ANN-LSTM based tool for photovoltaic power forecastingZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Mekhilef, Saad; Rosin, Argo2024 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE) : proceedings2024 / 6 p. : ill Barotropic trends through the Barents Sea opening for the period 1975–2021Jahanmard, Vahidreza; Löptien, Ulrike; Sandø, Anne Britt; Gierisch, Andrea M. U.; Dietze, Heiner; Lien, Vidar; Delpeche-Ellmann, Nicole Camille; Hordoir, RobinsonJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans2025 / art. e2024JC021663 Comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for non-intrusive load monitoringShabbir, Noman; Vassiljeva, Kristina; Hokmabad, Hossein Nourollahi; Husev, Oleksandr; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, JuriElectronics2024 / art. 1420 A data-fusion technique for forecasting of absolute sea levels in the Baltic SeaRajabi-Kiasari, Saeed; Delpeche-Ellmann, Nicole Camille; Ellmann, Artu2023 Machine Learning And Data Analysis In Oceanography, University of Liège, Belgium2023 / 1 p A data-fusion technique for forecasting of absolute sea levels in the Baltic Sea Deep learning based audio-visual emotion recognition in a smart learning environmentDunajeva, Olga; Pentel, Avar; Ivleva, Natalja; Juštšenko, ValeriaTowards a Hybrid, Flexible and Socially Engaged Higher Education : proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2023), vol. 12024 / p. 420-431 Deep reinforcement learning for automated tuning of cavity filtersSekhri, Even; Tamre, Mart; Kapoor, RajivProceedings of ieeeforum International Conference2019 / p. 53 Deep-learning based blood cells classification and initial edge device implementationIslam, Md. 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