Regulation of transcription factor Gli activity using oligodeoxynucleotide decoy bound to Transportan 10Laur, Kristi; Langel, Ülo; Kogerman, Priit; Valkna, AndresSpetsai Summer School : Protein and their Networks - from specific to global analysis : Spetses, Greece, 7.09.2009-17.09.20092009 / ? p Regulation of transcription factor GLI activity using oligodeoxynucleotide decoy with transportanLaur, Kristi; Langel, Ülo; Kogerman, Priit; Valkna, Andres3rd Intracellular Delivery of Therapeutic Molecules : from Bench to Bedside. 15 years of Cell-penetrating Peptides : from Molecular Mechanisms to the Clinic : Montpellier, France, 31.08.2009-2.09.20092009 / p. 42 The transcriptional repressor domain of Gli3 is intrinsically disorderedTsanev, Robert; Vanatalu, Kalju; Jarvet, Jüri; Tanner, Risto; Laur, Kristi; Tiigimägi, Piret; Kragelund, Birthe B.; Østerlund, Torben; Kogerman, PriitPLoS ONE2013 / art. e76972 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS