Calculation of long extended tubesTeder, Leo; Nurmsoo, Veiko; Roosimölder, LembitOST-98 Symposium on Machine Design, Oulanka, Finland, October 1-3, 1998 : proceedings1998 / p. 143-151: ill Calculation of the characteristics of a hydraulic cylinder controlled by a servo-valveGrossschmidt, Gunnar; Vanaveski, Jüri; Roosimölder, LembitInternational DAAAM : [DAAAM National Estonia] : proceedings of the 1st International Conference, 25-27th September 1997, Tallinn, Estonia1997 / p. 38-41: ill Changes in innovative activities of Estonian firms in period 1995-2005Lumiste, Rünno; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 339-344 Container device for waste water pretreatmentVarikmaa, Andrus; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the Second National DAAAM Conference in Estonia : Science'961997 / p. 112-116: ill Crossflow aeratorsEnok, Mart; Roosimölder, LembitOST-03 Symposium on Machine Design2003 / p. 121-129 : ill Data mining in production management and manufacturingMatsi, Birthe; Lõun, Kaia; Otto, Tauno; Roosimölder, LembitAnnals of DAAAM for 2008 & proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium : Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions2008 / p. 827-828 Data mining in production management and manufacturingMatsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Lõun, Kaia; Roosimölder, LembitDAAAM International Scientific Book 20092009 / p. 97-106 Design environment for creation of metal structures of higher safety requirementsEerme, Martin; Roosimölder, Lembit; Küttner, ReinProceedings NordDesign 2002 : Visions and Values in Engineering Design : [August 14-16, 2002, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway]2002 / p. 57-64 : ill Design for crashworthiness of the vehicle seat frameEerme, Martin; Roosimölder, LembitDAAAM International scientific book 20052005 / p. 141-148 : ill., phot Design highly loaded frames with complicated configuration [Electronic resource]Roosimölder, Lembit; Eerme, Martin; Tuulemäe, Teet9th International Conference on Machine Design and Production : UMTIK 2000 : 13-15 September 2000, Ankara, Turkey2000 / p. 229-235. [CD-ROM] Design of highly loaded cast iron framesRoosimölder, Lembit; Eerme, MartinInternational Symposium on Machine Design OST 2001 : [Tallinn, Estonia, October 4-5, 2001] : abstracts2001 / [1] p Design of highly loaded framesRoosimölder, Lembit; Eerme, MartinOST-01 Symposium on Machine Design : Tallinn, Estonia, October 4-5, 2001 : proceedings2001 / p. 51-58 : ill Design of sandwich support structuresEerme, Martin; Enok, Mart; Roosimölder, Lembit; Küttner, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2004 / 4, p. 300-307 : ill Eesti Mehaanikainseneride LiitKulu, Priit; Laansoo, Andres; Roosimölder, LembitInseneeria2008 / 6, lk. 26-27 : ill*est Eesti Mehaanikainseneride Liit. Eesti Keevitusühing. Eesti Materjalitehnika Ühing. Eesti Masinaehitusinseneride Selts. Mehaanikainseneri kutseid omistav organKulu, Priit; Laansoo, Andres; Roosimölder, LembitMehaanikateaduskond 20082008 / lk. 54-58 Generating air bubbles for wastewater purification, flotation and gas dissolving processRoosimölder, LembitOST-99 Symposium on Machine Design : Stockholm, 30th Sept. - 1st Oct., 1999 : proceedings1999 / p. 175-181: ill Generating air bubbles in crossflow aerators with grinded ringsRoosimölder, Lembit; Enok, MartProceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 27-29th April 2000, Tallinn, Estonia / DAAAM International Vienna, DAAAM National Estonia2000 / p. 61-64 : ill Implementation of robot welding cells using modular approachSarkans, Martinš; Roosimölder, LembitEstonian journal of engineering2010 / 4, p. 317-327 : ill Increasing of rapid prototyping performance by 3D printing technologiesSonk, Kaimo; Matsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Roosimölder, LembitJournal of machine engineering2009 / 1S, p. 121-129 Innovation capacity estimation in product developmentMatsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Roosimölder, LembitManufacturing : Focus on the Future : IMC 24 : The International Manufacturing Conference : 29th-31th August 2007, Irland. 22007 / p. 703-710 Investigation of dynamic behaviour of orthotropic structuresEerme, Martin; Vakrõõm, Teet; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 3rd International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 25-27 April 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 15-17 : ill Konstruktsioonilise kursuseprojekti juhend erialade 0531 ja 0517 üliõpilastele1980*est Limited slip differential for vehiclesRoosimölder, Lembit; Resev, Jüri; Kuusik, TaivoInternational Symposium on Machine Design OST 2001 : [Tallinn, Estonia, October 4-5, 2001] : abstracts2001 / [1] p Limited slip differential for vehiclesResev, Jüri; Roosimölder, Lembit; Kuusik, TaivoOST-01 Symposium on Machine Design : Tallinn, Estonia, October 4-5, 2001 : proceedings2001 / p. 59-66 : ill Limited slip differential gearRoosimölder, LembitProceedings : NordDesign '98 : August 26-28, 1998, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden1998 / p. 263-267: ill Masinaehituse instituutRoosimölder, Lembit70 aastat mehaanikateaduskonda / Tallinna Tehnikaülikool2006 / lk. 37-44 : portr Mass reduction of plate framesEerme, Martin; Enok, Mart; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 20-22 : ill Materjal ja konstruktsioon : metoodiline juhend üliõpilaskonstruktorile1982*est Mehaaniliste struktuuride modelleerimine tootearendusesRoosimölder, Lembit; Eerme, MartinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20032004 / lk. 23-28 Method for increasing innovation capacity in development of casing type detailsMatsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Sarkans, Martinš; Roosimölder, LembitVirtual and Rapid Manufacturing : Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping2007 / p. 747-752 Mittesümmeetriline lülitatav piiratud libisemisega diferentsiaalResev, Jüri; Roosimölder, LembitPõllumajandustehnika, -ehitus ja -energeetika2001 / lk. 210-215 : ill*est Modularisation information carried by products - case studySarkans, Martinš; Roosimölder, Lembit; Rokk, RaidoProceedings of the 5th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic : Industrial Engineering - Adding Innovation Capacity of Labour Force and Entrepreneur : 20-22 April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia2006 / p. 77-80 : ill Modularization of waste water purification deviceTars, Peeter; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 94-97 : ill Module reuse in product platform architectureSarkans, Martinš; Roosimölder, LembitMachine engineering2004 / 1/2, p. 45-51 More competitive pianoRoosimölder, Lembit; Eerme, Martin; Mägi, Aavo44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 20.-23.09.1999. Band 3, Maschinenbau im Informationszeitalter : Vortragsreihen1999 / S. 284-287: Ill Networks and innovation in machinery and electronics industry and enterprises (Estonian case studies) = Võrgustikud ja innovatsioon masina- ja elektroonikatööstuse arendamisel (Eesti juhtumite analüüs)Lumiste, Rünno2008*est A new type of differential gearRoosimölder, LembitOST-96 Symposium on Machine Design, [Stockholm] May 13-14, 1996 : program, abstracts1996 / [1] p*est A new type of differential gearRoosimölder, LembitOST-96 Symposium on Machine Design, [Stockholm], May 13-14, 1996 : proceedings1996 / p. 126-130: ill Optimization of star springsRoosimölder, LembitProceedings of the Second National DAAAM Conference in Estonia : Science'961997 / p. 94-97: ill Over- and understeering with a limited slip differentialResev, Jüri; Roosimölder, Lembit; Siitas, MarkoProceedings of NordDesign 2008 : August 21-23, 20082008 / p. 358-365 : ill Paindlikud tootmissüsteemid tänapäeva masinaehitusesRoosimölder, Lembit; Riives, JüriTehnika ja Tootmine1985 / lk. 8-11 : ill*est Piiratud hõõrdumisega diferentsiaalhammasülekande uurimineResev, Jüri; Roosimölder, LembitTeadustööde kogumik / Eesti Põllumajandusülikool1999 / lk. 148-154: ill Pinnete paksuse mõõtmineLaaneots, Rein; Roosimölder, LembitTehnika ja Tootmine1991 / 7/8, lk. 19-21: fotod Problem solving as a tool in machine designRoosimölder, LembitOST-97 Symposium on Machine Design, Tallinn, Estonia, May 22-23, 1997 : proceedings1997 / p. 182-188*est Proceedings of NordDesign 2008 : August 21-23, 20082008*est Product family concept evaluationEnok, Mart; Eerme, Martin; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of NordDesign 2006 Conference : [August 16-18, 2006 : Reykjavik, Iceland]2006 / p. 112-119 : ill Product platform modularisation of luminaire light sourcesSarkans, Martinš; Roosimölder, Lembit; Rokk, RaidoProceedings of NordDesign 2004 Conference : 18-20 August, Tampere, Finland2004 / p. 73-77 Product platform modularization for test adaptersSarkans, Martinš; Roosimölder, LembitOST-03 Symposium on Machine Design2003 / p. 100-106 Productivity in innovation and new product developmentMatsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 22-24th April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. [I]2010 / p. 142-147 : ill Programmable logic controllers in process automationMikkor, Ahti; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 63-65 : ill Rein Mesila 11.11.1937 - 17.08.2007 : [in memoriam]Küttner, Rein; Reedik, Vello; Roosimölder, LembitTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20072008 / lk. 436-437 Research of innovation capacity monitoring methodology for engineering industry = Innovatsioonivõimekuse monitooringu metoodika töötlevale tööstuseleMatsi, Birthe2011 Switching process in limited slip differentialResev, Jüri; Roosimölder, Lembit; Siitas, MarkoProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [1]2008 / p. 153-158 : ill Synergy deployment at early evaluation of modularity of the multi-agent production systems = Sünergia kaasamine modulaarsuse varaseks hindamiseks mitmeagentsete tootmissüsteemide evitamiselSarkans, Martinš2012*est Synergy deployment in multi-agent modular systemsSarkans, Martinš; Eerme, Martin; Reedik, Vello; Roosimölder, LembitSocio-technical synergetics2024 / p. 102-124 : ill*est Teadmistepõhise tootmise arendusRiives, Jüri; Roosimölder, LembitTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20092010 / lk. 25-28 : ill*est Torque distribution control unit in automotive propulsion systemsResev, Jüri; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2004 / 4, p. 290-299 : ill*est TPI leiutajatelt rahvamajanduseleRoosimölder, LembitTehnika ja Tootmine1983 / lk. 10-11*est TTÜ RRÜ eestseisuse koosolekRoosimölder, LembitTehnikaülikool1991 / 1. veebr., lk. 8*est Tööpinkide projekteerimine : metoodiline juhend projekti koostamiseks1994*est Tööpinkide projekteerimine : skeemid ja joonised1993*est Tööstuse konkurentsivõime tõstmine : TTÜ masinaehituse instituutRoosimölder, LembitInseneeria2011 / lk. 13-14 : ill*est Uuenduslik tootmine : käsiraamatRiives, Jüri; Lumiste, Rünno; Reedik, Vello; Roosimölder, Lembit; Karjust, Kristo; Kers, Jaan; Kiolein, Indrek; Kokla, Margo; Küttner, Rein; Lavin, Jaak; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Lõun, Kaia; Mõtus, Leo; Naams, Invar; Otto, Tauno; Pohlak, Meelis; Raba, Karl; Saks, Alo; Talkop, Adolf; Tähemaa, Toivo; Veinthal, Renno2011*est Uut pinnakatte-paksusmõõturite töötlemisesLaaneots, Rein; Roosimölder, LembitTehnika ja Tootmine1987 / lk. 19-21 : ill*est Weight reduction of support structuresEerme, Martin; Enok, Mart; Roosimölder, Lembit; Küttner, ReinProceedings of the NordDesign Conference2004 / p. 309-314 Welding robot cell implementation in SME-s using modular approach - case studySarkans, Martinš; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 22-24th April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. [II]2010 / p. 578-583 Virtual differential as torque distribution control unit in automotive propulsion systemsResev, Jüri; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 74-77 : ill Virtual differential as torque distribution control unit in automotive propulsion systemsResev, Jüri2002*est Интенсивный биокаталитический реакторTearo, Eduard; Uus, Endel; Roosimölder, LembitРасчет и конструирование биотехнической аппаратуры : Межвузкий сборник научных трудов1988 / с. [?] Исследование и расчет переходных процессов в автоматических коробках передач металлорежущих станков с числовым программным управлением : автореферат ... кандидата технических наук (05.03.01)Roosimölder, Lembit1979*est Коэффициенты приведения, облегчающие исследование и расчет коробок передач с фрикционными муфтамиRoosimölder, LembitСборник статей по машиностроению. 121975 / с. 101-107 : илл*est МашиностроениеArumäe, Heino; Meng, Valentin; Strižak, Viktor; Ševtšenko, J.P.; Laaneots, Rein; Kulu, Priit; Tiidemann, Tiit; Remi, Toomas; Naagel, H.; Üksti, Lembit; Ajaots, Maido; Nanits, Mats-Maidu; Roosimölder, Lembit; Remi, Toomas; Sillat, Rein1985*est Оптимизация процесса обогащения воды воздухом при повышенном давленииPikkov, Lui; Roosimölder, LembitПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии. 11987 / с. 18-26 Переключение под нагрузкой на высшую ступень системы с двумя фрикционными электромагнитными муфтамиRoosimölder, LembitСборник статей по машиностроению. 121975 / с. 67-81 : илл*est Переключение под нагрузкой на низшую ступень системы с двумя фрикционными электромагнитными муфтамиRoosimölder, LembitДолговечность, расчет и конструирование деталей и узлов машин и технологического оборудования1985 / с. 53-63 Переключение под нагрузкой системы фрикционная электромагнитная муфта, муфта свободного ходаRoosimölder, LembitДолговечность, расчет и конструирование деталей и узлов машин и технологического оборудования1985 / с. 65-69 Применение автоматизированного проектирования в работах студентов машиностроительной специальностиKüttner, Rein; Papstel, Jüri; Riives, Jüri; Roosimölder, LembitArvutite ja tehniliste vahendite kasutamine õppetöös : TPI 50. aastapäevale pühendatud teaduslik-metoodilise konverentsi, 26.-27. märtsil : ettekannete teesid1986 / с. 54-55*est Процессы и аппараты химической технологииFeldmann, Liia; Pikkov, Lui; Viiroja, Andres; Roosimölder, Lembit; Munter, Rein; Sarv, Laur; Joarand, Heiki; Kallas, Juha; Kamenev, Inna; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, Enno; Koel, Mihkel; Tearo, Jelena; Loorits, Hilja; Mikkal, Valdek; Kamenev, Sven; Bakalova, M.O.; Orupõld, T.; Reile, Rein; Uus, Endel; Tearo, Eduard1987*est Расчет пауз между сигналами управления при переключении на высшую ступень коробок передач с фрикционными электромагнитными муфтамиRoosimölder, Lembit; Judenkov, N.Сборник статей по машиностроению. 121975 / с. 83-91 : илл*est Расчет пауз между сигналами управления при переключении на низшую ступень скорости коробок передач с фрикционными электромагнитными муфтамиRoosimölder, LembitСборник статей по машиностроению. 121975 / с. 93-100 : илл*est Трение и износ в машинахTadolder, Jüri; Kangur, Hillar; Kleis, Ilmar; Pirso, Jüri; Kallas, Paul; Kulu, Priit; Halling, Jaanus; Nanits, Mats-Maidu; Velling, Ants; Kotkas, Jüri; Pappel, Toivo; Verežnikov, V.N.; Judin, V.J.; Lees, Rein; Ajaots, Maido; Laaneots, Rein; Saar, Bernhard; Roosimölder, Lembit; Beckmann, G.; Gotzmann, J.1985*est Экспериментальное исследование динамических характеристик фрикционных электромагнитных муфт с магнитопроводящими дискамиRoosimölder, LembitТрение и износ в машинах. 131985 / с. 95-101