Applications of biotechnology in food engineeringPaalme, Toomas; Adamberg, Kaarel; Eha, Kairit; Friedenthal, Margus; Järvekülg, Lilian; Laos, Katrin; Kasemets, Kaja; Kann, Aino; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Sirendi, Meelis; Tauts, Olev; Tedersoo, Erge; Täht, Riina; Vokk, RaivoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2002 / p. 16-30 Biological activity and physicochemical properties of chitosan film cross-linked with chestnut extract for active food packaging applications = Kastani ekstraktiga seotud kitosaankilede bioloogiline aktiivsus, füüsikalis-keemilised omadused ning rakendatavus toidupakendinaKõrge, Kristi2021*est Characterisation of furcellaran samples from Estonian Furcellaria lumbricalis (Rhodophyta)Laos, Katrin; Ring, Stephen G.Journal of applied phycology2005 / p. 461-464 : ill Characterising and determining the botanical origin of Estonian honeys = Eesti mete iseloomustamine ja botaanilise päritolu määramineKivima, Evelin2022*est Characterization of different honeys produced in EstoniaKirs, Evelin; Pall, Raili; Laos, KatrinFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine. XVII : book of abstracts : the 5th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology : Foodbalt-20102010 / p. 98-99 Characterization of Estonian honeys by botanical originKivima, Evelin; Seiman, Andrus; Pall, Raili; Sarapuu, Evelyn; Martverk, Kaie; Laos, KatrinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 183-192 : ill*est Composition, physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activity of Estonian honeysKivima, Evelin; Tanilas, Kristel; Martverk, Kaie; Laos, Katrin14th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Sustainable Food for Conscious Consumer" : FoodBalt 2021 : book of abstracts2021 / p. 125 The composition, physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity, and sensory properties of Estonian honeysKivima, Evelin; Tanilas, Kristel; Martverk, Kaie; Rosenvald, Sirli; Timberg, Loreida; Laos, KatrinFoods2021 / art. 511, 14 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Crystallization of sugar solutionsKikkas, Anna; Kirs, Evelin; Laos, Katrin; Paalme, Toomas7th International Conference of Food Physicist : Senta, [Serbia & Montenegro], 30th June - 1st July 20062006 / [1] p Crystallization of supersaturated saccharose in presence of glucose and fructoseLaos, Katrin; Kirs, Evelin; Annuste, Tiina; Kikkas, Anna; Menert, Anne; Paalme, Toomas2nd Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology : FOODBALT-2007 : Kaunas, June 13-14 : conference program and abstracts2007 / p. 26 Crystallization of the supersaturated sucrose solutions in the presence of fructose, glucose and corn syrup [Electronic resource]Laos, Katrin; Kirs, Evelin; Annuste, Tiina; Kikkas, Anna; Menert, Anne; Paalme, ToomasECCE-6 : European Congress of Chemical Engineering : Copenhagen (Denmark), 16-20 September 20072007 / ? p. [CD-ROM] Crystallization on supersaturated sucrose in the presence of fructose, glucose, corn syrup and lactoseKirs, Evelin; Laos, Katrin; Kikkas, Anna; Paalme, ToomasFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2007 / p. 40-50 : ill Dependence of the interaction of Furcellaran between the globular proteins bovine serum albumin and [beeta]-lactoglobulin on pHLaos, Katrin; Brownsey, Geoffrey J.; Ring, Stephen G.Proceedings of 4th International Congress on Food Technology. Volume 12005 / p. 337-346 : ill Development of furcellaran and furcellaran-bovine serum albumin films to improve food quality and safetyLaos, Katrin; Mironova, Marina; Friedenthal, MargusINTRADFOOD2005 : Innovations in Traditional Foods : Valencia, 25 to 28 October, 2005 : congress proceedings. Volume II2005 / p. 1343-1346 Development of furcellaran and furcellaran-bovine serum albumin films to improve food quality and safetyLaos, Katrin; Mironova, Marina; Friedenthal, MargusINTRADFOOD2005 : Innovations in Traditional Foods : delegate manual : 25-28 October, 2005, Valencia, Spain2005 / p. P5.55 Effect of hydrocolloids on the rheological properties of ultrafiltrated curdsSalumets, Airika; Laos, Katrin; Sõrmus, AavoAnnual European Rheology Conference : Göteborg, Sweden, April 7-9, 20102010 Effect of quality properties of added gluten on the texture and sensory properties of rye and buckwheat breadsTraksmaa, Anna; Kaleda, Aleksei; Nurme, Britta; Laos, KatrinAgronomy research2023 / 13 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Effect of thermal treatment on the rheological properties of carrageenan gelsLaos, Katrin; Eha, Kairit16th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Traditional meets non-traditional in future food" : FOODBALT 2023 : Book of abstracts2023 / p. 52 Encapsulation of [beeta]-carotene from sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) juice in furcellaran beadsLaos, Katrin; Lõugas, Tiina; Mändmets, Aire; Vokk, RaivoInnovative food science & emerging technologies2007 / p. 395-398 : ill Encapsulation of [beeta]-carotene of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) juice in furcellaran beadsLaos, Katrin; Lõugas, Tiina; Vokk, RaivoPigments in Food - a Challenge to Life Sciences : 4th International Congress on Pigments in Food : Oct 9-12, 2006, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany2006 / p. 256-258 : ill Encapsulation of bioactive compounds of sea buckthorn in furcellaran beadsLõugas, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Vokk, Raivo; Friedenthal, MargusMarine Biopolymers : Structure, Functionality and Applications : June 27-29, 2004, Trondheim, Norway : a satellite to the XVIII International Seaweed Symposium : programme. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations2004 / p. P7 Extraction of ice structuring proteins from winter rye and winter wheat and assessment of activityKaleda, Aleksei; Taal, Laura; Laos, Katrin9th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Food for Consumer Well-Being" : FOODBALT 2014 : Jelgava, Latvia, 8-9 May 20142014 / [1] p Food deterioration and stabilityLaos, Katrin; Paalme, Toomas; Kann, AinoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2007 / p. 31-39 : ill Formulating dairy and fish products with inclusion of furcellaran from the red algae stratum of Baltic SeaFriedenthal, Margus; Vokk, Raivo; Sirendi, Meelis; Rand, E.; Laos, KatrinNMFST 2000 : Nutritionists Meet Food Scientists and Technologists : 12-14 April 2000, Portugal : abstract book2000 / p. 143 Functional analysis of ice-binding proteins and practical application in ice cream = Jääga seonduvate valkude funktsionaalne analüüs ja kasutamine jäätisesKaleda, Aleksei2018*est Gel strength and encapsulation efficiency of furcellaran beadsLõugas, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Mändmets, Aire; Vokk, Raivo; Friedenthal, MargusProceedings of 4th International Congress on Food Technology. Volume 12005 / p. 171-176 : ill Ice binding proteins from psychrophilic bacteria: characterization and applications in foodLuhila, Õnnela; Laos, Katrin; Paalme, Toomas16th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Traditional meets non-traditional in future food" : FOODBALT 2023 : Book of abstracts2023 / p. 15 Ice cream structure modification by ice-binding proteinsKaleda, Aleksei; Tsenov, Robert; Klesment, Tiina; Vilu, Raivo; Laos, KatrinFood Chemistry2018 / p. 164-171 Journal at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Ice re-crystallization in 10% fat ice cream using ice structuring proteins type 1 from fishKlesment, Tiina; Kõrge, Kristi; Sannik, Urmas; Laos, KatrinProceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Food Properties (ICFP2014) : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 24-26, 20142014 Ice re-crystallization in ice cream using ice structuring proteins from fishKlesment, Tiina; Kõrge, Kristi; Laos, KatrinFOODBALT-2012 : 7th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Innovative and Healthy Food for Consumers", May 17-18, 2012 : abstracts2012 Ice-binding proteins in psychrophilic bacteria – isolation, characterization, and applications in foodLuhila, Õnnela; Paalme, Toomas; Laos, KatrinIBP 20222022 Impact of short-term heat treatment on the structure and functional properties of carrageenans = Lühiajalise termilise töötluse mõju karragenaanide struktuurile ja funktsionaalsetele omadusteleEha, Kairit2022*est Impact of short-term heat treatment on the structure and functional properties of commercial furcellaran compared to commercial carrageenansEha, Kairit; Pehk, Tõnis; Heinmaa, Ivo; Kaleda, Aleksei; Laos, KatrinHeliyon2021 / art. e06640 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Influence of guar gum/furcellaran and guar gum/carrageenan stabilizer systems on the rheological and sensorial properties of ice cream during storageKlesment, Tiina; Stekolštšikova, Jelena; Laos, KatrinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 193-198 : ill*est Instability of low-moisture carrageenans as affected by water vapor sorption at moderate storage temperaturesFriedenthal, Margus; Eha, Kairit; Kaleda, Aleksei; Part, Natalja; Laos, KatrinSN Applied Sciences2020 / art. 243, 6 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Instability of low-moisture carrageenans as affected by water vapor sorption at moderate storage temperatures : [conference paper]Friedenthal, Margus; Eha, Kairit; Kaleda, Aleksei; Part, Natalja; Laos, Katrin14th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Sustainable Food for Conscious Consumer" : FoodBalt 2021 : book of abstracts2021 / p. 116 Interaction of furcellaran with proteinsLaos, Katrin; Ring, Stephen G.; Noel, Timothy R.The Twelfth Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference : 24-27 June 2003, Wrexham, UK : book of abstracts2003 / p. 84 Interactions between furcellaran and the globular proteins bovine serum albumin and [beeta]-lactoglobulinLaos, Katrin; Brownsey, Geoffrey J.; Ring, Stephen G.Carbohydrate polymers2007 / p. 116-123 : ill Interactions between furcellaran and the globular proteins (bovine serum albumin, [beta]-lactoglobulin)Laos, Katrin2005*est Interactions between furcellaran and the globular proteins (bovine serum albumin, beta-lactoglobulin) in solutions, gels and filmsLaos, KatrinFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2005 / p. 16-21 : ill Katrin Laos: toiduteaduse kõige põnevamad arengud on ringmajandusesLaos, KatrinMente et Manu2022 / lk. 12-17 : fot*est Physical parameters of sea buckthorn berriesLõugas, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Vokk, RaivoJournal of food physics2006 / p. 36-44 Physical properties as a tool for quality assessment in fruit processingLõugas, Tiina; Liis, Moonika; Laos, Katrin; Vokk, RaivoAnnual transactions The Nordic Rheology Society2005 / p. 295-299 : ill Physical properties of sea buckthorn fruitsLõugas, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Vokk, RaivoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2005 / p. 22-28 : ill Physicochemical and melissopalynological characterization of Estonian summer honeysKirs, Evelin; Pall, Raili; Martverk, Kaie; Laos, KatrinProcedia food science2011 / p. 616-624 Piima ja tema koostisosade mõju furtsellaraani geelide tekstuursetele omadusteleLaos, Katrin; Sirendi, Meelis; Eha, Kairit; Friedenthal, MargusXXVII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 27th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2001 / lk. 70 Plant material with antimicrobial and anti-oxidative activitiesVokk, Raivo; Lõugas, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Kravets, MarinaFOODBALT-2012 : 7th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Innovative and Healthy Food for Consumers", May 17-18, 2012 : abstracts2012 / p. 151 Research of crystallization process of honeyKontram, K.; Martverk, Kaie; Laos, KatrinFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2009 / p. 81-93 : ill Rheological investigations in the Department of Food ProcessingLaos, Katrin; Sirendi, Meelis; Friedenthal, MargusFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2002 / p. 47-54 : ill Rheological parameters of sea buckthorn berriesLõugas, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Vokk, Raivo7th International Conference of Food Physicist : Senta, [Serbia & Montenegro], 30th June - 1st July 20062006 / [1] p Rheological properties of gels formed with furcellaran and globular proteins bovine albumin and [beeta]-lactoglobulinLaos, Katrin; Brownsey, Geoffrey J.; Friedenthal, Margus; Ring, Stephen G.Annual transactions The Nordic Rheology Society2005 / p. 269-275 : ill Stimulating participation of the Central Europe in agri-food sector in the FP6 (CEAF)Lõugas, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Vokk, RaivoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2007 / p. 87-93*est TalTechi teadlane: Eesti ainus võimalus arenenud maadega konkurentsis püsida on olla oivalineNisamedtinov, Ildardigi.geenius.ee2024 TalTechi teadlane: Eesti ainus võimalus arenenud maadega konkurentsis püsida on olla oivaline TalTechi õppekava toidab nii intellektuaalselt kui ka sõna otseses mõttes [Võrguväljaanne]Laos, Katrinforte.delfi.ee2022 "KUULA SAADET | TalTechi õppekava toidab nii intellektuaalselt kui ka sõna otseses mõttes " Textural properties of estagar gels in the presence of potassium and calcium cations and saccharoseLaos, Katrin; Sirendi, MeelisFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2000 / p. 55-71 : ill The adsorption of globular proteins, bovine serum albumin and b-lactoglobulin, on poly-L-lysine-furcellaran multilayersLaos, Katrin; Parker, Roger; Moffat, J.; Wellner, N.; Ring, Stephen G.Carbohydrate polymers2006 / 3, p. 235-242 : ill The crystallization behaviour of Estonian honeysLaos, Katrin; Pall, Raili; Martverk, Kaie; Kirs, EvelinAgronomy research2011 / p. 427-432 : ill The dependence of sucrose, glucose syrop, furcellaran and citric acid concentrations on the properties and self-life stability of jellySalumets, Airika; Laos, Katrin; Lüüs, HelenFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2007 / p. 60-70 : ill The effect of packaging on the storage of jellyLaos, Katrin; Tilk, K.Food and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2004 / p. 55-61 : ill The effect of temperature and mechanical treatment on the properties of xanthan's, tara's and their blend's solutionsVaher, Kadi; Laos, Katrin; Sõrmus, AavoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2007 / p. 71-79 : ill The effect of temperature on the properties of Xanthan's tara's and their blend's solutionVaher, Kadi; Laos, Katrin; Sõrmus, AavoEuropean Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6 : Copenhagen, 16-20 September, 2007 : ECCE-6 book of abstracts2007 / p. 1069-1070 : ill The extraction and recovery of gelling galactans from the red algae stratum of Kassari bay in the Baltic SeaLaos, KatrinFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2001 / p. 59-60 The influence of different packaging materials and atmospheric conditions on the properties of pork rindsKõrge, Kristi; Laos, KatrinJournal of Applied Packaging Research2019 / art. 1, 11 p. : ill The influence of hydrocolloids on storage quality of 10% dairy fat ice creamKlesment, Tiina; Stekolštšikova, Jelena; Laos, KatrinAgronomy research2011 / p. 403-408 The influence of milk fat, pH and temperature on the viscosity of galacto-oligosaccharides and levan solutionsEha, Kairit; Laos, KatrinXIth International Conference of Food Physicists : Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 10-12 June, 20142014 The influence of milk powders on the crystallization of sucrose-sugar alcohols solutionsAnnuste, Tiina; Laos, Katrin; Kikkas, Anna; Menert, Anne; Paalme, ToomasFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2007 / p. 51-59 : ill The influence of some hydrocolloids and their blends on crystallization behaviour of ice creamKlesment, Tiina; Stekolštšikova, Jelena; Laos, Katrin11th International Hydrocolloid Conference : Purdue University, USA, May 14-18, 20122012 The interactions between furcellaran and milk proteins (BSA, BLG)Laos, Katrin; Brownsey, Geoffrey J.; Ring, Stephen G.Marine Biopolymers : Structure, Functionality and Applications : June 27-29, 2004, Trondheim, Norway : a satellite to the XVIII International Seaweed Symposium : programme. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations2004 / p. P8 The nonequilibrium phase and glass transition behavior of [beeta]-lactoglobulinParker, Roger; Noel, Timothy R.; Brownsey, Geoffrey J.; Laos, Katrin; Ring, Stephen G.Biophysical journal2005 / p. 1227-1236 : ill The shear stress and fracture test of furcellaran at moderate concentrationsEha, Kairit; Laos, Katrin; Barndõk, Tarmo; Friedenthal, MargusFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2001 / p. 41-46 : ill The viscosity of supersaturated aqueous glucose, fructose and glucose-fructose solutionsLaos, Katrin; Harak, MargusJournal of food physics2014 / p. 27-30 : ill Toiduainete tehnoloogia : kõrgkooliõpikPoikalainen, Väino; Tatar, Vilma; Laikoja, Katrin; Traksmaa, Anna; Laos, Katrin2018*est Toidukristallide kirev maailmLaos, KatrinHorisont2012 / lk. 24-28 : ill*est Uued inimesed ja positsioonidTammet, Tanel; Uska, Riina; Laanearu, Janek; Tabri, Kristjan; Vendelin, Marko; Margus, Madis; Kindsigo, Merit; Talpsepp, Tõnn; Tähemaa, Toivo; Laos, Katrin; Liiv, Innar; Rüütmann, Tiia; Sarapuu, Külli; Kikkas, Kaido; Pachel, KarinMente et Manu2022 / lk. 40-49 : fot*est Water sorption behaviour of commercial furcellaranEha, Kairit; Kaleda, Aleksei; Menert, Anne; Laos, KatrinHeliyon2022 / 10 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Viscosity of supersaturated aqueous sugar solutionsLaos, Katrin; Harak, MargusXIth International Conference of Food Physicists : Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 10-12 June, 20142014