A reliability study of wave climate modelling in the Baltic SeaRäämet, Andrus; Soomere, Tarmo6th Study Conference on BALTEX : 14-18 June 2010, Miedzyzdroje, Poland : conference proceedings2010 / p. 71-72 : ill An abrupt change in winds that may radically affect the coasts and deep sections of the Baltic SeaSoomere, Tarmo; Bishop, Steven R.; Viška, Maija; Räämet, AndrusClimate research2015 / p. 163-171 : ill https://doi.org/10.3354/cr01269 Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Coastal flooding : Joint probability of extreme water levels and waves along the Baltic Sea coastKudryavtseva, Nadezhda; Räämet, Andrus; Soomere, Tarmo3rd Baltic Earth Conference : Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts, To be held in Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 1 to 5 June 2020, Held online, 2-3 June 2020 : Conference proceedings2020 / p. 70-71 : ill "proceedings" Coastal flooding: Joint probability of extreme water levels and waves along the Baltic Sea coastKudryavtseva, Nadezhda; Räämet, Andrus; Soomere, TarmoJournal of coastal research2020 / p. 1146-1151 https://doi.org/10.2112/SI95-222.1 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Comparison between modelled and measured wind wave parameters in Estonian coastal watersZaitseva-Pärnaste, Inga; Räämet, Andrus; Soomere, TarmoProceedings of the 2nd International Conference (school) on Dynamics of Coastal Zone of Non-tidal Seas : Baltiysk (Kaliningrad oblast, Russia), 26-30 June 20102010 / p. 106-110 Decadal changes in the Baltic Sea wave heightsSoomere, Tarmo; Räämet, AndrusJournal of marine systems2014 / p. 86-95 : ill EessõnaRäämet, AndrusEhitusmehaanika : varraskonstruktsioonide staatika : [kõrgkooliõpik]2022 / lk. 3-4 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/ba0a57f3-6f4d-4fed-8207-ff7d14cbafe9 Ehitusmehaanika : varraskonstruktsioonide staatika : õpik kõrgkoolideleRäämet, Andrus; Räämet, Raimund2018 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5053865*est Ehitusmehaanika : varraskonstruktsioonide staatika : [õpik kõrgkoolidele]Räämet, Andrus; Räämet, Raimund2022 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/ba0a57f3-6f4d-4fed-8207-ff7d14cbafe9 EhitusraamatutestMasso, Tiit; Räämet, Andrus100 aastat TTÜ ehitusinsenere2018 / lk. 460-469 : ill Ensemble hindcast of the wave properties in the Baltic Sea [Online resource]Räämet, Andrus; Soomere, TarmoBaltic Earth Workshop on multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region : Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia 26-27 November 2018 : [programme, abstracts, participants]2018 / p. 42 https://www.baltic-earth.eu/multipledrivers2018/material/No.14_Tallinn2018.pdf Far-field vessel wakes in Tallinn BayParnell, Kevin Ellis; Delpeche, Nicole; Didenkulova, Irina; Dolphin, Tony; Erm, Ants; Kask, Andres; Kelpšaite, Loreta; Kurennoy, Dmitry; Quak, Ewald; Räämet, Andrus; Soomere, Tarmo; Terentjeva, Anna; Torsvik, Tomas; Zaitseva-Pärnaste, IngaEstonian journal of engineering2008 / 4, p. 273-302 : ill Linking wave loads with the intensity of erosion along the coast of LatviaSoomere, Tarmo; Viška, Maija; Lapinskis, Janis; Räämet, AndrusEstonian journal of engineering2011 / p. 359-374 : ill On the variability of the Baltic Sea wave fieldsRäämet, AndrusBiodiversity and Functioning of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Baltic Sea Region : Klaipeda, Lithuania 9-12 October 20082008 Reconsidering uncertainties of wave conditions in the coastal areas of the northern Baltic SeaRäämet, Andrus; Suursaar, Ülo; Kullas, Tiit; Soomere, TarmoJournal of coastal research2009 / Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. 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