Financial distress and cycle-sensitive corporate investmentsMaripuu, Peeter; Männasoo, KadriBaltic journal of economics2014 / p. 181-193 : ill Financial distress and cycle-sensitive corporate investmentsMaripuu, Peeter; Männasoo, KadriEesti Majandusteaduse Seltsi 10. aastakonverents : Narva-Jõesuu, 30.-31.01.20152015 The impact of firm financing constraints on R&D over the business cycleMännasoo, Kadri; Meriküll, Jaanika2015 The impact of firm financing constraints on R&D over the business cycle [Electronic resource]Männasoo, Kadri; Meriküll, Jaanika7th International conference "Economic challenges in enlarged Europe" : 14-16 June 2015, Tallinn, Estonia : [conference proceedings]2015 / [CD-ROM]*est Kondratiev wave : overview of world economic cyclesTanning, Toivo; Saat, Maksim; Tanning, LemboGlobal business and economics research journal2013 / p. 1-11 : ill R&D, credit constraints, and demand fluctuations : comparative micro evidence from ten new EU membersMännasoo, Kadri; Meriküll, JaanikaEastern European economics2014 / p. 49-64 : tab Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS What drives Estonian housing market cycles?Kolbre, Ene; Aus, Veronika; Kahre, Kristian21st Annual European Real Estate Society Conference : Bucharest, Romania, 20142014 / [1] p