Habits of a glacier-covered volcano : seismicity patterns and velocity structure of Katla volcano, IcelandJonsdottir, Kristin; Tryggvason, Ari; Roberts, Roland; Lund, Björn; Soosalu, Heidi Elisabet; Bödvarsson, ReynirAnnals of glaciology2008 / p. 169-177 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233612158_Habits_of_a_glacier-covered_volcano_Seismicity_patterns_and_velocity_structure_of_Katla_volcano_Iceland Influence of glacial water and carbonate minerals on wintertime sea-ice biogeochemistry and the CO2 system in an Arctic fjord in SvalbardFransson, Agneta; Chierici, Melissa; Nomura, Daiki; Martma, TõnuAnnals of glaciology2020 / p. 320-340 : ill https://doi.org/10.1017/aog.2020.52 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Interannual variations of ice cover and wave energy flux in the northeastern Baltic SeaZaitseva-Pärnaste, Inga; Soomere, TarmoAnnals of glaciology2013 / p. 175-182 : ill Lomonosovfonna and Holtedahlfonna ice cores reveal east–west disparities of the Spitsbergen environment since AD 1700Beaudon, Emilie; Moore, John C.; Martma, Tõnu; Pohjola, Veijo A.; Van de Wal, Roderik S. W.; Kohler, Jack; Isaksson, ElisabethAnnals of glaciology2013 / p. 1069-1083 : ill Spring sea-ice evolution in Rijpfjorden (808°N), Svalbard, from in situ measurements and ice mass-balance buoy (IMB) dataWang, Caixin; Shi, Liqiong; Gerland, Sebastian; Granskog, Mats A.; Renner, Angelika H. H.; Li, Zhijun; Hansen, Edmond; Martma, TõnuAnnals of glaciology2013 / p. 253-260 : ill Surface mass balance and stable oxygen isotope ratios from shallow firn cores on Fimbulisen, East AntarcticaSchlosser, E.; Martma, TõnuAnnals of glaciology2012 / p. 70-78 : ill https://kirjandus.geoloogia.info/en/reference/24196