Biotic turnover rates during the Pleistocene-Holocene transitionStivrinš, Normunds; Soininen, Janne; Amon, Leeli; Reitalu, Triin; Veski, SiimQuaternary science reviews2016 / p. 100-110 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Development of an absolute quantification method for ribosomal RNA gene copy numbers per eukaryotic single cell by digital PCRYarimizu, Kyoko; Sildever, Sirje; Hamamoto, Yoko; Tazawa, Satoshi; Oikawa, Hiroshi; Yamaguchi, Haruo; Basti, Leila; Mardones, Jorge I.; Paredes-Mella, Javier; Nagai, SatoshiHarmful Algae2021 / art. 102008, 13 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Environmental variables driving species and genus level changes in annual plankton biomassForsblom, Louise; Engström-Öst, Jonna; Lehtinen, Sirpa; Lips, Inga; Linden, AndreasJournal of plankton research2019 / p. 925–938 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Introduction to the Chemical Oceanography of Frontal ZonesBelkin, Igor M.; Aliani, Stefano; Alkire, Matthew B.; Badewien, Thomas H.; Berta, Maristella; Durán Gómez, Gloria Silvana; Eliasen, Solva Karadottir; Elken, Jüri; Griffa, Annalisa; Suursaar, ÜloThe Handbook of Environmental Chemistry2022 / p. 1-23 Article Collection metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Monitoring harmful microalgal species and their appearance in Tokyo Bay, Japan, using metabarcodingSildever, Sirje; Nishi, Noriko; Inaba, Nobuharu; Asakura, Taiga; Kikuchi, Jun; Asano, Yasuhito; Kobayashi, Takanori; Gojobori, Takashi; Nagai, SatoshiMetabarcoding and metagenomics2022 / art. e79471 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Phytoplankton dynamics affected by the coastal upwelling events in the Gulf of Finland in July-August 2006Lips, Inga; Lips, UrmasJournal of plankton research2010 / p. 1269-1282 : ill Phytoplankton response to the environmental and climatic variability in a temperate lake over the last 14,500 years in eastern LatviaStivrinš, Normunds; Kołaczek, Piotr; Reitalu, Triin; Seppä, Heikki T.; Veski, SiimJournal of Paleolimnology2015 / p. 103 - 119 Plankton biodiversity and species co-occurrence based on environmental DNA - a multiple marker studySildever, Sirje; Laas, Peeter; Kolesova, Natalja; Lips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Nagai, SatoshiMetabarcoding and metagenomics2021 / p. 175-197 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Sedimentary carbon forms in relation to climate and phytoplankton biomass in a large, shallow, hard-water boreal lakeEhapalu, Kristiina; Tõnno, Ilmar; Reitalu, Triin; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Liiv, Merlin; Freiberg, Rene; Nõges, PeeterJournal of paleolimnology2017 / p. 81-93 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Spatio-temporal interdependence of bacteria and phytoplankton during a Baltic Sea spring bloomBunse, Carina; Bertos-Fortis, Mireia; Sassenhagen, Ingrid; Sildever, Sirje; Lips, IngaFrontiers in microbiology2016 / p. 1-10 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Toxic HAB species from the Sea of Okhotsk detected by a metagenetic approach, seasonality and environmental driversSildever, Sirje; Kawakami, Yoko; Kanno, NanakoHarmful Algae2019 / art. 101631, 12 p. : ill