Comparative study of the VARTM, VAP and MTI vacuum infusion processesAruniit, Aare; Herranen, Henrik; Miller, KristenEngineering materials and tribology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 24th International Baltic Conference on Engineering Materials & Tribology (BALTMATTRIB & IFHTSE 2015), November 5-6, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2016 / p. 71-76 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Embedded electronics influence on the strength of carbon fiber laminateHerranen, Henrik; Kers, Jaan; Preden, Jürgo-Sören; Talalaev, Robert; Eerme, Martin; Majak, Jüri; Lend, Henri; Allikas, GeorgAdvances in applied materials and electronics engineering III2014 / p. 239-243 Selected aspects of current challenges in composite product development for automotive and aerospace industryCzichon, Steffen; Köhnke, Jessica; Preisler, Andreas; Herranen, HenrikComposite materials and structures in aerospace engineering2016 / p. 51-63 Simulation of solitary wave propagation in carbon fibre reinforced polymerLints, Martin; Salupere, Andrus; Dos Santos, SergeProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 297-303 : ill The influence of embedded electronics on the structural performance in carbon fiber laminatesHerranen, Henrik; Kers, Jaan; Preden, Jürgo-Sören; Talalaev, Robert; Eerme, Martin; Majak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Allikas, Georg; Pabut, Ott; Lend, HenriProceedings of the International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures : 18 to 20 June 20122012 / [2 p.]