Agricultural run-off management land report of Estonia : final report 1994-1997Loigu, Enn; Kuldkepp, Paul; Iital, Arvo; Bogun, Gennadi; Tamm, Toomas; Raia, Tiiu; Gutmann, Enn; Carlson, Göran1997*est Agricultural runoff monitoring in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Loigu, Enn"Environmental Impact and Water Management in a Catchment Area Perspective" : 24-26 September, 2001, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings of the Symposium dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of Institute of Environmental Engineering at Tallinn Technical University2001 / p. 67-76 : ill Arvo IitalIital, Arvo40 aastat Eesti Looduskaitse Seltsi2007 / lk. 114-118 : fot*est Assessment of environmental impacts of landfilling and alternatives for management of municipal solid waste = Prügi ladestamise keskkonnamõjud ja alternatiivid olmeprügi käitlemiselVoronova, Viktoria2013*est Automaatjaamade kasutamine veeseiresLoigu, Enn; Iital, ArvoKeskkonnatehnika1998 / 3, lk. 6: ill CELA transnational recommendation report : climate change technology transfer across higher education institutes in Latin-America and EuropeLordemann, Javier Aliaga; Quino, Horacio Villegas; Iital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija2013*est Climate change and the potential effects on runoff and nitrogen losses in the Nordic–Baltic regionOygarden, Lillian; Deelstra, Johannes; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 114-126 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Coastal zone management in Haapsalu Bay Area, EstoniaIital, Arvo; Vilta, Krista; Loigu, Enn; Roosalu, KatiFifth study conference on BALTEX : June 2007, Kuressaare, Saaremaa : conference proceedings2007 / p. 85-86 Comparative analysis of hydrological and hydrochemical data from small watershedsLoigu, Enn; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Iital, Arvo; Vagstad, Nils; Deelstra, JohannesXX Nordic Hydrological Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 10-13 August, 1998. Vol. 11998 / p. 225 Data sets of Baltic Sea resources ( Data)Iital, ArvoTowards a blue-green economy in the Baltic Sea Region : the submariner roadmap2013 / p. 36 : ill Development of water scenarios for large lakes in Europe: the case of Lake PeipsiIital, Arvo; Voronova, Viktoria; Klõga, MarijaJournal of water and climate change2011 / p. 154-165 Eesti jõgede vooluhulga mõõtmine on lihtsamaks muutunudReihan, Alvina; Iital, ArvoKeskkonnatehnika2008 / 1, lk. 6-7 : ill*est Eesti keskkonnaseisund ja selle arengusuunadKirso, Uuve; Loigu, Enn; Iital, Arvo; Munter, ReinEesti jätkusuutliku arengu teel : artiklite kogumik2006 / lk. 186-198 : ill*est Effects of large-scale changes in emissions on nutrient concentrations in Estonian rivers in the Lake Peipsi drainage basinIital, Arvo; Stalnacke, Per; Deelstra, Johannes; Loigu, Enn; Pihlak, MargusJournal of hydrology2005 / 1/4, p. 261-273 : ill Enn Loigu (24. I 1946 - 9. VIII 2022) : in memoriamIital, Arvo; Pachel, Karinpostimees.ee2022 Enn Loigu (24. I 1946 - 9. VIII 2022) : in memoriam EstoniaIital, Arvo; Klõga, MarijaA study on climate change technology transfer needs2012 / p. 48-60 : ill Estonia local recommendationsIital, Arvo; Klõga, MarijaCELA transnational recommendation report : climate change technology transfer across higher education institutes in Latin-America and Europe2013 / p. 22-27 : ill Estonian agriculture - past and presentLoigu, Enn; Iital, ArvoCurrents. Vol. 29/30, Currents goes east2002 / p. 36-39 Evaluation of microalgae production coupled with wastewater treatmentDe Francisci, Davide; Su, Yixi; Iital, Arvo; Angelidaki, IriniEnvironmental technology2018 / p. 581−592 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Factors affecting performance of municipal wastewater treatment plants = Olmereoveepuhastite tõhusust mõjutavad teguridKõrgmaa, Vallo2020*est Factors affecting SVI in small scale WWTPsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Kriipsalu, Mait; Tenno, Taavo; Lember, Erki; Kuusik, Argo; Lemmiksoo, Vallo; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoWater science & technology Water science and technology2019 / p. 1766–1776 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS From green to brown: two decades of darkening coastal water in the Gulf of Riga, the Baltic SeaAigars, Juris; Suhareva, Natalija; Cepite-Frisfelde, Daiga; Kokorite, Ilga; Iital, Arvo; Skudra, Maris; Viska, MaijaFrontiers in marine science2024 / art. 1369537 Guidelines for surface and drainage water quality monitoring in agriculture dominated areasIital, Arvo; Tattari, Sirkka2012*est Hajureostuse dünaamika loodus- ja põllumaadelt (1960-2010)Velner, Harald-Adam2011*est Harjumaa reovee fosforiga saaks väetada suurema osa maakonna põldudest [Võrguväljaanne]Harrik, Airikanovaator.err.ee2020 / fot Harjumaa reovee fosforiga saaks väetada suurema osa maakonna põldudest Hydrological pathways and nitrogen runoff in agricultural dominated catchments in Nordic and Baltic countriesDeelstra, Johannes; Iital, Arvo; Povilaitis, Arvydas; Kyllmar, Katarina; Greipsland, Inga; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Jansons, Viesturs; Koskiaho, Jari; Lagzdins, AinisAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 211-219 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Hydrological processes in small agricultural catchmentsDeelstra, Johannes; Eggestad, Hans Olav; Iital, Arvo; Jansons, ViestursProceedings of the 10th International Drainage Workshop of ICID Working Group on Drainage : Helsinki/Tallinn 6-11. July 20082008 / p. 314-333 : ill Hydrology in small agricultural catchments, pathways and their impact on nutrient and soil lossDeelstra, Johannes; Eggestad, Hans Olav; Iital, Arvo; Jansons, ViestursStatus and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins : International Workshop : Goslar - Hahnenklee, Germany, 30 March - 2 April 20092009 / p. 75-79 Impact of changed nutrient fluxes to the water quality of Haapsalu Bay, the Baltic SeaIital, Arvo; Brandt, Nils; Gröndahl, F.; Loigu, Enn; Reihan, AlvinaResearch and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, Nyrborg, Denmark, 20062006 / p. 6-19 Impact of changes in nutrient inputs to the water quality of the shallow Haapsalu Bay, the Baltic SeaIital, Arvo; Brandt, Nils; Gröndahl, Fredrik; Loigu, Enn; Klõga, MarijaJournal of environmental monitoring2010 / 8, p. 1531-1536 : ill Introduction : nitrogen losses from agriculture in the Baltic Sea regionStalnacke, Per; Bechmann, Marianne; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems & environment2014 / p. 1-3 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2015*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2016*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2017*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2013*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2013*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2008*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2010*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2020*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2018*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2012*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2009*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2011*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2014*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2001*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2003*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2005*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2007*est Keskkonnategevuskava karstialal : kokkuvõte PHARE-FEMP projektistIital, Arvo; Loigu, Enn2001*est Keskkonnatehnika instituut rahvusvahelises teadusvõrgustikus ja arendustegevusesLoigu, Enn; Iital, Arvo; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 91-94 Lake PeipsiNõges, Tiina; Leisk, Ülle; Loigu, Enn; Iital, Arvo; Hannus, Maila; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Blinova, Irina2001*est Landscape and landscape historyIital, ArvoRural development and land use. Part A, The rural landscape2012 / p. 23-38 : ill Large-scale relationships between basin and riparian land cover and the ecological status of European rivers : examples with invertebrate indices from France, Estonia, Slovakia and United KingdomWasson, Jean-Gabriel; Villeneuve, Bertrand; Iital, Arvo; Murray-Bligh, John; Dobiasova, Marcela; Bacikova, Stanislava; Timm, Henn; Pella, Herve; Mengin, Nicolas; Chandesris, AndreFreshwater biology2010 / 7, p. 1465-1482 Long-term monitoring of nutrient losses from agricultural catchments in the Nordic–Baltic region – a discussion of methods, uncertainties and future needsKyllmar, Katarina; Bechmann, Marianne; Deelstra, Johannes; Iital, Arvo; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Jansons, Viesturs; Koskiaho, Jari; Povilaitis, ArvydasAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 4-12 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Lämmastik ja fosfor - mida jõgede vesi meile kõneleb?Iital, Arvoloodusajakiri.ee2023 / Lk. 26-28 Lämmastik keskkonnas - liiga palju head asjaIital, ArvoPostimees2019 / lk. 16-17 Inimmõju lämmastikuringele tuleb vähendada Mikrovetikate kasutamine reovee käitlemiseks ja biomassi väärtustamine : BONUS Microalgae projekti tulemuste kokkuvõteIital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija2017*est Mitigating diffuse nitrogen losses in the Nordic-Baltic countriesAndersen, Hans Estrup; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Bechmann, Marianne; Povilaitis, Arvydas; Iital, Arvo; Lagzdins, Ainis; Kyllmar, KatarinaAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 53-60 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Monitoring of diffuse pollution from agriculture to support implementation of the WFD and the Nitrate Directive in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Pachel, Karin; Deelstra, JohannesEnvironmental science & policy2008 / p. 185-193 Monitoring of surface water quality in small agricultural watersheds : methodology and optimation of monitoring networkIital, Arvo2005*est Nitrate dynamics and its connection to seasonal groundwater recharge inkarst springs of the Sõmeru River catchment, Northern EstoniaPärn, Joonas; Walraevens, Kristine; van Camp, M.; Koit, Oliver; Ivask, Jüri; Babre, Alise; Mažeika, Jonas; Hunt, Malle; Osjamets, M.; Iital, Arvo; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Raidla, Valle; Aeschbach, W.; Vaikmäe, ReinXXXI NORDIC HYDROLOGICAL CONFERENCE 2022, August 15–18, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2022 / 2 p Nitrogen and phosphorus losses in Nordic and Baltic agricultural monitoring catchments-Spatial and temporal variations in relation to natural conditions and mitigation programmesKyllmar, Katarina; Bechmann, Marianne; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Fischer, Franziska Katharina; Folster, Jens; Iital, Arvo; Lagzdins, Ainis; Povilaitis, Arvydas; Rankinen, KatriCATENA2023 / art. 107205 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Nitrogen application, balances and their effect on water quality in small catchments in the Nordic–Baltic countriesBechmann, Marianne; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Kyllmar, Katarina; Iital, Arvo; Lagzdins, Ainis; Salo, TapioAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 104-113 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Nitrogen content and trends in agricultural catchments in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija; Pihlak, Margus; Pachel, Karin; Zahharov, Andre; Loigu, EnnAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 44-53 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A novel method for rapid assessment of the performance and complexity of small wastewater treatment plantsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Tenno, Taavo; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2019 / p. 32-42 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Nutrient losses and NAMPP balances in small agricultural watersheds in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Loigu, Enn; Vagstad, NilsNordic hydrology2003 / 5, p. 531-542 : ill Nutrient losses and NP balances in small agricultural watersheds in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Loigu, Enn; Vagstad, NilsXXII Nordic Hydrological Conference : Roros, Norway, 4-7 August 2002. Vol. I2002 / p. 221-228 : ill Nutrient losses from agriculture in EstoniaIital, ArvoEcoRegion perspectives2011 / p. 19-20 Nutrient losses from two small agricultural catchments in EstoniaLoigu, Enn; Iital, ArvoNordic Hydrological Conference : Uppsala, Sweden, 26-30 June 2000. Vol. 12000 / p. 139-145 Nõukogu direktiivi 91/676/EMÜ, veekogude kaitsmise kohta põllumajandusest lähtuva nitraadireostuse eest, täitmine Eestis 2004-2007Raia, Tiiu; Iital, Arvo2008*est An overview of the problems posed by plastic products and the role of extended producer responsibility in EuropeLeal Filho, Walter; Iital, Arvo; Moora, Harri; Klõga, Marija; Voronova, ViktoriaJournal of cleaner production2019 / p. 550-558 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Participatory scenarios for regional water management planning: an Eastern Baltic case studyVeidemane, Kristina; Iital, Arvo; Gielczewski, MarekJournal of water and climate change2011 / p. 143-153 PeipsiHaberman, Juta; Timm, Tarmo; Raukas, Anto; Borissov, Vladimir; Miidel, Avo; Tavast, Elvi; Loigu, Enn; Leisk, Ülle; Iital, Arvo; Pachel, Karin2008*est Peipsi järve reostuskoormusBlinova, Irina; Iital, Arvo; Loigu, EnnPeipsi1999 / lk. 81-83 Peipsi järve valgla reostuskoormus ja jõgede vee kvaliteetLoigu, Enn; Iital, Arvo; Karlova, Svetlana; Leisk, Ülle; Pachel, Karin; Sults, Ülo; Trapido, Marina; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Veldre, IngeborgPeipsi1999 / lk. 66-80: ill Phosphorus in agricultural soils around the Baltic Sea – comparison of laboratory methods as indices for phosphorus leaching to watersEriksson, A. K.; Iital, ArvoSoil use and management2013 / p. 5-14 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Pollution sources and load on riversBlinova, Irina; Iital, ArvoPresent and potential production of salmon in Estonian rivers2001 / p. 15-21 "Protection of the Coastal Wetland Area - Matsalu Catchment Area" : Estonian-Swedish Joint ProjectFrisen, Rune; Velner, Harald-Adam; Loigu, Enn; Blinova, Irina; Leisk, Ülle; Suurkask, Valdu; Iital, Arvo; Lääne, Ain; Merisaar, Maret; Krutova, Svetlana1995*est Põllumajandustootja keskkonnategevuskava karstialal : kokkuvõte PHARE-FEMP projektistIital, Arvo; Loigu, Enn; Siitonen, MikkoKeskkonnatehnika2002 / 2, lk. 6-8*est A reactive nitrogen budget for forest land and wetlands in Latvia and EstoniaBardule, Arta; Iital, Arvo; Lazdiņa, Dagnija; Karkliņa, Ilze; Libiete, ZaneScandinavian journal of forest research2020 / p. 513−522 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal mettrics at WOS Article at WOS Recent trends in nutrient concentrations in Estonian rivers as a response to large-scale changes in land-use intensity and life-stylesIital, Arvo; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, Enn; Pihlak, Margus; Leis, ÜlleJournal of environmental monitoring2010 / 1, p. 178-188 : ill Reed harvestingIital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija; Kask, Ülo; Voronova, Viktoria; Cahill, BronwynCompendium : an assessment of innovative and sustainable uses of Baltic marine resources : autumn 20122012 / p. 104-124 : ill Removal of hazardous substances in municipal wastewater treatment plantsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Laht, Mailis; Rebane, Riin; Lember, Erki; Pachel, Karin; Kriipsalu, Mait; Tenno, Taavo; Iital, ArvoWater Science & Technology Water science and technology2020 / p. 2011−2022 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Reprint of "Hydrological pathways and nitrogen runoff in agricultural dominated catchments in Nordic and Baltic countries"Deelstra, Johannes; Iital, Arvo; Povilaitis, Arvydas; Kyllmar, Katarina; Greipsland, Inga; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Jansons, Viesturs; Koskiaho, Jari; Lagzdins, AinisAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 65-73 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Reprint of "Mitigating diffuse nitrogen losses in the Nordic-Baltic countries"Andersen, Hans Estrup; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Bechmann, Marianne; Povilaitis, Arvydas; Iital, Arvo; Lagzdins, Ainis; Kyllmar, KatarinaAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 127-134 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Retention of nitrate in groundwater. The case of Lake Peipsi basin, EstoniaIital, Arvo; Deelstra, Johannes; Stalnacke, Per; Loigu, Enn; Pihlak, MargusXXIII Nordic Hydrological Conference ["Fresh Water Resources Management"] : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-12 August 2004 : selected articles. Vol. I2004 / p. 169-179 : ill Risk assessment of phosphorus loss from agriculture in the Nordic and Baltic countries using the P index approachBechmann, Marianne; Deelstra, Johannes; Iital, Arvo; Jansons, ViestursXXIII Nordic Hydrological Conference ["Fresh Water Resources Management"] : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-12 August 2004 : selected articles. Vol. I2004 / p. 159-168 : ill*est Riverine plastic pollution in Asia : results from a bibliometric assessmentLeal Filho, Walter; Dedeoglu, Cagdas; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta; Salvia, Amanda Lange; Barbir, Jelena; Voronova, Viktoria; Abubakar, Ismaila Rimi; Iital, Arvo; Pachel, KarinLand2022 / art. 1117 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Sademevee reostuskoormuse uuringud USA-s ja EestisHood, Mark; Iital, ArvoKeskkonnatehnika2006 / 2, lk. 10-13*est Scenarios for reduction of nutrient load from point sources in EstoniaPachel, Karin; Klõga, Marija; Iital, ArvoHydrology research2012 / p. 374-382 Seeking policy-relevant knowledge : a comparative study of the contextualisation of participatory scenarios for the Narew River and Lake PeipsiKaljonen, Minna; Varjopuro, Riku; Giełczewski, Marek; Iital, ArvoEnvironmental science & policy2012 / p. 72-81 : ill Spatial conflict resolution and coastal zone management for Haapsalu BayIital, Arvo; Vilta, Krista; Loigu, Enn; Kurba, JüriConflict resolution in coastal zone management2008 / p. 127-143 : ill Species composition and diatom indices in relation to environmental parameters in Estonian streamsVilbaste, Sirje; Truu, Jaak; Leisk, Ülle; Iital, ArvoArchiv für hydrobiologie : supplement2007 / 3/4, p. 307-326 : ill Tallinnas toimub XXIII Põhjamaade hüdroloogiakonverentsIital, Arvo; Reihan, Alvina; Loigu, EnnKeskkonnatehnika2004 / 3, lk. 16-17 Tallinnas toimus XXIII Põhjamaade hüdroloogiakonverents ning Põhjamaade ja Balti riikide IHP UNESCO kohtumineIital, Arvo; Reihan, AlvinaKeskkonnatehnika2004 / 4, lk. 15*est Temporal trends in nitrogen concentrations and losses from agricultural catchments in the Nordic and Baltic countriesStalnacke, Per; Aakeroy, Paul Andreas; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 94-103 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Temporal trends in phosphorus concentrations and losses from agricultural catchments in the Nordic and Baltic countriesPengerud, Annelene; Stalnacke, Per; Iital, ArvoActa agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and plant science2015 / p. 173-185 : ill The flashiness index and transport/retention of nutrients and suspended solidsDeelstra, Johannes; Iital, ArvoNJF Seminar 373 : Transport and Retention of Pollutants from Different Production Systems : Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 20062006 / p. 62-69 : ill., map*est The GEF - Baltic Sea Regional Project - monitoring and assessment of non-point source pollutionDeelstra, Johannes; Vagstad, Nils; Loigu, Enn; Iital, Arvo; Jansons, Viesturs; Abramenko, Kaspars; Sileika, Antanas SigitasXXIII Nordic Hydrological Conference ["Fresh Water Resources Management"] : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-12 August 2004 : selected articles. Vol. II2004 / p. 393-405 : ill*est The review of the results of performed EU projects on reed and meadow grasses in Estonia and FinlandKask, Ülo; Link, Siim; Iital, Arvo; Ikonen, Iiro; Mander, Ülo; Miljan, JaanRRR2017 : Renewable Resources from Wet and Rewetted Peatlands :September 26th - 28th 2017, Greifswald, Germany : proceedings2017 / 185 p. : ill The use of the flashiness index as a possible indicator for nutrient loss prediction in agricultural catchmentsDeelstra, Johannes; Iital, ArvoBoreal environment research2008 / 3, p. 209-221 : ill Time resolution and hydrological characteristics in agricultural catchmentsDeelstra, Johannes; Eggestad, Hans Olav; Iital, Arvo; Jansons, Viesturs; Barkved, Line J.Status and perspectives of hydrology in small basins2010 / p. 138-143 Toitainete haju- ja punktkoormuse vähenemine ja selle mõju Eesti jõgede vee kvaliteedile : [ettekanne Euroopa Liidu V Raamprogrammi teadus-arendusprojekti "Piiriveekogude haldamise ..." lõpetamise seminaril 26. jaan. Genovas]Iital, Arvo; Loigu, EnnTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20042005 / lk. 247-254 Toitainete ärakanne väikestelt põllumajandusvalglateltIital, ArvoKeskkonnatehnika1999 / 4, lk. 5-6*est TTÜ teadlane : põllumajanduse mõju Eesti vee kvaliteedile on üsna suur [Võrguväljaanne]Iital, Arvonovaator.err.ee2020 / fot TTÜ teadlane: põllumajanduse mõju Eesti vee kvaliteedile on üsna suur Unveiling the hydrological response of NO3-rich springs to seasonal snowmelt in a karstic carbonate uplandPärn, Joonas; Walraevens, Kristine; Hunt, Marlen; Koit, Oliver; Van Camp, Marc; Ivask, Jüri; Raidla, Valle; Iital, Arvo; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Vaikmäe, ReinJournal of hydrology2024 / art. 131724 Uudne vesiehitis JärvamaalIital, ArvoEhitame1996 / nr. 27, sept., lk. 2: ill Water resources, sustainable use and integrated management in Estonia = Veevarud, nende terviklik haldamine ja säästlik kasutamine EestisPachel, Karin2010*est Watershed management in the Matsalu Bay Catchment Area : experiences and conclusionsIital, Arvo; Loigu, EnnHalduskultuur 2002 : teaduskonverentsi ettekanded2003 / p. 234-243*est Virtual mapping of reference conditions of pollutant load in waterbodies : phosphorus in the Lake Peipsi basinPiirimäe, Kristjan; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoBoreal environment research2015 / p. 391-402 : ill Võimalusi Läänemere toitainekoormuse vähendamiseksIital, Arvo; Pachel, KarinKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 8, lk. 10-11 : ill*est Нагрузка загрязнениями водосбора Псково-Чудского озера и качество воды в рекахLoigu, Enn; Reihan, Alvina; Leisk, Ülle; Iital, Arvo; Pachel, KarinПсково-Чудское озеро2012 / с. 185-208 : ил 2024*est