- Developing entrepreneurship competence in academia : emerging needs in Estonia, Finland, Italy, Poland, and PortugalRiviezzo, Angelo; Venesaar, Urve; Duarte, Henrique; Civil, Taina; Antonelli, Gilda; Dorozynski, TomaszThe impact of HEIs on regional development : facts and practices of collaborative work with SMEs2023 / p. 144-161 https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-6701-5.ch009
- Entrepreneurship competence among students and employees: a comparative study in five European countriesVenesaar, Urve; Antonelli, Gilda; Dorożyński, Tomasz; Duarte, Henrique; Kallaste, Marianne; Riviezzo, Angelo; Räisänen, Milla; Santos, Susana C.Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 20232022 / p. 120-144 https://doi.org/10.4337/9781803926193.00015
- Find your limits and break them! Nurturing students’ entrepreneurship competence through innovative teaching methods and self-assessmentAntonelli, Gilda; Venesaar, Urve; Riviezzo, Angelo; Kallaste, Marianne; Dorozynski, TomaszJournal of enterprising communities2024 / p. 29-48 https://doi.org/10.1108/JEC-10-2022-0148
- A self-assessment of employees’ entrepreneurship competence : a cross-country analysisPagnozzi, Filomena; Venesaar, Urve; Antonelli, Gilda; Nokelainen, Petri; Riviezzo, AngeloThe impact of HEIs on regional development : facts and practices of collaborative work with SMEs2023 / p. 17-32 https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-6701-5.ch002