Accumulation of heavy minerals in the eastern coast of the Gulf of Riga, south-western EstoniaJärvelill, Johanna-Iisebel; Kleesment, Anne; Raukas, AntoBulletin of the Geological Society of Finland2015 / p. 67 - 78 Provenance of heavy minerals in the Quaternary deposits of the Lemme outcrop, Estonia, based on optical microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscope microanalysisJärvelill, Johanna-Iisebel; Kallaste, Toivo; Kleesment, Anne-Liis; Pajusaar, Siim; Raukas, AntoEstonian journal of earth sciences2019 / p. 76-87 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS