Application of shore sediments accumulated in navigation channel for restoration of sandy beaches around Pärnu City, SW Estonia, Baltic SeaTõnisson, Hannes; Männikus, Rain; Kont, Are; Palginõmm, Valdeko; Alari, Victor; Suuroja, Sten; Vaasma, Tiit; Vilumaa, KadriJournal of marine science and engineering2024 / art. 394 Deposition fluxes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the bottom sediments of lake PihkvaKapanen, Galina; Terasmaa, Jaanus; Vaasma, Tiit; Raukas, AntoOil shale2013 / p. 550-562 : ill*est Eesti Geograafia Seltsi tegevusest aastal 2015Vaasma, TiitEesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat = Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society. 41. kd2016 / lk. [284]-291 : fot., kaart*est Estonia. Geographical studies. 11 : on the occasion of the 32nd International Geographical Congress / Estonian Geographical Society2012*est Sedimentation dynamics in the littoral zone of Lake PeipsiTerasmaa, Jaanus; Raukas, Anto; Vaasma, Tiit; Tavast, ElviBaltica2013 / p. 95-104 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS