Auditing of safety management system in Estonian medium-scale enterprisesTint, Piia; Kempinen, MarinaHazards XIX : Process Safety and Environmental Protection : What do we know? Where are we going?2006 / p. 83-94 Chemical risk assessment in the air of the work environment in manufacturingPaas, Õnnela; Traumann, Ada; Tint, PiiaHazards AP : The First Hazards Asia Pasific Symposium, 27-29 September 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisia2011 / 4 p A comprehensive review of carbon capture science and technologiesWu, Chunfei; Huang, Qi; Xu, Zhicheng; Tariq Sipra, Ayesha; Gao, Ningbo; Porto de Souza Vandenberghe, Luciana; Vieira, Sabrina; Soccol, Carlos Ricardo; Zhao, Ruikai; Deng, Shuai; Konist, Alar; Baqain, Mais Hanna SuleimanCarbon capture science & technology2023 / art. 100178, 180 p. : ill Improvement of the safety culture at Estonian enterprisesTint, Piia; Kiivet, Gunnar; Reinhold, KarinHazards XVIII : Process Safety - Sharing Best Practice : [22-25 November 2004, UMIST, Manchester, UK]2004 / p. 122-131 Knowledge transfer - critical components in occupational health and safety - an Estonian approachJärvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaHazards XX : process safety and environmental protection, harnessing knowledge, challenging complacency2008 / p. 385-397 Moodle e-learning environment - an effective tool for a development of a learning cultureSiirak, VirveHazards XX : process safety and environmental protection, harnessing knowledge, challenging complacency2008 / p. 290-296 Persulfate contribution to photolytic and pulsed corona discharge oxidation of metformin and tramadol in waterNikitin, Dmitri; Balpreet Kaur; Preis, Sergei; Dulova, NiinaProcess Safety and Environmental Protection2022 / p. 22-30 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS