Model and hybrid polystyrenes containing trispentafluorophenylgermanium end groupsZakharova, Olga; Simonova, Maria; Tarasova, Elvira; Filippov, Alexander; Semchikov, YuriInternational journal of polymer analysis and characterization2009 / 5, p. 454-467 Synthesis and hydrodynamic and conformation properties of star-shaped polystyrene with calix[8]arene coreSimonova, Maria; Tarasova, Elvira; Dudkina, MarinaInternational journal of polymer analysis and characterization2019 / p. 87-95 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Synthesis and structural and conformational properties of hybrid polymers of styrene with perfluorinated compounds of germaniumZakharova, Olga; Tarasova, Elvira; Simonova, Maria; Semchikov, Yuri; Filippov, AlexanderPolymer science series A2009 / 5, p. 512-517