Air leakage and hygrothermal performance of an internally insulated log houseAlev, Üllar; Uus, Andres; Teder, Marko; Miljan, Martti-Jaan; Kalamees, TargoNSB 2014 : 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, 15-19 June 2014, Lund, Sweden : full papers2014 / p. 55-62 : ill Air leakage levels in timber frame building envelope jointsKalamees, Targo; Alev, Üllar; Pärnalaas, MihkelBuilding and environment2017 / p. 121-129 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Air leakage of concrete floor and foundation junctionsAlev, Üllar; Antsov, Peeter; Kalamees, TargoEnergy procedia2015 / p. 2046-2051 : ill Airtightness improvement solutions for log wall jointsAlev, Üllar; Uus, Andres; Kalamees, TargoEnergy procedia2017 / p. 861-866 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Airtightness, air exchange and energy performance in historic residential buildings with different structuresEskola, Lari; Alev, Üllar; Arumägi, Endrik; Jokisalo, Juha; Donarelli, Anna; Sirén, Kai; Kalamees, TargoInternational journal of ventilation2015 / p. 11-26 : ill The analysis of indoor hygrothermal loads based on measurements in multi-storey wooden apartment buildingsKalamees, Targo; Arumägi, Endrik; Thalfeldt, Martin; Ilomets, Simo; Klõšeiko, Paul; Alev, ÜllarProceedings of the 5th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC) : Kyoto, Japan, May 28-31, 20122012 / p. 225-232 : ill Avoiding mould growth in an interiorly insulated log wallAlev, Üllar; Kalamees, TargoBuilding and environment2016 / p. 104-115 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Comparison of mineral wool, cellulose and reed mat for interior thermal insulation of log wallsAlev, Üllar; Uus, Andres; Kalamees, TargoJournal of civil engineering and architecture research2015 / p. 938-946 : ill Comparison of thermal performance of mineral wool and reflective insulation on internally insulated log wallAlev, Üllar; Kalamees, Targo; Arumägi, Endrik; Ilomets, SimoProceedings of Healthy Buildings 2012 : Brisbane, Australia 8-12 July 20122012 / [6] p. : ill Cost-effective energy and indoor climate renovation of Estonian residential buildingsKalamees, Targo; Kuusk, Kalle; Arumägi, Endrik; Alev, ÜllarCost-effective energy-efficient building retrofitting : materials, technologies, optimization and case studies2017 / p. 405-454 : ill*est Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga : uuringu lõpparuanneKalamees, Targo; Arumägi, Endrik; Just, Alar; Kallavus, Urve; Mikli, Lauri; Thalfeldt, Marko; Klõšeiko, Paul; Agasild, Tõnis; Liho, Eva; Haug, Priit; Tuurmann, Kristo; Liias, Roode; Õiger, Karl; Langeproon, Priit; Orro, Oliver; Välja, Leele; Suits, Maris; Kodi, Georg-Mihkel; Ilomets, Simo; Alev, Üllar; Kurik, Lembit2011*est Energy performance of renovation alternatives of traditional rural houses in EstoniaAlev, Üllar; Arumägi, Endrik; Kalamees, TargoProceedings of CLIMA 2013 : 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Prague 16th-19th June, 20132013 / [9] p. : ill Evaluation of a technical survey and the renovation needs of old rural wooden houses in EstoniaAlev, Üllar; Kalamees, TargoJournal of building survey, appraisal & valuation2016 / p. 275-290 : ill Field study of airtightness of traditional rural houses in EstoniaAlev, Üllar; Kalamees, TargoProceedings of CLIMA 2013 : 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Prague 16th-19th June, 20132013 / [10] p. : ill Indoor climate and humidity loads in old rural houses with different usage profilesAlev, Üllar; Kalamees, Targo; Arumägi, EndrikProceedings of the 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2011), 29 May- 2 June 2011, Tampere, Finland. Vol. 32011 / p. 1103-1110 : ill Indoor hygrothermal condition and user satisfaction in naturally ventilated historic houses in temperate humid continental climate around the Baltic SeaAlev, Üllar; Kalamees, Targo; Eskola, Lari; Arumägi, EndrikArchitectural science review2016 / p. 53-67 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Indoor hygrothermal conditions in Estonian old multi-storey brick apartment buildingsKalamees, Targo; Ilomets, Simo; Arumägi, Endrik; Alev, Üllar; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Kuusk, Kalle; Maivel, MikkThe 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, June 5-10, 2011, Austin, Texas, USA2011 / [6] p Juhised radoonikaitse meetmete kasutamiseks uutes ja olemasolevates hoonetes = Guidance for radon-protective measures for new and existing buildings [Võrguteavik]2017*est Kuidas renoveerida kortermaja, et see ei näeks välja nagu inetu lapitekkMartin, Annidelfi.ee2024 Kuidas renoveerida kortermaja, et see ei näeks välja nagu inetu lapitekk Kuidas vana palkelamut läbimõeldult soojustada?Alev, ÜllarEhitaja2013 / lk. 51-55 : ill*est Maaelamute kohandamine mugavaks ja säästlikuksAlev, ÜllarMuinsuskaitse aastaraamat 20172018 / lk. 91-93 : ill Maaelamute sisekliima, ehitusfüüsika ja energiasääst I : uuringu I etapi lõpparuanneKalamees, Targo; Alev, Üllar; Arumägi, Endrik; Ilomets, Simo; Just, Alar; Kallavus, Urve2011*est Misused timber in renovationAlev, Üllar5th International Conference Forum Wood Building Baltic : 26-28 February 2024, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings2024 / p. 110-117 : ill*est Performance of interiorly insulated log wall : Experiences from Estonian cold climate conditionsKalamees, Targo; Arumägi, Endrik; Alev, ÜllarConference Report : The 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings2018 / p. 99-107 : ill Potential for finance and energy savings of detached houses in EstoniaAlev, Üllar; Allikmaa, Ats; Kalamees, TargoEnergy procedia2015 / p. 907-912 : ill Radooniohu vähendamise lahendused olemasolevatele ja uutele hoonetele = Guidance for radon-protective measures for new and existing buildings [Võrguväljaanne]Kalamees, Targo; Alev, Üllar; Thalfeldt, Martin; Varda, Kadi; Kurnitski, Jarek2015 Renovation alternatives to improve energy performance of historic rural houses in the Baltic Sea regionAlev, Üllar; Eskola, Lari; Arumägi, Endrik; Kalamees, TargoEnergy and buildings2014 / p. 58-66 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Renovation and energy performance improvement of Estonian wooden rural houses = Eesti puidust maaelamute renoveerimine ja energiatõhususe parandamineAlev, Üllar2017*est Simulated influence of indoor climate and ventilation on schoolwork performance in Estonian manor schoolsKalamees, Targo; Väli, Alan; Kallavus, Urve; Kurik, Lembit; Alev, ÜllarInternational journal of ventilation2015 / p. 153-164 : ill Sisäolosuhteet ja ilmanvaihto historiallisissa rakennuksissaAlev, Üllar; Eskola, Lari; Kalamees, Targo; Arumägi, EndrikSisäilmastoseminaari 2015 : Messukeskus, Helsinki, 11.3.20152015 / s. 271-276 : ill Välisfassaadi soojustamine – kuidas vältida levinud vigu ja tagada lahenduse pikaealisus?Martin, Annidelfi.ee2025 Välisfassaadi soojustamine – kuidas vältida levinud vigu ja tagada lahenduse pikaealisus?