A possible approach to understanding genesis of accidentsPaalmann, Malle; Pavelson, Henno; Tint, PiiaCAES'92 : International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety : May 18-20, 1992, Tampere, Finland : poster texts1992 / p. 17-18 A simple and flexible risk assessment method in the work environmentTint, Piia; Kiivet, GunnarInternational journal of occupational safety and ergonomics2003 / 2, p. 219-228 : ill Aerated concrete microwave reflection and transmission properties in a wet environmentKoppel, Tarmo; Vilcane, Inese; Mironovs, Viktors; Shishkin, Andrei; Rubene, Sanita; Tint, PiiaVide. Tehnologija. Resursi : XI starptautiskas zinatniski praktiskas konferences materiali 2017. gada 15.-17. junijs. 3. sejums = Environment. Technology. Resources : proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference. 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Serija 1, Material science and applied chemistry2009 / p. 48-57 The innovation tools for prevention of accidents in a post-socialist countryJärvis, Marina; Reinhold, Karin; Tint, PiiaReliability, risk and safety : theory and applications. 12009 / p. 25-32 https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9780203859759-9/innovative-tools-prevention-accidents-post-socialist-country-järvis-reinhold-tint Innovations at workplace : an evidence-based model for safety managementJärvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaVerslas : teorija ir praktika = Business : theory and practice2009 / 2, p. 150-158 : ill Innovations at workplace : improvement of ergonomicsReinhold, Karin; Tint, Piia; Tuulik, Viiu; Saarik, SilverEngineering economics2008 / 5, p. 85-94 : ill The innovative tools for prevention of accidents in a post-socialist countryReinhold, Karin; Tint, Piia; Järvis, MarinaReliability, risk and safety : theory and applications. 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Safety of technogenic environment2014 / p. 23-27 : tab Office workers with better lighting conditions suffer less health symptomsKoppel, Tarmo; Tint, PiiaIntelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics Systems ITELMS' 2012 : proceedings of the 7th International Conference2013 / p. 136-137 OHSAS 18001 contribution to real and formal safety elements in safety management system in manufacturingPaas, Õnnela; Reinhold, Karin; Tint, PiiaAgronomy research2015 / p. 1260-1274 : ill http://agronomy.emu.ee/vol135/vol13_5_9.pdf Ohutus ja õnnetuste maksumusTint, Piia1998 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1061336*est Ohutusauditi praktilise läbiviimise võimalused Eesti ettevõtetesTint, Piia; Kiivet, GunnarPõllumajandustehnika, -ehitus ja -energeetika2001 / lk. 261-267 : ill Ohutusauditi praktilise läbiviimise võimalusiTint, Piia; Kiivet, GunnarTööterviseriskide haldamine ettevõtluses : teeninduses, logistikas, kaubanduses, tööstuses : XXI sajandi uued väljakutsed : rahvusvahelise konverentsi teesid2001 / lk. 85-96 : ill Physical overload disease detection and prevention of industrial and office workers [Electronic resource]Pille, Viive; Tuulik-Leisi, Varje-Riin; Tint, Piia; Tuulik, Viiu; Hazak, AaroSCEE 2014 : Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship : 55th International Riga Technical University conference : Latvia, Riga, 14-17 October2014 / 2 p. 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Illustration in SMEs in EstoniaReinhold, Karin; Tint, PiiaUSE 2013 proceedings : Understanding Small Enterprises (USE Conference) : From USE to Action : Transforming Our Understanding of Small Enterprises into Practice to Create Healthy Working Lives in Healthy Businesses : Nelson, New Zealand, 19–22 February 20132013 / p. 363-372 : ill Practical tool and procedure for workplace risk assessment : evidence from SMEs in EstoniaReinhold, Karin; Järvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaSafety science2015 / p. 282-291 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2014.09.016 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Preventing occupational accidents and diseases in Estonia : changing priorities = Профилактика несчастных случаев и заболеваний на производстве в Эстонии : смена приоритетовSiirak, Virve; Tint, PiiaBarents Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety2013 / p. 55-61 : fot The prevention from infection with COVID-19 of students in auditoriums through carbon dioxide measurements - an evidence from Estonian and Latvian high schoolsTint, Piia; Urbane, Valentina; Traumann, Ada; Järvis, MarinaSafety and Health at Work2022 / p. S137 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shaw.2021.12.1179 Prevention noise in manufacturing in EstoniaTarmas, Gültšara; Tint, PiiaXIX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work : Building a Global Culture of Prevention for a Healthy and Safe Future, September 11-15, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey : abstracts2011 / p. 247 Prevention of computer worker health disturbances caused by physical and physiological riskPille, Viive; Oha, Kristel; Lauri, Mariliis; Tint, Piia; Tuulik-Leisi, Varje-Riin; Tuulik, Viiu; Meigas, KaljuProceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, Natural, exact, and applied sciences2016 / p. 308-314 : ill https://doi.org/10.1515/prolas-2016-0047 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Prevention of MSDs and psychological stress at computer-equipped workplacesReinhold, Karin; Pille, Viive; Tuulik-Leisi, Varje-Riin; Tuulik, Viiu; Tint, PiiaRevista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud2014 / p. 221-226 Prevention of physiological and psychological stress at computer-equipped workplacesTint, Piia; Meigas, Kalju; Tuulik, Viiu; Pille, Viive; Oha, Kristel; Reinhold, Karin; Karai, Deniss; Tuulik-Leisi, Varje-Riin; Lauri, MariliisHuman factors : sustainable life and mobility : proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2013 Annual Conference2014 / p. 229-240 : ill Prevention of physiological and psychological stress at workplaceTint, Piia; Järvis, Marina; Reinhold, Karin; Tuulik, ViiuRisk, reliability and societal safety. Volume 2, Thematic topics2007 / p. 1275-1281 : ill Prevention of physiological and psychological stress in a food retail chain in EstoniaKaidis, Veronika; Tint, Piia; Tuulik, ViiuWork, Stress, and Health 2011 : Work and Well-being in an Economic Context, May 19-22, 2011, Orlando : conference abstracts2011 / 1 p Prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (msds) in upper extremitiesReinhold, Karin; Kozorez, M.; Pille, Viive; Tint, PiiaOccupational & environmental medicine2018 / p. 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Белореченск, 26-30 сент. 19831983 / с. 247-248 Польза работнику и работадательюTint, PiiaДеловые ведомости : экономический еженедельник Эстонии2004 / 28 апр., с. 35 Преуспевающая фирма администрирует проблемы безопасностиTint, PiiaБухгалтерские новости2001 / 2, с. 37-42 Процессы обмена при пневматическом диспергированииTint, Piia; Pikkov, Lui; Siirde, EnnoЖурнал прикладной химии1976 / с. 2117 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1182398*est Процессы обмена при пневматическом диспергировании с последующим течением двухфазного потокаTint, Piia; Pikkov, Lui; Siirde, EnnoПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии и технология неорганических веществ. 71976 / с. 15-23 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1351417*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/d16fcc56-ac67-4884-ba2f-94db4ecf04cc Равновесие в системе сульфат кальция - минеральные примеси - восстановителиTürn, Leo; Tint, Piia; Kärblane, EnnКомплексная переработка фосфатного сырья, анализ природных и технических обьектов1983 / с. 75-83 Расчеты по охране труда : сборник задач1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1296500*est Тепло- и массообмен между жидкостью и газом в условиях образования межфазной поверхностиPikkov, Lui; Siirde, Enno; Tint, PiiaТепломассообмен-V : материалы к V Всесоюзной конференций по тепломассообмену : (Минск, май 1976 г.). Т. 4 : Тепломассообмен в двухфазных потоках1976 / с. 77-84 Термодинамический анализ процесса разложения фосфогипсаTint, Piia; Kärblane, Enn; Türn, Leo; Kuusik, Rein, keemikМатериалы XII всесоюзной научно-практической конференции "Технология неорганических веществ и минеральных удобрений", Т. 21981 / с. 407-409 Труды экономического факультетаTint, Piia; Pavelson, Henno; Kiivet, Gunnar; Tosso, Henn; Kristjuhan, Ülo; Ennik, H.; Kareda, Enn; Paalmann, Malle; Kukrus, Ants1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1301957*est Труды экономического факультетаToomsoo, Asko; Pavelson, Henno; Paalmann, Malle; Kiivet, Gunnar; Tosso, Henn; Kristjuhan, Ülo; Tint, Piia; Nõmm, Tiina; Võsotski, Svjatoslav; Kukrus, Ants; Kabal, Ain1987 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1272860*est Труды экономического факультетаPaalmann, Malle; Võsotski, Svjatoslav; Kiivet, Gunnar; Kozlov, V.I.; Kozlova, S.I.; Kollom, Tiit; Kristjuhan, Ülo; Rips, Andrus; Kukrus, Ants; Pavelson, Henno; Nõmm, Tiina; Tint, Piia; Tõnismäe, Eino1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1287467*est Условия труда и трудовой стрессTint, Piia; Nõmm, TiinaАктуальные вопросы охраны труда и правовой охраны промышленной собственности1987 / с. 86-92 Утилизация тепла при термической переработке фосфогипса на сернистый газ и известьTint, Piia; Kuusik, Rein, keemikКомплексная переработка фосфатного сырья, анализ природных и технических обьектов1983 / с. 67-74 Характеристика передачи массы и импульса в полидисперсных аэрозоляхTint, Piia; Pikkov, Lui; Siirde, EnnoПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии и технология неорганических веществ. 71976 / с. 9-14 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1351417*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/d16fcc56-ac67-4884-ba2f-94db4ecf04cc Хроматографическое исследование газовой фазы при термическом разложении фосфогипсаKuusik, Rein, keemik; Tint, Piia; Kuusk, AnuПромышленность минеральных удобрений и серной кислоты : Реферативная информация1979 / с. 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