals in the area of research, development and innovationKerikmäe, Tanel; Dutt, Pawan Kumar; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeRetfærd2021 / p. 12−26 Right to educationKerikmäe, TanelHuman rights in Estonia 2010 : annual report of the Estonian Human Rights Centre2011 / p. 102-111 : ill Right to educationKerikmäe, TanelHuman rights in Estonia 2013 : annual report of the Estonian Human Rights Centre2014 / p. 98-112 Robot juristiks või isegi kohtunikuks?Kerikmäe, TanelImeline Teadus2020 / lk. 17 : ill*est Rule of law and legal certainty in the context of European digital citizenshipKerikmäe, TanelResearch for Peace : Stockholm, Sweden 7-9 June, 20152015 The rule of law and the protection of fundamental human rights in an era of automationKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeSmart technologies and fundamental rights smart technologies and fundamental rights2020 / p. 221–239 The Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood2021*est Rändeleppest tehti populistlik malakasKiisler, ViljaPostimees2018 Schimbarea de paradigma teoretica a extinderii Uniunii EuropeneKerikmäe, Tanel; Roots, LehteAdministrarea Publiča : revista metodico-stiintifica trimestriala2014 / p. 114-125 Schimbarea de paradigma teoretica a extinderii Uniunii EuropeneRoots, Lehte; Kerikmäe, Tanel Serfdom system in Estonia: Overview and Swedish influenceRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilStudia historica. Historia moderna2018 / p. 383-405 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Should minority languages be given legal protection and subsidies? [Online resource]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Ribo, RafaelDebating Europe2015 Smart contracting for the proactive governance of digital exchange = Nutikas lepingute koostamine digitaalsete tehingute proaktiivseks juhtimiseksSolarte Vasquez, Maria Claudia2019 Socio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU countries of Baltic Sea rim : a collection of research articles dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Institute for European Studies2008*est Some hints to become successful international law school in Europe based on empirical experiencesKerikmäe, Tanel; Käsper, KariInternational Association of Law Schools : Conference on Teaching, Legal Education and Strategic Planning : Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13-15 April 20112011 / p. 193-196 Some thoughts to take homeDeželan, Tomaž; Grigoriadis, Ioannis; Kerikmäe, TanelA union of shared values : the role of education and civil society : Jean Monnet Conference 20152016 / p. 43-44 Sources of occupational pressure among lawyers and legal professionalsTeichmann, Mare; Kattel, Kaja; Murdvee, Mart; Kerikmäe, TanelInternational and comparative law review2015 / p. 87-107 : ill Sustainable data governance for cooperative, connected and automated mobility in the European UnionAndraško, Jozef; Hamulak, Ondrej; Mesarčik, Matuš; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar JohannesSustainability2021 / art. 10610, 25 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli professor Tanel Kerikmäe on nõustanud nii METAt kui ka BoltiKerikmäe, Tanelforte.delfi.ee2024 Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli professor Tanel Kerikmäe on nõustanud nii METAt kui ka Bolti TalTech journal of European studies2024*est TalTech journal of European studies2023*est TalTech journal of European studies2023*est TalTech journal of European studies2022*est TalTech journal of European studies2022*est TalTech journal of European studies2021*est TalTech journal of European studies2020*est TalTech journal of European studies2021*est TalTech journal of European studies2020*est TalTech journal of European studies2020*est TalTechi professor: metaversum ei tohi muutuda eikellegimaaks [Võrguväljaanne]Kerikmäe, Tanelpostimees.ee2022 TalTechi professor: metaversum ei tohi muutuda eikellegimaaks TalTechi teadlane: õigusprobleeme saab lahendada senisest loovamalt ja inimsõbralikultgoodnews.ee2023 TalTechi teadlane: õigusprobleeme saab lahendada senisest loovamalt ja inimsõbralikult Tanel Kerikmäe : “Jurist peab konkurentsis püsimiseks investeerima digiharitusse ja tehnoloogiasse.”Kerikmäe, Taneldigi.geenius.ee2023 Tanel Kerikmäe: “Jurist peab konkurentsis püsimiseks investeerima digiharitusse ja tehnoloogiasse.” Tanel Kerikmäe. Euroopa Parlamendi AI regulatsioonidKerikmäe, Tanelkuku.pleier.ee2023 Tanel Kerikmäe. Euroopa Parlamendi AI regulatsioonid Tanel Kerikmäe keskusest, inimõigustest ja haridusestKerikmäe, TanelEesti Inimõiguste Keskuse kuukiri [Elektrooniline väljaanne]2012 Tanel Kerikmäe: inimõiguste konventsiooni suhtes tehtud avaldus on formaaljuriidiliselt korrektne, kuid vajab riigipoolset selgitustKerikmäe, TanelEesti Päevaleht2020 Tanel Kerikmäe: inimõiguste konventsiooni suhtes tehtud avaldus on formaaljuriidiliselt korrektne, kuid vajab riigipoolset selgitust Tanel Kerikmäe: piirangute leevendamise kohta tulevad ebariigimehelikult vastuolulised signaalidKerikmäe, TanelEesti Päevaleht2020 Tanel Kerikmäe: õigusdisain kui ettevõtluse kasvu tööriistKerikmäe, TanelTrialoog2024 Tehisintellekti eetilisusest ja õiguskuulekusestTaveter, Kuldar; Kerikmäe, TanelPostimees2017 / lk. 19 Tehnoloogiaõigus – mitte enam uus, kuid kiiresti arenev õiguse valdkondarileht.delfi.ee2023 Tehnoloogiaõigus – mitte enam uus, kuid kiiresti arenev õiguse valdkond Teorías de integración europeaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 15-21 Terrorivaba Euroopa on võimalik üksnes riikide koostöösKerikmäe, TanelEesti Päevaleht2015 / lk. 10-11 Theorising on digital legal (outer)spaceKerikmäe, Tanel; Rull, AddiThe future of law and eTechnologies2016 / p. 1-9*est Trabajadores de la economía gig en la Unión Europea : hacia un cambio en su clasificación jurídicaKerikmäe, Tanel; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar JohannesRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 117-139 Trustworthy AI as a future driver for competitiveness and social change in the EUAntonov, Alexander; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 135-154 Turquía y la Unión EuropeaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 92-100 Ukraine's endeavour : drawing near(er) to the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilBaltic journal of European studies2018 / p. 3-4 Understanding failure in digital health implementation – a case study of Implementing Computerised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (cCBT) in Estonia = Mõtestades e-Tervise rakendamise ebaõnnestumist - arvutipõhise kognitiivse käitumisteraapia (KKT) rakendamise juhtumiuuring EestisSogomonjan, Melita2024*est Unique cooperation between Law School (TLS) and Estonian Human Rights Centre (EHRC) in EstoniaKerikmäe, Tanel; Käsper, KariThe role of law schools and human rights : annual meeting : March 6th-9th, 2013, Mysore, India2013 / p. 63-66 The unwanted paradoxes of the right to be forgottenVardanyan, Lusine; Kocharyan, Hovsep; Hamulak, Ondrej; Mesarčik, Matuš; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Kookmaa, TeaMasaryk University journal of law and technology2023 / p. 87-109 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Use-cases of artificial intelligence in public sector. Global, European and Estonian legal dilemmas. Korea artificial intelligence and law association and SNU centre for trustworthy AIKerikmäe, TanelBurgeoning AI landscape & new legal challenges2023 Using patent development, education policy and research and development expenditure policy to increase technological competitiveness of small European Union member statesFerraro, Simona; Dutt, Pawan Kumar; Kerikmäe, TanelCroatian international relations review2017 / p. 97-126 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Using patent development, education policy and research and development expenditure policy to understand differences between countries – the case of Estonia and GermanyDutt, Pawan Kumar; Wahl, Mike Franz; Kerikmäe, TanelInternational and comparative law review2019 / p. 190–233 Uued tuuled õigusteaduses : [intervjuu Katrin Nyman-Metcalfiga]Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeHorisont2014 / lk. 22-28 : fot*est Vaateid õiguspoliitikale : artiklite kogumikKaugia, Silvija; Auväärt, Lembit; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Raska, Eduard2008*est Walking a tightrope - looking back on risky position of German federal constitutional court in OMT preliminary questionHamulak, Ondrej; Kopal, David; Kerikmäe, TanelEuropean studies : the review of European law, economics and politics2016 / p. 115-141 We've updated our privacy policyKerikmäe, Tanel; Salumaa-Lepik, KärtEuroparättslig tidskrift2019 / p. 7-10 Who is accountable for the algorithm? Assessing the effectiveness of the EU’s approach towards AI liabilityMartinez-Ramil, Pablo; Kerikmäe, TanelLegal issues of digitalisation, robotization and cyber security in the light of EU Law2024 / p. 232-248 Why shadow economy and informality should be separated as concepts : results and implications of the shadow economy survey in the post-Soviet regionPolese, Abel; Tokyzhanova, Talshyn; Moise, Gian Marco; Aguzzi, Tommaso; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Sagynbaeva, Ainoura; Sauka, Arnis; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Lysa, Olha; Kussaiynkyzy, AigerimStudia politica. Romanian political science review2023 / p. 65-88 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Vietnamese intellectual property law - a concise overview in EU and ASEAN contextsDutt, Pawan Kumar; Cuong, Nguyen Thai; Hoffmann, Thomas; Kerikmäe, Tanel2023 Väljumiskava tuleb selgemaks tehaEesti Päevaleht2020 / Lk. 2 : portr*est Õiglase õiguse otsinguil : kokkuvõteKerikmäe, TanelÕiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumik2009 / lk. 339-343 Õigus hariduseleKerikmäe, TanelInimõigused Eestis 2010 : Eesti Inimõiguste Keskuse aastaaruanne2011 / lk. 102-110 : ill Õigus hariduseleKerikmäe, TanelInimõigused Eestis 2011 : Eesti Inimõiguste Keskuse aastaaruanne2012 / lk. 96-106 Õigus haridusele [Elektrooniline teavik]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Remmelg, AiviInimõigused Eestis 2012 : Eesti Inimõiguste Keskuse aastaaruanne2013 / lk. 58-63 Õigusdisain. Kus võib laps karjuda?, "Õigusdisain": Intervjuuvikerraadio.err.ee2023 Õigusdisain. Kus võib laps karjuda? Õiguse instituut on leidnud tehnikaülikoolis hea kodu : [ka instituudi juhi Tanel Kerikmäe kommentaarid]Helme, Kristi; Kerikmäe, TanelMente et Manu2014 / lk. 18-20 : fot*est Õiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumikKaugia, Silvija; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Auväärt, Lembit2009*est Õiguseksperdid: Euroopa Komisjoni loodav digiturgude akt vajab läbimõtlemist [Võrguväljaanne]Kerikmäe, Tanelerr.ee2021 "Õiguseksperdid: Euroopa Komisjoni loodav digiturgude akt vajab läbimõtlemist" Õiguskindlus püsib au seesVärk, Joosep; Käsper, Kari; Kerikmäe, TanelPostimees2016 / lk. 7 Äri- ja õiguskeskkonna ülevaade KambodžasKerikmäe, TanelEkspordi Akadeemia : Kambodža sihtturuseminar : 1. oktoober 20152015 Über die EU hinausKerikmäe, TanelÜber Europa nachdenken : Jean-Monnet-Förderung für Europastudien2014 / s. 34-35 Üks küsimus : milline on teie jaoks ideaalne ülikool?Mente et Manu2020 / lk. 24-25 , 34-35, 44-45 : portr*est Де Голль и Европейские cообществаRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, OlgaВопросы истории2020 / c. 70-81 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Маргарет Тэтчер и Европейский союзRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, OlgaВопросы истории2020 / c. 154-168 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Профессор TalTech: Метавселенная не должна стать бесхозной территорией [Online resources]Kerikmäe, Tanelrus.postimees.ee2022 Профессор TalTech: Метавселенная не должна стать бесхозной территорией Репатриация военнопленных под эгидой Нансена после Первой мировой войны : пример гуманитарного международного сотрудничестваRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, Ondrej; Martin de la Guardia, Ricardo; Pando Ballestros, Maria de la Paz; Cancela Outeda, Celso; Bianchini, S.; Puleri, M.; Sances, G.A.Questions of History / Zhurnal Voprosy Istorii2021 / p. 204-215 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS