- Additive effects on the solvent-mediated anhydrate/hydrate phase transformation in a mixed solventQu, Haiyan; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, JuhaCrystal growth & design2007 / 4, p. 724-729 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/cg060686s
- An insight into interparticple forces and filterability of potassium sulphate crystals precipitated with ethanol and acetone [Electronic resource]Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Llansana Arnalot, A.; Nyström, Lars; Kallas, JuhaECCE-6 proceedings : 6th European Congress on Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6) : Copenhagen, 16-21 September2007 / ? p. [CD-ROM] https://folk.ntnu.no/skoge/prost/proceedings/ecce6_sep07/upload/685.pdf
- Calcium carbonate precipitation : modelling of reaction kinetics in tubular reactorHautaniemi, Marjaana; Imppola, O.; Solismaa, P.; Kukkamäki, E.; Kallas, Juha; Louhi-Kultanen, MarjattaISIC 18 : 18th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization : 13-16 September 2011, Zurich, Switzerland : book of abstracts2011 / p. 41-42 : ill
- CFD modelling of solid-liquid suspension flow in a horizontal pipe [Elctronic resource]Yang, Guangyu; Enqvist, Yuko; Qu, Haiyan; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, Juha; Wang, J.ECCE-6 proceedings : 6th European Congress on Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6) : Copenhagen, 16-21 September2007 / ? p. [CD-ROM] https://folk.ntnu.no/skoge/prost/proceedings/ecce6_sep07/upload/1132.pdf
- CFD simulation of particle size distribution in suspension crystallizationSha, Zuo-Liang; Yang, Guang-Yu; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, JuhaACFD 2000 Beijing : International Conference on Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics : October 17-20, 2000, Beijing, China : selected papers2000 / p. 53-59 : ill
- Crystallization of glycine with ultrasoundLouhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Karjalainen, Milja; Rantanen, Jukka; Huhtanen, Mikko; Kallas, JuhaInternational journal of pharmaceutics2006 / 1/2, p. 23-29 : ill
- Determination of operating conditions for controlled batch cooling crystallizationYang, Guangyu; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Sha, Zuoliang; Kallas, JuhaChemical engineering and technology2006 / 2, p. 200-205 : ill https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/ceat.200500351
- Filter cake washing : partial dissolution of organic particles and real-time monitoring based on Raman spectroscopyLouhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Qu, Haiyan; Salmela, Nina; Kallas, Juha; Nyström, LarsSeparation, purification, technology2008 / p. 270-276 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383586607002961
- Filterability and ageing of crystalline potassium sulphate salted-out with ethanol and acetoneLouhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Llansana Arnalot, A.; Nyström, Lars; Kallas, JuhaFiltration2007 / 2, p. 159-167
- Flow patterns and slip velocities of crystals in a 100 liters suspension crystallizer equipped with two turbine impellersHatakka, M.; Liiri, Maret; Aittamaa, Juhani; Alopaeus, Ville; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, JuhaProceedings of 17th International Symposium of Industrial Crystallization : 665th Event of EFCE in combination of 8th Workshop of Crystal Growth of Organic Materials : ISIC 17 - CGOM 8 : Maastricht (The Netherlands), September 14-17. 32008 / p. 1851-1858 https://research.aalto.fi/en/publications/flow-patterns-and-slip-velocities-of-crystals-in-a-100-liters-sus
- Fouling of filter media : solubility of oxalate solutionsSalmimies, Riina; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Ekberg, Bjarne; Häkkinen, Antti; Kallas, Juha; Huhtanen, MikkoProceedings of the 10th World Filtration Congress : Leipzig, Germany, April 14-18. 12008 / p. I-81 - I-85
- Hospital wastewater treatment with pilot-scale pulsed corona discharge for removal of pharmaceutical residuesAjo, Petri; Preis, Sergei; Vornamo, Timo; Mänttäri, Mika; Kallioinen, Mari; Louhi-Kultanen, MarjattaJournal of environmental chemical engineering2018 / p. 1569-1577 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2018.02.007 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100255493 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85042104167&origin=inward&txGid=19aca546f5b5dc9dcbd64f3deaf30604 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=J%20ENVIRON%20CHEM%20ENG&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000436927400002
- Hydroxyl radical behavior in water treatment with gas-phase pulsed corona dischargeAjo, Petri2018 http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-335-213-1
- In-line image analysis on the effects of additives in batch cooling crystallizationQu, Haiyan; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, JuhaJournal of crystal growth2006 / 1, p. 286-294 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022024805014181
- In-line monitoring of reactive crystallization process based on ATR FTIR and Raman spectroscopyAlatalo, Hannu; Kohonen, Jarno; Qu, Haiyan; Hatakka, Henry; Reinikainen, Satu-Pia; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, Juha10th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics : 11-15 June, Lappeenranta, Finland2007 / ? p https://www.academia.edu/16648175/In_line_monitoring_of_reactive_crystallization_process_based_on_ATR_FTIR_and_Raman_spectroscopy
- In-line monitoring of reactive crystallization process based on ATR-FTIR and Raman spectroscopyAlatalo, Hannu; Kohonen, Jarno; Qu, Haiyan; Hatakka, Henry; Reinikainen, Satu-Pia; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, JuhaJournal of chemometrics2008 / 11/12, p. 644-652 : ill https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cem.1161
- A model for the prediction of supersaturation level in batch cooling crystallizationYang, Guangyu; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Sha, Zuoliang; Kubota, Noriaki; Kallas, JuhaJournal of chemical engineering of Japan2006 / p. 426-436 : ill https://research.aalto.fi/en/publications/a-model-for-the-prediction-of-supersaturation-level-in-batch-cool
- Multicomponent diffusion in purification by cristallizationLouhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, Juha; Partanen, Juha; Palosaari, SeppoProceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization : Cambridge, UK, September 12-16, 19991999 / [12] p
- RAMAN and ATR FTIR spectrometry in reactive crystallization : simultaneous monitoring of solute concentration and polymorphic state of crystalsQu, Haiyan; Alatalo, Hannu; Dai, Y.; Kohonen, Jarno; Hatakka, Henry; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Reinikainen, Satu-Pia; Kallas, JuhaProceedings of 17th International Symposium of Industrial Crystallization : 665th Event of EFCE in combination of 8th Workshop of Crystal Growth of Organic Materials : ISIC 17 - CGOM 8 : Maastricht (The Netherlands), September 14-17. 22008 / p. 753-760
- Raman and ATR FTIR spectroscopy in reactive crystallization : simultaneous monitoring of solute concentration and polymorphic state of the crystalsQu, Haiyan; Alatalo, Hannu; Hatakka, Henry; Kohonen, Jarno; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Reinikainen, Satu-Pia; Kallas, JuhaJournal of crystal growth2009 / 13, p. 3466-3475 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022024809004527
- Raman spectroscopy in API processing : pre-processing of Raman spectra and in-line monitoring of batch crystallizationQu, Haiyan; Kohonen, Jarno; Reinikainen, Satu-Pia; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, Juha10th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics : 11-15 June, Lappeenranta, Finland2007 / ? p
- Simultaneous monitoring of crystal and mother liquor phases during batch crystallization using in-line Raman spectroscopyQu, Haiyan; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, Juha6th European Congress on Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6) : 16-21 September, Copenhagen2007 / ? p https://folk.ntnu.no/skoge/prost/proceedings/ecce6_sep07/cdrom/abstract/878/index.html
- Spectroscopic monitoring of carbamazepine crystallization and phase transformation in ethanol-water solutionQu, Haiyan; Kohonen, Jarno; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Reinikainen, Satu-Pia; Kallas, JuhaIndustrial & engineering chemistry2008 / p. 6991-6998
- Stability and transformation kinetics of an anhydrite/hydrate system of mixed solventsQu, Haiyan; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, JuhaBIWIC2 2006 : 13th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization : September 13-15, 20062006 / p. 185-192
- Verification of multi-phase flow model and identification of sliding grid technologies for CFD simulation in stirred tankSha, Zuo-Liang; Yang, Guang-Yu; Louhi-Kultanen, Marjatta; Kallas, JuhaACFD 2000 Beijing : International Conference on Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics : October 17-20, 2000, Beijing, China : selected papers2000 / p. 118-124 : ill