Bio-waste resource for sustainable anaerobic waste treatment solution on Island Saaremaa, EstoniaPitk, Peep; Pürjer, Juhan; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Vilu, RaivoADSW&EC : International IWA-Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops : August 28 - September 1, 2011, Vienna, Austria2011 EelpuhastusTaklai, Mart; Kriipsalu, Mait; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Tõnisberg, Enn; Lember, Erki; Värk, VahurReoveepuhastuse käsiraamat2023 / lk. 102-134 Estimating microplastics related to laundry wash and personal care products released to wastewater in major Estonian cities: a comparison of calculated and measured microplasticsAyankunle, Ayankoya Yemi; Buhhalko, Natalja; Pachel, Karin; Lember, Erki; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Mishra, Arun; Lind, KatiJournal of environmental health science and engineering2023 / p. 225-237 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Factors affecting performance of municipal wastewater treatment plants = Olmereoveepuhastite tõhusust mõjutavad teguridKõrgmaa, Vallo2020*est Factors affecting SVI in small scale WWTPsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Kriipsalu, Mait; Tenno, Taavo; Lember, Erki; Kuusik, Argo; Lemmiksoo, Vallo; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoWater science & technology Water science and technology2019 / p. 1766–1776 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS FosforiärastusLember, Erki; Kõrgmaa, ValloReoveepuhastuse käsiraamat2023 / lk. 230-249 Methane potential of sterilized solid slaughterhouse wastesPitk, Peep; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Vilu, Raivo8th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agroindustries : Çeşme, Turkey2011 Nitrate dynamics and its connection to seasonal groundwater recharge inkarst springs of the Sõmeru River catchment, Northern EstoniaPärn, Joonas; Walraevens, Kristine; van Camp, M.; Koit, Oliver; Ivask, Jüri; Babre, Alise; Mažeika, Jonas; Hunt, Malle; Osjamets, M.; Iital, Arvo; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Raidla, Valle; Aeschbach, W.; Vaikmäe, ReinXXXI NORDIC HYDROLOGICAL CONFERENCE 2022, August 15–18, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2022 / 2 p A novel method for rapid assessment of the performance and complexity of small wastewater treatment plantsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Tenno, Taavo; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2019 / p. 32-42 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Removal of hazardous substances in municipal wastewater treatment plantsKõrgmaa, Vallo; Laht, Mailis; Rebane, Riin; Lember, Erki; Pachel, Karin; Kriipsalu, Mait; Tenno, Taavo; Iital, ArvoWater Science & Technology Water science and technology2020 / p. 2011−2022 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Reovee järelpuhastusHaiba, Egge; Lember, Erki; Kängsepp, Pille; Taklai, Mart; Tõnisberg, Enn; Kõrgmaa, ValloReoveepuhastuse käsiraamat2023 / lk. 435-482 Reovee teevad puhtaks õiged seadmed, bakterid ja oskuslik operaator [Võrguväljaanne]Harrik, Airika; Kõrgmaa, Vallonovaator.err.ee2020 / fot Reovee teevad puhtaks õiged seadmed, bakterid ja oskuslik operaator Reoveepuhasti käitamineLember, Erki; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Sikk, AserReoveepuhastuse käsiraamat2023 / lk. 596-614 Reoveepuhastuse analüüsimeetodeid : lisa 4Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Lember, Erki; Kivirüüt, Aimar; Tenno, TaavoReoveepuhastuse käsiraamat2023 / lk. 739-749 Taming nitrate pollution in urban streamKõrgmaa, Vallo; Ruberg, SalmeProceedings 39th IAHR World Congress2022 / p. 1145-1152 Unveiling the hydrological response of NO3-rich springs to seasonal snowmelt in a karstic carbonate uplandPärn, Joonas; Walraevens, Kristine; Hunt, Marlen; Koit, Oliver; Van Camp, Marc; Ivask, Jüri; Raidla, Valle; Iital, Arvo; Kõrgmaa, Vallo; Vaikmäe, ReinJournal of hydrology2024 / art. 131724