A logic programming perspective on rulesSterling, Leon; Taveter, KuldarHandbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approaches2009 / p. 195-213 A scalable multi-agent architecture in environments with limited connectivity : case study on individualised care for healthy pregnancyMahunnah, Msury; Taveter, Kuldar2013 7th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST) : special theme - smart planet and cyber physical systems as embodiment of digital ecosystems : Menlo Park, California, USA, 24–26 July 20132013 / p. 84-89 : ill Adaptive agent organisationsArgente, Estefania; Kirikal, Kristi; Taveter, KuldarAgreement technologies2013 / p. 321-353 Agent-based software designOja, Margus; Tamm, Boris, inform.; Taveter, KuldarProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2001 / p. 5-21 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072102*est https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1006233*est Agent-oriented business rules : deontic assignmentsTaveter, Kuldar; Wagner, GerdProceedings of the International Workshop on Open Enterprise Solutions : Systems, Experiences, and Organizations (OES-SEO 2001) : 14-15 September 2001, Rome, Italy2001 / p. 1-10 : ill Agent-oriented engineering of trust management systemsZupancic, Eva; Trcek, Denis; Taveter, KuldarAT 2012 : Agreement Technologies : proceedings of the First International Conference on Agreement Technologies : Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 15-16, 20122012 / p. 349-350 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265087406_Agent-Oriented_Engineering_of_Trust_Management_Systems Agent-oriented enterprise modelling based on business rulesTaveter, Kuldar; Wagner, G.Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling : Yokohama, Japan, November 27-30, 20012001 / ? p Agent-oriented knowledge elicitation for modeling the winning of "Hearts and Minds"Shvartsman, Inna; Taveter, KuldarProceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems : FedCSIS 2011 : Szczecin, Poland, 18-21 September 20112011 / p. 604-608 : ill https://kodu.ut.ee/~kuldarta/Papers/Fail_SK2011.pdf Agent-oriented modelling for simulation of complex environmentsShvartsman, Inna; Taveter, Kuldar; Parmak, Merle; Meriste, MerikProceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT 2010) : Wisla, Poland, 18-20.10.20102010 / p. 209-216 : ill https://annals-csis.org/proceedings/2010/pliks/177.pdf Agent-oriented modelling for tabletop military training exercisesŠvartsman, Inna; Taveter, KuldarInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK seitsmenda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 15.-16. novembril 2013, Haapsalu2013 / p. 91-94 : ill Agent-oriented software engineeringTaveter, Kuldar; Sterling, LeonEncyclopedia of information science and technology, 2nd edition. 12008 / [6] p Agentorienteeritud modelleerimise kunst : sõnavõtt Leon Sterlingi ja Kuldar Taveteri monograafia "The art of agent-oriented modelling" esitlusel 27. oktoobril 2009 TTÜ RaamatukogusTaveter, KuldarTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20092010 / lk. 281-284 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1212786*est Agile software engineering methodology for information systems' integration projectsTaveter, Kuldar; Norta, AlexanderFuture Data and Security Engineering : 4th International Conference, FDSE 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 29 - December 1, 2017 : proceedings2017 / p. 215-230 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70004-5_15 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS An agent-oriented method for designing large socio-technical service-ecosystemsNorta, Alexander; Mahunnah, Msury; Tenso, Tanel; Taveter, Kuldar; Narendra, Nanjangud C.2014 IEEE Tenth World Congress on Services : SERVICES 2014 : 27 June-2 July 2014, Anchorage, Alaska : proceedings2014 / p. 242-249 : ill An expressway from agent-oriented models to prototypesTaveter, Kuldar; Sterling, LeonAgent-oriented software engineering VIII2008 / p. 147-163 : ill Analysis and categorization of enterprises for agent-based automationKirikal, Kristi; Taveter, Kuldar2010 19th IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) : proceedings : Larissa, Greece, June 28-30, 20102010 / p. 29-34 : ill Architecture of a list-based virtual machine for implementing COBOL : a thesis submitted to Tallinn Technical University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of engineering : magistritööTaveter, Kuldar1995 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1756467*est Autonoomsete intelligentsete tehnoloogiate kasutamisega seotud küsimuste reguleerimiseks vajalike õigusloome probleemide tuvastamine ja lahendusettepanekute tegemine : II etapi aruanneKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Tehver, Jaanus; Hoffmann, Thomas; Taveter, Kuldar; Liiv, Innar; Pärn-Lee, Evelin; Salumaa-Lepik, Kärt vt. ka Salumaa, Kärt; Antonov, Alexander; Rozeik, Helena2019 Bringing service design thinking into the public sector to create proactive and user-friendly public servicesSirendi, Regina; Taveter, KuldarHCI in Business, Government, and Organizations : Information Systems : third International Conference, HCIBGO 2016 held as part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016 : proceedings. Part II2016 / p. 221-230 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39399-5_21 Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Conference Proceedings at WOS Article at WOS Business rules' approach to the modelling, design, and implementation of agent-oriented information systemsTaveter, KuldarProceedings of the International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems : (AOIS'99) : May 1, 1999, Seattle, and June 14-15, Heidelberg, Germany1999 / p. 81-97 Combining AOR diagrams and ross business rules' diagrams for enterprise modelingTaveter, Kuldar; Wagner, G.Proceedings of the Second International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2000) : 5-6 June 2000, Stockholm (Sweden) and 30 July 2000, Austin (Texas, USA)2000 / p. 113-130 A Conceptual framework for effective appropriation of proactive public e-servicesSirendi, Regina; Mendoza, Antonette; Barrier, Mariane; Taveter, Kuldar; Sterling, LeonAbstracts of Papers Presented at the 18th European Conference on DigitalGovernment ECDG 2018 : Hosted By University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 25 - 26 October 20182018 / p. 23-24 https://www.academic-conferences.org/download/21774/ A Conceptual framework for effective appropriation of proactive public e-servicesSirendi, Regina; Mendoza, Antonette; Barrier, Mariane; Taveter, Kuldar; Sterling, LeonProceedings of the 18th European Conference on Digital Government (ECDG2018) : University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 25-26 October 20182018 / p. 213-221 https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85059288603&partnerID=40&md5=d9349febf052a06c13e3cda8b0f9657b Conflict-resolution lifecycles for governed decentralized autonomous organization collaborationNorta, Alexander; Othman, Anis Ben; Taveter, KuldarEGOSE '15 : proceedings of the 2015 2nd International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society : Challenges in Eurasia : November 24-25, 2015, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation2015 / p. 244-257 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2846012.2846052 Describing agent organisationsArgente, Estefania; Boissier, Olivier; Esparcia, Sergio; Görmer, Jana; Kirikal, Kristi; Taveter, KuldarAgreement technologies2013 / p. 253-275 Design of an environment for agent-based simulation of air-to-air business processesSterling, Leon; Taveter, KuldarThe 7th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems : EUMAS 2009 : Ayia Napa, Cyprus, December 17-18, 2009 : proceedings2009 / ? p Designing adaptive multi-agent systems by agent-oriented modellingTaveter, Kuldar; Kirikal, KristiProceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011 : Milano, Italy, August 28 - September 2, 20112011 https://folk.ntnu.no/skoge/prost/proceedings/ifac11-proceedings/data/html/papers/3497.pdf Designing proactive public services = Proaktiivsete avalike teenuste disainimineErlenheim, Regina2019 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/727c90b4-8949-48e1-98f7-c854a56d773e https://www.ester.ee/record=b5268214*est eContractual choreography-language properties towards cross-organizational business collaborationNorta, Alexander; Ma, Lixin; Duan, Yucong; Rull, Addi; Kõlvart, Merit; Taveter, KuldarJournal of Internet services and applications2015 / p. 1-23 : ill https://doi.org/10.1186/s13174-015-0023-7 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Edenev koostöö Swinburne'i tehnikaülikooligaTaveter, KuldarMente et Manu2013 / lk. 22 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Eesti keelekeskkonna agendipõhine modelleerimine [Võrguväljaanne]Ehala, Martin; Taveter, KuldarGeneratiivse grammatika grupi juubelikoosolek 18.12.2015 : teesid2015 / lk. 28-29 https://dspace.ut.ee/bitstream/handle/10062/50296/GGG_juubelikoosolek_teesid_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Empirical evaluation of guidelines for prototyping sociotechnical systems in JADE frameworkMahunnah, Msury; Taveter, Kuldar; Wai Shiang, Cheah; Yee Wai, Sim2018 International Symposium on Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Robotics (ISAMSR 2018) : Putrajaya, Malaysia, 27 August 20182018 / p. 51-56 : ill http://doi.org/10.1109/ISAMSR.2018.8540558 An empirical evaluation of the requirements engineering tool for socio-technical systemsMahunnah, Msury; Taveter, Kuldar; Matulevičius, Raimundas2018 7th Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering : EmpiRE 2018 : 21 August 2018, Banff, Alberta, Canada : proceedings2018 / p. 8-19 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/EmpiRE.2018.00012 Engineering societal information systems by agent-oriented modelingTaveter, Kuldar; Du, Hongying; Huhns, Michael N.Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments2012 / p. 227-252 https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-ambient-intelligence-and-smart-environments/ais149 Enhancing requirements engineering in agile methodologies by agent-oriented goal models : two empirical case studiesTenso, Tanel; 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Gaševitc, Dragan; Taveter, Kuldar2009 Handbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approachesGiurca, Adrian; Gaševitc, Dragan; Taveter, Kuldar2009 Heuristics for designing and evaluating socio-technical agent-oriented behaviour models with Coloured Petri NetsMahunnah, Msury; Norta, Alexander; Ma, Lixin; Taveter, KuldarIEEE 38th Annual International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops : 27-29 July 2014, Västerås, Sweden : proceedings2014 / p. 438-443 : ill Hiina-reisi üllatused : [TTÜ informaatikainstituudi professori Kuldar Taveteri muljeid maailmanäituselt EXPO 2010 Šanghais]Taveter, KuldarMente et Manu2010 / lk. 1-2 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est How can agents help in designing complex systems?Taveter, Kuldar; Meriste, MerikJournal of telecommunication, electronic and computer engineering2017 / p. 1-8 : ill http://journal.utem.edu.my/index.php/jtec/issue/view/140 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus ICMS User Handbook V2 [Electronic resource]Frings, Sandra; 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Volume 12013 / p. 443-446 Multi-Agent systems and Blockchain: results from a systematic literature reviewCalvares, Davide; Dubovitskaya, Alevtina; Calbimonte, Jean Paul; Taveter, Kuldar; Schumacher, MichaelAdvances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complexity: The PAAMS Collection : 16th International Conference, PAAMS 2018, Toledo, Spain, June 20–22, 2018 : proceedings2018 / p. 110-126 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94580-4_9 Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS A multi-perspective methodology for agent-oriented business modelling and simulationTaveter, Kuldar2004 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1910546*est A new approach to the modeling, design and implementation of business information systemsTaveter, Kuldar; Tamm, Boris, inform.Databases and Information Systems : Fourth International Baltic Workshop, Baltic DBAMPIS 2000 : Vilnius, Lithuania, May 1-5, 2000 : selected papers2001 / p. 317-335 : ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-015-9636-7_25 A new approach to the modeling, design and implementation of business information systemsTaveter, Kuldar; 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Taveter, Kuldar; Huhns, Michael N.Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems : FedCSIS 2012 : Wrocław, Poland, 9-12 September, 20122012 / p. 1239–1246 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6354369 Simulation and prototyping of sociotechnical systems using agent-oriented modelling = Sotsiotehniliste süsteemide simulatsioon ja prototüüpimine kasutades agentorienteeritud modelleerimistMahunnah, Msury2019 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?11297 Simulations tool for crisis management strategies and planned actions V2 [Electronic resource]Taveter, Kuldar; Scholl, Martin; Schlobinski, Sascha; Ma, Lixin; Meriste, Merik2014 http://www.crismaproject.eu/deliverables/CRISMA_D443_public.pdf Stage models for moving from e-government to smart governmentLemke, Florian; Taveter, Kuldar; Erlenheim, Regina; Pappel, Ingrid; Draheim, Dirk; Janssen, MarijnElectronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia : 6th International Conference, EGOSE 2019, St.Petersburg, Russia, November 13-14, 2019 : Proceedings2020 / p. 152-164 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39296-3_12 Conference proceeding at Scopus Article at Scopus Supporting evolving multi-agent systems with a system evolution directoryLu, B.; 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