Baking qualities of winter triticaleTäht, Riina; Kann, Aino; Kasearu, P.; Jaama, E.; Vijand, M.Food and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine1998 / p. 76-83 Baking qualities of winter triticale grown in EstoniaTäht, Riina; Kann, Aino; Kasearu, P.; Jaama, E.; Vijand, M.Proceedings of the 4th International Triticale Symposium, Canada, 19981998 / p. 841-845 Comparison of storage proteins and baking properties of triticaleTohver, M.; Kann, Aino; Täht, Riina; Mihhalevski, AnnaFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2003 / p. 39-45 Comparison of storage proteins and baking quality of related triticale cultivarsTohver, M.; Kann, Aino; Täht, Riina; Hakman, J.Food and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2002 / p. 55-61 : ill Evaluation of nutritional composition of raw material and rye baking productsMihhalevski, Anna; Hälvin, Kristel; Ošeka, Aleksandra; Paalme, ToomasFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine. XVII : book of abstracts : the 5th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology : Foodbalt-20102010 / p. 110-111*est Falling number as a suitability factor for determining the baking quality of rye flourVeskus, Tiina; Kann, AinoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine1997 / p. 95-104: ill*est The electrophoretical spectra of storage proteins and baking properties of rye, triticale and wheatTohver, M.; Kann, Aino; Täht, Riina; Rahnu, I.; Mihhalevski, Anna1st Baltic Conference on Rye - in EU-Context : 2-5 September, 2001, Lithuania, Kaunas : abstracts of oral presentation2001 / p. 28