Addressing housing needs of the displaced people promoting resilient and sustainable communitiesJayakody, Chathuranganee; Malalgoda, Chamindi Ishara; Amaratunga, Dilanthi; Haigh, Richard; Liyanage, Champika; Hamza, Mo; Witt, Emlyn David Qivitoq; Fernando, NisharaInternational Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment2022 / p. 368-385 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Artificial lateral line for aquatic habitat modelling: An example for Lefua echigoniaGarcia-Vega, Ana; Fuentes-Perez, Juan Francisco; Fukuda, Shinji; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Sanz-Ronda, Francisco Javier; Tuhtan, Jeffrey AndrewEcological Informatics2021 / art. 101388 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Determinants of fine-scale plant diversity in dry calcareous grasslands within the Baltic Sea regionReitalu, Triin; Helm, Aveliina; Pärtel, Meelis; Bengtsson, Karin; Gerhold, Pille; Rosén, Ejvind; Takkis, Krista; Znamenskiy, Sergey; Prentice, Honor C.Agriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 59-68 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Effects of a mobile disturbance pattern on dynamic patch networks and metapopulation persistenceFabritius, Eeva Henna Helena; de Knegt, Henrik; Ovaskainen, OtsoEcological modelling2021 / art. 109738 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Fish body geometry reduces the upstream velocity profile in subcritical flowing watersBensing, Katharina; Tuhtan, Jeffrey Andrew; Toming, Gert; Khan, Ali Hassan; Lehmann, BorisAquatic sciences2022 / p. 1-14 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Genetic variability of natural Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations in different habitatsPazouki, Leila; Suhorutšenko, Marina; Niinemets, ÜloMolecular Ecology : Vienna International Plant Conference Association, Vienna, February 4-7, 20122012 Historical analysis of habitat turnover and age distributions as a reference for restoration of Austrian Danube floodplainsHohensinner, S.; Haidvogl, G.; Jungwirth, M.; Muhar, S.; Preis, SergeiRiver basin management III : Third International Conference on River Basin Management2005 / p. 489-502 : ill ...ja kolmandal päeval lõi jumal maa ja lasi sellest võrsuda haljast rohtuTimm, Uudo; Niitlaan, Erki; Toomik, Arvi; Johanson, Jan; Malm, IndrekKaevandamine parandab maad2007 / lk. 25-30 : ill Oribatid mite (Acari : Oribatida) communities of urban brownfields in Tallinn, Estonia, and their potential as bioindicators of wasteland successional stageVacht, Piret; Niglas, Helin; Kuu, Annely; Koff, Tiiu; Kutti, Sander; Raamets, JaneAcarologia2019 / p. 26-32 : tab Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Producing pyrite based solar panels for the future lunar habitatKristmann, Katriin; Raadik, Taavi; Heemskerk, Marc Vincent; Woods, Arthur; Vogel, Andreas; Collins, Patrick; Gasperovics, Dimitrijis; Makaya, AdvenitIAF Space Power Symposium2024 / p. 312 - 317 The relevance of fluid-body interactions for habitat selection of two Iberian cyprinids during hydropeakingCosta, Maria Joao; Godinho, Francisco; Romao, Filipe; Fuentes-Perez, Juan Francisco; Tuhtan, Jeffrey Andrew; Pinheiro, Antonio N.; Boavida, IsabelProceedings 39th IAHR World Congress2022 / p. 1454−1459 Responses of grassland species richness to local and landscape factors depend on spatial scale and habitat specializationReitalu, Triin; Purschke, OliverJournal of vegetation science2012 / p. 41-51 : ill TalTech ja Tehnopol avasid ökohotellid lülijalgsetele putukatelepostimees.ee2024 TalTech ja Tehnopol avasid ökohotellid lülijalgsetele putukatele Trichoderma : biodiversity, ecological significances, and industrial applicationSharma, Sushma; Kour, Divjot; Rana, Kusam Lata; Sudheer, SuryaRecent advancement in white biotechnology through fungi. Volume 1. Diversity and enzymes perspectives2019 / p. 85-120 Urban Digital Twins as a tool for multi-species approach in planningMrosla, Laura; Allik, Martin; Fabritius, Eeva Henna Helena; Kupper, KristiinaAESOP annual congress space for species : redefining spatial justice - book of abstracts2022 / p. 148