Applications of biotechnology in food engineeringPaalme, Toomas; Adamberg, Kaarel; Eha, Kairit; Friedenthal, Margus; Järvekülg, Lilian; Laos, Katrin; Kasemets, Kaja; Kann, Aino; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Sirendi, Meelis; Tauts, Olev; Tedersoo, Erge; Täht, Riina; Vokk, RaivoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2002 / p. 16-30 Assessment of water sorption for carrageenan by isothermal microcalorimetryFriedenthal, Margus; Eha, Kairit; Eding, G.NFIF 2003 - New Functional Ingredients and Foods : Safety, Health and Convenience : 9-11 April 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark2003 / p. P1-G06 Effect of thermal treatment on the rheological properties of carrageenan gelsLaos, Katrin; Eha, Kairit16th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Traditional meets non-traditional in future food" : FOODBALT 2023 : Book of abstracts2023 / p. 52 Effects of drying on the gel strength and cation mobility of furcellaranFriedenthal, Margus; Eha, Kairit; Viitak, Anu; Lukas, Ave; Siimer, EnnInnovative food science & emerging technologies2001 / p. 275-279 : ill Impact of short-term heat treatment on the structure and functional properties of carrageenans = Lühiajalise termilise töötluse mõju karragenaanide struktuurile ja funktsionaalsetele omadusteleEha, Kairit2022*est Impact of short-term heat treatment on the structure and functional properties of commercial furcellaran compared to commercial carrageenansEha, Kairit; Pehk, Tõnis; Heinmaa, Ivo; Kaleda, Aleksei; Laos, KatrinHeliyon2021 / art. e06640 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Instability of low-moisture carrageenans as affected by water vapor sorption at moderate storage temperaturesFriedenthal, Margus; Eha, Kairit; Kaleda, Aleksei; Part, Natalja; Laos, KatrinSN Applied Sciences2020 / art. 243, 6 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Instability of low-moisture carrageenans as affected by water vapor sorption at moderate storage temperatures : [conference paper]Friedenthal, Margus; Eha, Kairit; Kaleda, Aleksei; Part, Natalja; Laos, Katrin14th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Sustainable Food for Conscious Consumer" : FoodBalt 2021 : book of abstracts2021 / p. 116 Investigations related to furcellaranEha, Kairit; Friedenthal, MargusFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2002 / p. 39-46 : ill Monitoring of commercial furcellaran by a rupture testEha, KairitFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2001 / p. 57-58 : ill Piima ja tema koostisosade mõju furtsellaraani geelide tekstuursetele omadusteleLaos, Katrin; Sirendi, Meelis; Eha, Kairit; Friedenthal, MargusXXVII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 27th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2001 / lk. 70 The influence of milk fat, pH and temperature on the viscosity of galacto-oligosaccharides and levan solutionsEha, Kairit; Laos, KatrinXIth International Conference of Food Physicists : Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 10-12 June, 20142014 The shear stress and fracture test of furcellaran at moderate concentrationsEha, Kairit; Laos, Katrin; Barndõk, Tarmo; Friedenthal, MargusFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2001 / p. 41-46 : ill Water sorption behaviour of commercial furcellaranEha, Kairit; Kaleda, Aleksei; Menert, Anne; Laos, KatrinHeliyon2022 / 10 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS