- Gone phishin' (but not to jail) [Online resource]Mäses, Sten; Kikerpill, KristjanProceedings of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Workshop 2017 : 8th of July 20172017 / p. 29-30 https://www.ttu.ee/public/k/kyberkriminalistika_ja_kyberjulgeoleku_keskus/crw2017_final.pdf
- Mixed methods research approach and experimental procedure for measuring human factors in cybersecurity using phishing simulationsMäses, Sten; Kikerpill, Kristjan; Jüristo, Kaspar; Maennel, Olaf ManuelAbstracts of Papers Presented at the 18th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies : ECRM 2019, Hosted By Wits Business School Johannesburg, South Africa 20-21 June, 20192019 / p. 30-31 https://www.academic-conferences.org/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2019/06/ECRM19-Booklet-2.pdf
- Mixed methods research approach and experimental procedure for measuring human factors in cybersecurity using phishing simulationsMäses, Sten; Kikerpill, Kristjan; Jüristo, Kaspar; Maennel, Olaf ManuelECRM 2019 - Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ; vol. 12019 / p. 218-226 http://toc.proceedings.com/49537webtoc.pdf