Anto Raukas pälvis Leibnitzi [p. o. Leibnizi] medali : [lühisõnum]Eesti Elu : [Kanada ajaleht]2010 / lk. 13 Eesti teadlane pälvis Leibnizi medali : [TTÜ geoloogia instituudi professor Alvar Soesoo]Eesti Elu : [Kanada ajaleht]2012 / lk. 3 [Euroopa Loodusteaduste Akadeemia Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnizi medal TTÜ professorile Alvar Soesoole]Meie Kodu : [Austraalia ajaleht]2012 / lk. 9 Leibniz and the Calculus NotationMüürsepp, PeeterXXXI Baltic Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science : Scientific Instruments in History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine : Abstracts2024 / p. 15-16 Leibniz on corporeal substanceMüürsepp, PeeterActa Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2016 / p. 31-52 Leibniz's universal language, the three strategiesMüürsepp, Peeter17th CLMPST Buenos Aires : International Congress of Logic Methology and Philosophy of Science2023 / p. 91 Peirce, Leibniz, and the threshold of pragmatism semioticaBellucci, FrancescoSemiotica2013 / p. 331-355