Detection of the effect of weak stressors on human resting electroencephalographic signal = Nõrkade stressorite mõju avastamine inimese puhkeoleku elektroentsefalograafilises signaalisSuhhova, Anna2012 EEG spectral asymmetry index for detection of depression at individual and fixed frequency bands [Electronic resource]Suhhova, Anna; Bachmann, Maie; Lass, Jaanus; Aadamsoo, Kaire; Võhma, Ülle; Hinrikus, HiieIFMBE proceedings ; Vol. 392012 / p. 589-592 : ill [CD-ROM] Effect of microwave radiation on human EEG at two different levels of exposureSuhhova, Anna; Bachmann, Maie; Karai, Deniss; Lass, Jaanus; Hinrikus, HiieBioelectromagnetics2012 / p. 264 - 274 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Higuchi’s fractal dimension for analysis of the effect of microwave exposure in depressionBachmann, Maie; Suhhova, Anna; Lass, Jaanus; Aadamsoo, Kaire; Võhma, Ülle; Hinrikus, HiieProceedings : 7th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Field : October 2012 (Malta)2012 / 4 p. : ill Revealing small hidden changes in human EEG by Higuchi’s fractal dimensionBachmann, Maie; Suhhova, Anna; Lass, Jaanus; Hinrikus, HiieRiga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute/RTU Alumni : 11-12 October 2012, Riga, Latvija : [abstracts]2012 / p. 661 : ill Revealing small hidden changes in human EEG by Higuchi's fractal dimension [Electronic resource]Bachmann, Maie; Suhhova, Anna; Lass, Jaanus; Hinrikus, HiieIFMBE proceedings ; Vol. 382013 / p. 47-50 : ill [CD-ROM] Spectral asymmetry and Higuchi's fractal dimension measures of depression electroencephalogramBachmann, Maie; Lass, Jaanus; Suhhova, Anna; Hinrikus, HiieComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine2013 / art. 251638 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Spectral asymmetry index and Higuchi’s fractal dimension for detecting microwave radiation effect on electroencephalographic signalBachmann, Maie; Lass, Jaanus; Suhhova, Anna; Hinrikus, HiieProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 234-239 : ill*est