Characterization of a recombination hotspot in wheat using flow-sorted pollen nuclei and digital PCRAbrouk, Michael; Zwyrtkova, Jana; Christelova, Pavla; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, KadriInternational Plant & Animal Genome XXV : January 14-18, 2017, San Diego, CA, USA : [poster abstracts]2017 / poster P0843, p. [230-231] Characterization of new allele influencing flowering time in bread wheat introgressed from Triticum militinaeIvaničova, Zuzana; Jakobson, Irena; Reis, Diana; Järve, KadriNew biotechnology2016 / p. 718-727 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The chromatin determinants and Ph1 gene effect at wheat sites with contrasting recombination frequencyMajka, Maciej; Janáková, Eva; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, Kadri; Cápal, Petr; Korchanová, Zuzanna; Lampar, Adam; Juračka, Jakub; Valárik, MiroslavJournal of advanced research2023 / p. 75-85 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Colinearity-based marker mining for high density mapping of the wheat powdery mildew resistance locus QPm.tut-4AValarik, Miroslav; Jakobson, Irena; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Kladivova, Monika; Järve, Kadri; Doložel, JaroslavAbstracts of the 19th International Triticeae Mapping Initative - 3rd COST Tritigen : Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 31st - September 4th 20092009 / p. 88 Combined approaches toward mapping and cloning of powdery mildew resistance gene QPm.tut-4A introgressed to bread wheat from T. militinaeKladivova, Monika; Klocova, Barbora; Reis, Diana; Jakobson, Irena; Peuša, Hilma; Järve, Kadri; Timofejeva, LjudmillaAbstracts of the Plant and Animal Genome XX Conference : San-Diego California, US2012 / p. 313 A common wheat line showing Triticum militinae-derived adult-plant resistance to powdery mildewJakobson, Irena; Peuša, Hilma; Tiidema, Anu; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Järve, KadriProceedings of the 10th International Wheat Genetics Symposium : Paestum, Instituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, 2003. 32003 / p. 1160-1162 Construction of physical map for the locus introgressed to bread wheat from Triticum militinae conferring powdery mildew resistanceKomínková, E.; Klocová, B.; Abrouk, Michael; Posti, Diana; Jakobson, Irena; Peuša, Hilma; Järve, Kadri; Timofejeva, LjudmillaCereals for Food, Feed and Fuel - Challenge for Global Improvement : EUCARPIA Cereals Section - I T M I Joint Conference : Wernigerode, Germany, June 29 - July 4, 2014 : book of abstracts2014 / p. 114 Divergence between bread wheat and Triticum militinae in the powdery mildew resistance QPm.tut‑4A locus and its implications for cloning of the resistance geneJanáková, Eva; Jakobson, Irena; Peuša, Hilma; Järve, KadriTheoretical and applied genetics2019 / p. 1061–1072 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Efficiency of the Triticum militinae-derived powdery mildew resistance gene QPm.tut-4A on different genetic backgroundsJakobson, Irena; Islamov, Bulat; Tsõmbalova, Jelena; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Järve, KadriInternational Conference Plant Diseases and Resistance Mechanisms : programme and abstracts : Vienna, Austria, 20-22 February 20132013 / p. 52 Fine mapping, phenotypic characterization and validation of non-race-specific resistance to powdery mildew in a wheat–Triticum militinae introgression lineJakobson, Irena; Reis, Diana; Tiidema, Anu; Peuša, Hilma; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Valarik, Miroslav; Klavdivova, Monika; Doležel, Jaroslav; Järve, KadriTheoretical and applied genetics2012 / p. 609-623 Foliar resistance to the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary in a backcross of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar AndoRunno-Paurson, Eve; Tähtjärv, Terje; Tõnismann, Karmen; Peuša, Hilma; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, KadriActa agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and plant science2019 / p. 631-640 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Genetic analysis of powdery mildew resistance in an introgression line of wheat = Jahukastekindla introgressiivse suvenisuliini geneetiline analüüsJakobson, Irena2019 A haplotype specific to North European wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Tsõmbalova, Jelena; Peuša, Hilma; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, KadriGenetic resources and crop evolution2017 / p. 653-664 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS High density mapping of powdery mildew resistance gene Qpm.Tut-4A introgressed to bread wheat from Triticum militinaeKominkova, Eva; Balcarkova, Barbora; Abrouk, Michael; Reis, Diana; Jakobson, Irena; Peuša, Hilma; Järve, Kadri; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Doležel, Jaroslav; Valarik, MiroslavPlant and Animal Genome Conference XXIV : the International Conference on the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research : January 9-13, 2016, Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA2016 / p. P0872 : ill In silico identification and characterization of wheat 4AL - Triticum militinae introgressionAbrouk, Michael; Šimková, H.; Martis, M. M.; Pingault, L.; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, KadriCereals for Food, Feed and Fuel - Challenge for Global Improvement : EUCARPIA Cereals Section - I T M I Joint Conference : Wernigerode, Germany, June 29 - July 4, 2014 : book of abstracts2014 / p. 303 In-silico identification and characterization of wheat 4AL - Triticum militinae IntrogressionAbrouk, Michael; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, KadriXXII International Plant & Animal Genome Conference : January 10-14, 2014, San Diego, CA, USA : [abstracts]2014 / p. P214 Powder mildew resistance of Nordic spring wheat cultivars grown in EstoniaPeuša, Hilma; Enno, Tamara; Jakobson, Irena; Tsõmbalova, Jelena; Ingver, Anne; Järve, KadriActa agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and plant science2008 / p. 289-296 Precise mapping the powdery mildew resistance locus QPm.tut-4A in wheat using barley, brachypodium, and rice collinear regionsValarik, Miroslav; Jakobson, Irena; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Kladivova, Monika; Järve, Kadri; Dolezel, JaroslavPlant & Animal Genome XVIII Conference : San Diego, 20102010 / p. P332 QTL analysis of yield-related morphological traits and powdery mildew resistance in an introgressive line of bread wheatJakobson, Irena; Tiidema, Anu; Peuša, Hilma; Posti, Diana; Ingver, Anne; Järve, KadriAbstracts of the 19th International Triticeae Mapping Initative - 3rd COST Tritigen : Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 31st - September 4th 20092009 / p. 149 Structural variations of T. militinae locus introgressed into wheat chromosome arm 4AL and conferring improved powdery mildew resistanceKominkova, Eva; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, Kadri; Peuša, Hilma; Abrouk, Michael; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Doležel, Jaroslav; Valarik, MiroslavInternational Plant & Animal Genome XXV : January 14-18, 2017, San Diego, CA, USA : [poster abstracts]2017 / poster P0896, p. [245] Tetraploid wheat species Triticum timopheevii and Triticum militinae in common wheat improvementJärve, Kadri; Jakobson, Irena; Enno, TamaraActa agronomica Hungarica2002 / 4, p. 1-15 The in silico identification and characterization of a bread wheat/Triticum militinae introgression lineAbrouk, Michael; Balcarkova, Barbora; Šimkova, Hana; Jakobson, Irena; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Järve, KadriPlant biotechnology journal2017 / p. 249-256 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Towards cloning the powdery mildew resistance gene QPm.tut-4A introgressed to bread wheat from T. militinaeKladivova, Monika; Klocova, Barbora; Posti, Diana; Jakobson, Irena; Peuša, Hilma; Järve, Kadri; Timofejeva, LjudmillaAbstracts of the ITMI NWGC Joint Workshop : Fargo ND, USA2012 Triticum militinae introgressions into bread wheat affect host responses to powdery mildew challenge [Online resource]Islamov, Bulat; Peuša, Hilma; Jakobson, Irena; Järve, KadriEnvironmental adaptation : from molecules to the planet : the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Environmental Adaptation ENVIRON. 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