- A study on growth characteristics and nutrient consumption of Lactobacillus plantarum in A-stat cultureKask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Paalme, ToomasAntonie van Leeuwenhoek journal of microbiology1999 / p. 309-320
- Anticlostridial activity of Lactobacillus isolated from semi-hard cheesesChristiansen, P.; Petersen, M.H.; Kask, Signe; Moller, Peter L.; Petersen, M.; Nielsen, E.W.; Vogensen, Finn K.; Ardö, YlvaInternational dairy journal2005 / 6/9, p. 901-909
- Antimicrobial activity of genetically and physicologycally characterized Lactobacillus isolated from semi-hard cheesesChristiansen, P.; Moller, Peter L.; Kask, Signe; Adamberg, KaarelIDF Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterization and Technology : book of abstracts2004 / p. 34
- Applications of biotechnology in food engineeringPaalme, Toomas; Adamberg, Kaarel; Eha, Kairit; Friedenthal, Margus; Järvekülg, Lilian; Laos, Katrin; Kasemets, Kaja; Kann, Aino; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Sirendi, Meelis; Tauts, Olev; Tedersoo, Erge; Täht, Riina; Vokk, RaivoFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2002 / p. 16-30
- Characterisation of Lactobacillus paracasei and L. curvatus isolated from Estonia cheesesAdamberg, Kaarel; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Paalme, Toomas7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria - Genetics, Metabolism and Applications, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 1-5 September, 2002 : book of abstracts2002
- Fermentation of carbohydrates from cheese sources by non-starter lactic acid bacteria isolated from semi-hard Danish cheeseAdamberg, Kaarel; Antonsson, M.; Vogensen, Finn K.; Nielsen, E.W.; Kask, Signe; Moller, Peter L.; Ardö, YlvaInternational dairy journal2005 / 6/9, p. 873-882
- Fermentation of carbohydrates from cheese sources by non-starter lactic acid bacteria isolated from semi-hard Danish cheeseAdamberg, Kaarel; Antonsson, M.; Kask, SigneIDF Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterization and Technology : book of abstracts2004 / p. 33
- Identification and characterization of dairy-related LactobacillusKask, Signe2003 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1782591*est
- Influence of probiotics on gut microflora of healthy and salmonella infected chickenBielecka, M.; Orlowski, Andrzej; Kask, SigneAbstracts of the 8th Session of the Section of Young Scientists of Polish Food Technology "Food Safety" : 28-29 May, 2003, Guzowy Piec, Poland2003 / ? p
- Juustu juhusliku mikrofloora piimhappebakterite kasvu uurimine süsivesikutevaeses keskkonnasAdamberg, Kaarel; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Paalme, ToomasXXVIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 28th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2002 / lk. 17-18
- Metabolic peculiarities of lactic acid bacteria enabling their growth in cheeseAdamberg, Kaarel; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Paalme, ToomasProceedings & abstracts of the 18th International ICFMH Symposium "Food Micro 2002", Lillehammer, Norway, 18-23 August, 20022002 / p. 178
- A model of swiss-type cheese ripeningLaht, Tiiu-Maie; Kask, Signe; Adamberg, Kaarel; Tomson, Katrin; Paalme, Toomas; Vilu, RaivoIDF Symposium on Cheese : Ripening, Characterization and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, March 21–25, 2004 : book of abstracts2004 / p. 75 https://www.ukidf.org/documents/absbookmar04.pdf
- Physiological properties of Lactobacillus paracasei, L.danicus and L.curvatus strains isolated from Estonian semi-hard cheeseKask, Signe; Adamberg, Kaarel; Orlowski, Andrzej; Vogensen, Finn K.; Moller, Peter L.; Ardö, Ylva; Paalme, ToomasFood research international2003 / 9/10, p. 1037-1046 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0963996903001273
- Piimhappebakterid kui probiootikumid. Nende kasutamine tervislikes piimatoodetesLaht, Tiiu-Maie; Kask, SigneEMS 96 teaduskonverents, 6.-7. juuni 1996, Tallinn = EMS 96 Scientific Conference, 6-7 June 1996, Tallinn1996 / [1] p
- Potential energy sources for growth of mesophilic lactobacilli in cheeseLaht, Tiiu-Maie; Kask, Signe; Paalme, ToomasNIZO Dairy Conference on Food Microbes 2001 : from Knowledge to Application : 13-15 June 2001, The Netherland, Ede2001 / p. 22
- Response of broiler chickens on Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotic strainsOrlowski, Andrzej; Bielecka, Waria; Smoragiewicz, Wanda; Kask, Signe; Jankowski, JanJournal of animal feed sciences2005 / ? p
- Role of arginine in the development of secondary microflora in Swiss-type cheeseLaht, Tiiu-Maie; Kask, Signe; Elias, P.; Adamberg, Kaarel; Paalme, ToomasInternational dairy journal2002 / p. 831-840 : ill
- The effect of change of temperature and pH on the growth of lactic acid bacteria.pH auxostat. StudyAdamberg, Kaarel; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Paalme, ToomasProceedings & abstracts of the 18th International ICFMH Symposium "Food Micro 2002", Lillehammer, Norway, 18-23 August, 20022002 / p. 179
- The effect of change of temperature and pH on the growth of lactic acid bacteria.pH auxostat. StudyAdamberg, Kaarel; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Paalme, Toomas7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria - Genetics, Metabolism and Applications, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 1-5 September, 2002 : book of abstracts2002
- The effect of temperature and pH on the growth of lactic acid bacteria : a pH-auxostat studyAdamberg, Kaarel; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie; Paalme, ToomasInternational journal of food microbiology2003 / p. 171-183 : ill
- The rate and degree of proteolysis is determined by cheesemaking conditionsLaht, Tiiu-Maie; Kask, Signe; Vilu, Raivo; Pajoma, A.24th International Dairy Congress : Melbourne, Australia, 18th-22nd September 1994 : dairying in a new global environment. Vol. 1, Brief communications and abstracts of posters and invited papers1994 / p. 362
- Выращивание термофильных молочнокислых бактерий в ферментереKallaste, L.; Kask, Signe; Laht, Tiiu-Maie35 научная конференция студентов втузов Эстонии, Латвии, Литвы, Белоруссии и Молдовы : [Таллинн, 1991] : доклады. Секция химии и технологии пищевых продуктов. Секция биотехнологии1991 / с. 21-24: ил