The effect of surface properties on bond strength of birch, black alder, grey alder and aspen veneersRohumaa, Anti; Kallakas, Heikko; Mäetalu, Marja; Savest, Natalja; Kers, JaanInternational Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2021 / art. 102945 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Enhancing the bending strength, load-carrying capacity and material efficiency of aspen and black alder plywood through thermo-mechanical densification of face veneersAkkurt, Tolgay; Rohumaa, Anti; Kallakas, Heikko; Scharf, Alexander; Kers, JaanConstruction and building materials2024 / art. 138555 Evolution of TiN coating surface roughness during physical vapor deposition on high speed steel substrateKupchenko, Leonid; Tali, Rauno; Adoberg, Eron; Mikli, Valdek; Podgurski, VitaliEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 67-70 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus In situ Mo(Si,Al)2-based composite through selective laser melting of a MoSi2-30 wt.% AlSi10Mg mixtureMinasyan, Tatevik; Aydinyan, Sofiya; Toyserkani, Ehsan; Hussainova, IrinaMaterials2020 / art. 3720 ; 13 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Parametric study on in situ Laser powder bed fusion of Mo(Si1−x,Alx)2Minasyan, Tatevik; Aydinyan, Sofiya; Toyserkani, Ehsan; Hussainova, IrinaMaterials2020 / art. 4849, 17 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The effect of surface pre-treatment and coating post-treatment to the properties of TiN coatingsAdoberg, Eron; Podgurski, Vitali; Peetsalu, Priidu; Lind, Liina; Mikli, Valdek; Hvizdoš, Pavol; Kulu, PriitEstonian journal of engineering2012 / p. 185-192 : ill