- Assessment of the potential of reconstruction of historic buildingsLiiva, Elina; Rummo, Helena; Ambrozevits, Kateriin; Ojari, Andres; Kalamees, Targo; Lomp, Siim5th International Conference Forum Wood Building Baltic : 26-28 February 2024, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings2024 / p. 208-209 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/22318c67-e0ef-42f1-88c7-34c9d9677b17 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5668645*est
- New wooden architecture in historical slums in Tallinn : the concept of contextuality = Nowa architektura drewniana w historycznych slumsach Tallina : koncepcja kontekstowaHallas-Murula, KarinDrewno w architekturze = Wood in architecture. I2016 / p. 145-155 : phot