Comparison of plan-driven and agile project management approaches : theoretical bases for a case study in Estonian software industryLepmets, Marion; Nael, MargusDatabases and Information Systems VI : selected papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 20102011 / p. 296-308 : ill Evaluation of the archetypes based developmentPiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Roost, MartDatabases and Information Systems VI : selected papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference : DB&IS 20102011 / p. 283-295 : ill Ontology-driven development of personalized location based servicesHaav, Hele-Mai; Kaljuvee, Aivi; Luts, Martin; Vajakas, ToivoDatabases and Information Systems VI : selected papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference : DB&IS 20102011 / p. 3-18 Two player fair division problem with uncertaintyVeski, Andre; Võhandu, LeoDatabases and Information Systems VI : selected papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference : DB&IS 20102011 / p. 394-407 : ill Value and viability considerations in information systems developmentPolis, EinarDatabases and Information Systems VI : selected papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference : DB&IS 20102011 / p. 257-270