- Approximate solution of stochastic programs with probability functionalsLepp, RihoProceedings of the Conference on Operations Research OR98, 31 August-03 September 1998, Zürich1998 / p. 63-64 https://www.kybernetika.cz/content/1987/6/476/paper.pdf
- Approximate solution of stochastic programs with probability functionalsLepp, RihoAbstracts of Papers of 19th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization : 12-16 July 1999, Cambridge, England1999 / p. 31
- Approximation methods to stochastic programs with probability and quantile functionalsLepp, RihoOptimization Methods and Their Applications : proceedings of the 11th Baikal International School-Seminar, 5-12 July 1998, Irkutsk : plenary lectures1998 / p. 172-183
- Approximation of decision rules in probabilistic programmingLepp, RihoResearch in stochastic programming : [Vancouver, Canada, August 8-16, 1998]2001 / p. 82
- Approximation of extremum problems with chance constraintsLepp, RihoAbstracts of 4th GAMM/IFIP Workshop on Stochastic Optimization. Numerical Methods and Technical Applications2000 / p. 27
- Approximation of extremum problems with probability cost functionalsLepp, RihoStochastic programming methods and technical applications1997 / p. 170-186
- Approximation of quantile functionals under integrable decision rulesLepp, RihoTheses of the 18th IFIP Conference, System Modelling and Optimization, Detroit, 21-26 July 19971997 / p. 86
- Approximation of stochastic programming problems with probability and quantile functionalsLepp, RihoTheses of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Lausanne, 24-29 August 19971997 / p. 164
- Approximation of value-at-risk problems with decision rulesLepp, RihoProbabilistic constrained optimization : methodology and applications2000 / ? p
- Discrete approximation algorithm of overcoming the stock-exchange paradoxLepp, Riho; Kibzun, A.Abstracts of Conference on Stochastic Programming : Gainesville, Florida, 20002000 / p. 34
- Discrete approximation of Hammerstein integral equations with discontinuous kernelsLepp, RihoNumerical functional analysis and optimization1998 / 7/8, p. 835-848
- Discrete approximation of nonlinear controlLepp, RihoSelected papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (SOR96) , Braunschweig1997 / p. 468-473
- Discretization of regularized integral equations in L~Lepp, RihoJournal of inverse and ill-posed problems1997 / p. 353-362
- Extremum problems with probability functions : kernel-type solution methodsLepp, RihoEncyclopaedia of optimization2000 / ? p
- On approximation of stochastic programmingLepp, RihoAbstracts of 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming2000 / p. 89-90
- On the discrete approximation of probability functionalsLepp, RihoInternational Conference on Operations Research, Berlin, August 30-September 2, 1994 : program and abstracts1994 / p. 71
- О детерминистических эквивалентах задач квадратичного стохастического программированияLepp, RihoРеспубликанский симпозиум по методам решения нелинейных уравнений и задач оптимизации : Пярну, 5-10 июня 1978 года, тезисы докладов1978 / с. 49-50 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1272504*est